Sample project to connect to AT&T M2X from the STM32 Nucleo + MTS Cellular SocketModem shield

Dependencies:   M2XStreamClient jsonlite mbed

Fork of MTSAS_Cellular_Connect_Example_F411 by ST Americas mbed Team


RevisionDateWhoCommit message
17:d9fb4ea14d2b 2014-09-25 joe_tijerina Changed the test_sensor input and pwm out signals and updated the M2X post logic. default tip
16:3458e36115a9 2014-09-24 joe_tijerina Updated M2XStreamClient library
15:a7512648f111 2014-09-19 joe_tijerina Commit project
14:025cccfe4215 2014-09-18 SeanNewton Initial Rev using T-Mobile Data SIM
13:699045e9cce9 2014-08-13 Vanger Reordered radio configureSignals() after checking radio pointer init.
12:23c052e020a9 2014-08-12 Vanger Code review 2 fixes
11:7e11c3f99b51 2014-08-07 Vanger Deleted socketmodem under configuration comment line.
10:2e6637cca9d7 2014-08-07 Vanger Missed spelling issue "te" to "the"
9:0ed53023033b 2014-08-07 Vanger Spelling errors, comment wording, and added check for failed radio initialization
8:95c226a1dca7 2014-08-05 Vanger Added setTransport(radio), and added a comment
7:3e937d898953 2014-07-28 Vanger Added NONE for setLogLevel as a choice
6:9c490265dd91 2014-07-28 Vanger Forgot to add NONE level for setLogLevel
5:46e66c649006 2014-07-28 mfiore few readability and consistency tweaks
4:8b02a6b67f4d 2014-07-28 Vanger Added Log Level to debug and follow the program thread
3:f22ad66e049e 2014-07-28 Vanger Added APN value set to APN log print, DNS name for ping as ""; Removed \n from log lines.;
2:99606ba5d1bf 2014-07-25 Vanger Changed output messages from printf to log
1:4c54ec0a3a20 2014-07-24 Vanger Added for loops to ensure each step succeeds. Also added success indication for each step with a message output.
0:47bc9ce390cc 2014-07-24 Vanger Tests device connectivity with a simple ping command after connecting to the cell network, then it disconnects.