Impedance Fast Circuitry Software

Dependencies:   mbed-dsp mbed

Fork of Impedance_Fast_Circuitry by Jared Baxter


RevisionDateWhoCommit message
86:850351993d88 2018-06-22 baxterja Added time stamping, Also added capabilities to print complex voltage and current instead of Magnitude and phase if desired. default tip
85:f1be018aacac 2018-04-25 baxterja Made it so that to change frequencies we only need to change the probe number.
84:5b4466dd2326 2018-02-21 baxterja Pre_mavrik Version
83:0d068da1c6b7 2017-08-30 baxterja Not working
82:f6fbbb8a2139 2017-08-30 baxterja probably 190hz and 10kHz, however I don't have a way to confirm right now.
81:30d699e951a8 2017-08-30 baxterja I added a check for inf and nan before the print statement.
80:7a4856c596fc 2017-08-03 baxterja Working with 200Hz and 1KHz. About to change it to 190Hz
79:5f24cfd685d8 2017-06-20 baxterja Working Code that prints out probe number when it receives serial data.
78:10b2916b8f5c 2017-06-06 baxterja Working Simultaneous excitation of multiple frequencies.
77:1ee17a9e9f8b 2017-06-05 baxterja Fixed printing problem. Made it so it so that ADC 0 only reads one pin & doesn't flip flop.
76:704fc58ffcd0 2017-06-04 baxterja Everything working well including printing. I'm about to change it so we only have one voltage and one current measurment.
75:8bb94685c80b 2017-06-02 baxterja Added better demodulation options
74:ebc9f09fda11 2017-06-01 baxterja Working after updating mbed.bld
73:b059b5bdc664 2017-05-31 baxterja Everything is working great. I just need to add multithreading for the print statment.
72:0b554f5026b9 2017-05-18 baxterja ADC0 is now swapping between a0 and a1. Everything else is working great also.
71:973fac37c5b3 2017-05-18 baxterja Dr. Mazzeo's code saving output to a print_buffer
70:8cd7a8a2c153 2017-05-17 baxterja This is mostly working, however I get 4 samples repeated for each actual sample.
69:014d4bbd4e03 2017-05-17 baxterja This is the still working code before I change it so that the adc channel swaps every other sample.
68:e5031c18fefb 2017-05-05 bmazzeo 200 kHz real-time processing of analog data
67:ec0c58490ce6 2016-02-26 bmazzeo float conversion passthrough
66:72c5c24e532c 2016-02-26 bmazzeo DSP passthrough and switching to allow alternate DSP processes and dialog
65:f022535bed5d 2016-02-23 bmazzeo 200 kHz passthrough with double DMA buffers working.
64:bb4a4bd57681 2016-02-23 bmazzeo Apparently working.
63:7903a33e2fd4 2016-02-23 bmazzeo Double length buffers appear to work now.
62:51f722ef9cb1 2016-02-22 bmazzeo DAC first then ADC with minor loop linking
61:a56cca07d4a6 2016-02-22 bmazzeo Minor loop linking with outputs.
60:873a6d60c5d5 2016-02-22 bmazzeo This is still the old method - with minor loop enabled, but still directly triggered by ADC clocking.
59:1cfd9d9fb99d 2016-02-22 bmazzeo Works with chained DMA - but ADC and DAC DMA triggered directly.
58:4bee89daccff 2016-02-19 bmazzeo Definitely working at 100 kHz sampling - however, because of the DMA, there are some artifacts at the time of the sampling because the DMA is not instantaneous.
57:7b8c49e1c1f6 2016-02-18 bmazzeo with total loop sampling status
56:7e08cbc3a4f1 2016-02-18 bmazzeo DMA ADC and DAC working;
55:2526b3317bc8 2016-02-17 bmazzeo This correctly implements the static creation of a buffer for processing.
54:1697dc574b96 2016-02-16 bmazzeo Using continuous conversion - before changing to clocked sampling
53:83a90a47c1fd 2016-02-09 bmazzeo ADC initialization and calibration up and running.
52:5a40cc58c4c2 2015-01-31 timmey9 Made minor cosmetic and comment changes.
51:43143a3fc2d7 2015-01-31 timmey9 Cleaned up the code a little bit.
50:33524a27e08c 2015-01-31 timmey9 Continuous sampling started by the PCB is working. It is successfully triggering ADC0, ADC1, and the DMA is doing its job for the ADCs and FTM quad decoder.
49:4dcf4717a8bb 2015-01-31 timmey9 Not working for some reason. I'm gonna revert to Revision 48.
48:29f14bc30ba6 2015-01-31 timmey9 Works if you don't do single sample first.
47:54fafe151669 2015-01-31 timmey9 Quad decoder works and a self test is built in. ADC one shot and continuous now working. DMA still working. Need to fix PDB.
46:a015ebf4663b 2015-01-31 timmey9 DMA is reading from FTM2_CNT. Still need to get PDB triggering the DMAs.
45:d591d138cdeb 2015-01-31 timmey9 Quadrature decoder is working.
44:41c262caf898 2015-01-30 timmey9 This is before I made changes for posting it online.
43:c593a8b9688f 2015-01-30 timmey9 Added PIT3 timer for transfering from PortC to DMA2. PIT3 may be triggering the ADCs as well.
42:52a92a8d2cc7 2015-01-30 timmey9 Works for ADC0_SE13 and ADC1_SE14 with their respective DMAs. Try reading port C directly into the DMA.
41:3e0623d81b9a 2015-01-30 timmey9 Added DMA class. Made changes to ADC. This code still needs to be tested.
40:bd6d8c35e822 2015-01-30 timmey9 ADC and DMA working. Start and stop of ADC/DMA is also working.
39:82dc3daecf32 2015-01-29 timmey9 Cleaned up the code. PDB still won't work.
38:ec3b16c130d7 2015-01-28 timmey9 Added lots of extra code, but the PDB still isn't working. For this commit, I set the ADC so it works from a SW trigger in "timed_sampling". The ADC and DMA are both working as of this commit.
37:8bdc71f3e874 2015-01-27 timmey9 Starting to add PDB to trigger ADC. Using the mbed library, but about to switch to mbed-src.
36:07d8a3143967 2015-01-25 timmey9 DMA0 and DMA1 are working.
35:df40c4566826 2015-01-25 timmey9 DMA is working, but it is still using an interrupt for the ADC conversions.
34:44cc9b76a507 2015-01-25 timmey9 Analog reading works. Trying to add DMA capabilities.
33:9806eb964362 2015-01-09 timmey9 cases 1,2,3 altered to test reset of motors
32:bf1e079a2ee3 2015-01-08 timmey9 1: releases mallet, samples, and resets using hardcoded time delays; 2: releases mallet, samples when angle reaches 150, resets using hardcoded time delays
31:09e7a8b3c7e7 2014-12-19 timmey9 What we used for the final presentation.
30:6a4ef939a93e 2014-12-11 timmey9 This is what was working before I started changing it the morning of the presentation.
29:e6309316c35d 2014-12-09 timmey9 Uses 'for' loop for sampling. Sampling looks great and works upto 32000 samples. Still needs motor control.
28:4a833d59897b 2014-12-07 timmey9 Sampling w/o an interrupt and ethernet are working together. This is what I did on the saturday in the lab.
27:8c2b30c855d1 2014-12-05 timmey9 Moved ethernet initialization to beginning of program. The program now compiles.