
Dependencies:   TMP006_lib mbed

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Mon Sep 28 09:32:33 2015 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+#include "mbed.h"
+#include "TMP006.h"
+#define Address 0x80 
+// for dust sensor
+DigitalOut myled(LED1);
+DigitalOut ledPower(D8);
+AnalogIn analog_value(p15);
+int samplingTime = 280;//280 microseconds
+int deltaTime = 40;//40 us to give total pulse width of 0.32ms
+int sleepTime = 9680;//LED off for 9680 us to take 1 measurement per second
+float dustDensityCN = 0,dustDensitySharp = 0, voMeasured=0, voCalc=0;
+// end dust sensor
+TMP006 sensor(p9, p10, Address); 
+int main()
+  while(1) {
+    //printf("ObjTemp: %f \r \n", sensor.readObjTempC(Address));
+    //printf("RawDieTem: %f \r \n", sensor.readRawDieTemperature(Address));
+    printf("DieTemp: %f \r \n", sensor.readDieTempC(Address));
+    // dust sensor stuff starts from here
+    myled = !myled;
+    ledPower=0; // power on the LED. Pull-down to activate
+    wait_us(samplingTime);
+    voMeasured = analog_value.read(); // Converts and read the analog input value  
+    wait_us(deltaTime);
+    ledPower=1; // turn the LED off. Pull up to turn off
+    wait_us(sleepTime);
+    voCalc = voMeasured*5.0;//Map 0:1 measured range to 0:3.3V
+  // Original equation taken from Sharp data sheet measured in mg/m3
+  // Sharp don't give you a best fit line, so you have to guess
+    dustDensitySharp = 0.5/2.8 * (float(voCalc) - 0.7);
+  // Eqaution calibrated by Chris Nafis (c) 2012
+  // see http://www.howmuchsnow.com/arduino/airquality/
+  // measured in parts per 0.01 cf
+  // [I did not get meaningful values on my sensor with Chris' formula
+  // For me the Sharp graph works just fine. So make your own tests]
+     //dustDensityCN = (float(voCalc) - 0.0356)*1.2;
+    printf("Measurment value: %1.3f", voMeasured);
+    printf("Voltage calculated: %1.3f", voCalc);
+    printf("Dust Density [mg/m3]: %f", dustDensitySharp);
+     // printf(" - C. Nafis' Dust Density [pp.01cf](x10^4): %f\n", dustDensityCN,"\n");
+    wait(1.0);
+  }
\ No newline at end of file