XBee API operation library for mbed

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Data Structures

Data Structures

Here are the data structures with brief descriptions:
AddressXBee address class for both S1 and S2 hardware
APIFrameAn API frame is the structured data sent and received through the serial interface of the radio module when it is configured in API or API escaped operating modes. API frames are used to communicate with the module or with other modules in the network
BufferedArrayRepresent a generic, dynamic-length raw binary data buffer
CoreAPIThe core API class which responseable for processing frame data, but not the serial operation
ExplicitAddressZigBeee address class for S2 hardware
IOSamplesA collection of digital and analog samples reported by XBee module
ISerialSerial data interface
PinBase class for XBee module pin configuration
SerialDataThe detailed implementation of ISerial, which is responsible for sending and receiving seial data
XBeeAPIXBee API library entry poiont
XBeePinsPin configuration information for XBee S1 modules
ZigBeePinsPin configuration information for XBee S2 modules