It is only writing and initialization.

Dependents:   ov7670_dma_nucleo_f4 NUCLEO-F446RE_testDCMI



File content as of revision 0:754d49cac336:

#include "mbed.h"

class ov7670_sccb
DigitalOut SDA;
DigitalOut SCL;
   ov7670_sccb(PinName _SDA,PinName _SCL);

void I2cstart(void);
void I2cstop(void);
void I2cout(unsigned char datar);
void c(unsigned char adrs,unsigned char datak);
void cam_init();


#define REG_COM1        0x04    /* Control 1 */
#define REG_COM6        0x0f    /* Control 6 */
#define REG_AECH        0x10    /* More bits of AEC value */
#define REG_CLKRC       0x11    /* Clocl control */
#define CLK_EXT         0x40    /* Use external clock directly */
#define CLK_SCALE       0x3f    /* Mask for internal clock scale */
#define REG_COM7        0x12    /* Control 7 */
#define COM7_RESET      0x80    /* Register reset */
#define COM7_FMT_MASK   0x38
#define COM7_FMT_VGA    0x00
#define COM7_FMT_CIF    0x20    /* CIF format */
#define COM7_FMT_QVGA   0x10    /* QVGA format */
#define COM7_FMT_QCIF   0x08    /* QCIF format */
#define COM7_RGB        0x04    /* bits 0 and 2 - RGB format */
#define COM7_YUV        0x00    /* YUV */
#define COM7_BAYER      0x01    /* Bayer format */
#define COM7_PBAYER     0x05    /* "Processed bayer" */
#define REG_COM8        0x13    /* Control 8 */
#define REG_COM9        0x14    /* Control 9  - gain ceiling */
#define REG_TSLB        0x3a    /* lots of stuff */
#define REG_COM15       0x40    /* Control 15 */
#define COM15_R10F0     0x00    /* Data range 10 to F0 */
#define COM15_R01FE     0x80    /*            01 to FE */
#define COM15_R00FF     0xc0    /*            00 to FF */
#define COM15_RGB565    0x10    /* RGB565 output */
#define COM15_RGB555    0x30    /* RGB555 output */
#define REG_COM16       0x41    /* Control 16 */
#define COM16_AWBGAIN   0x08    /* AWB gain enable */
#define REG_COM17       0x42    /* Control 17 */
#define COM17_AECWIN    0xc0    /* AEC window - must match COM4 */
#define COM17_CBAR      0x08    /* DSP Color bar */
#define REG_CMATRIX_BASE 0x4f
#define CMATRIX_LEN 6
#define REG_CMATRIX_SIGN 0x58
#define REG_BRIGHT      0x55    /* Brightness */
#define REG_CONTRAS     0x56    /* Contrast control */

#define REG_GFIX        0x69    /* Fix gain control */

#define REG_REG76       0x76    /* OV's name */
#define R76_BLKPCOR     0x80    /* Black pixel correction enable */
#define R76_WHTPCOR     0x40    /* White pixel correction enable */

#define REG_RGB444      0x8c    /* RGB 444 control */
#define R444_ENABLE     0x02    /* Turn on RGB444, overrides 5x5 */
#define R444_RGBX       0x01    /* Empty nibble at end */

#define REG_HAECC1      0x9f    /* Hist AEC/AGC control 1 */
#define REG_HAECC2      0xa0    /* Hist AEC/AGC control 2 */

#define REG_BD50MAX     0xa5    /* 50hz banding step limit */
#define REG_HAECC3      0xa6    /* Hist AEC/AGC control 3 */
#define REG_HAECC4      0xa7    /* Hist AEC/AGC control 4 */
#define REG_HAECC5      0xa8    /* Hist AEC/AGC control 5 */
#define REG_HAECC6      0xa9    /* Hist AEC/AGC control 6 */
#define REG_HAECC7      0xaa    /* Hist AEC/AGC control 7 */
#define REG_BD60MAX     0xab    /* 60hz banding step limit */