Bluetooth JPEG camera library with test program build over the the original library for LS-Y201 LinkSprite JPEG Camera

Dependents:   JPEGCameraTest JPEGCamera_SIM808_STM32F401RE JPEGCamera_SIM808_MPU9150_STM32F401RE

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00001 /* Arduino JPEGCamera Library
00002  * Copyright 2010 SparkFun Electronics
00003  * Written by Ryan Owens
00004  * Modified by arms22
00005  * Ported to mbed by yamaguch
00006  * Modified by thesane
00007  */
00009 #ifndef JPEG_CAMERA_H
00010 #define JPEG_CAMERA_H
00012 #include "mbed.h"
00014 /**
00015  * Interface for LinkSprite JPEG Camera module LS-Y201
00016  */
00017 class JPEGCamera : public Serial {
00018 public:
00019     /***/
00020     enum PictureSize {
00021         SIZE160x120 = 0x22,
00022         SIZE320x240 = 0x11,
00023         SIZE640x480 = 0x00,
00024     };
00026     /**
00027      * Create JPEG Camera
00028      *
00029      * @param tx tx pin
00030      * @param rx rx pin
00031      */
00032     JPEGCamera(PinName tx, PinName rx);
00034     /**
00035      * Set picture size
00036      *
00037      * @param size picture size (available sizes are SIZE160x120, SIZE320x240, SIZE640x480)
00038      * @param doReset flag to perform reset operation after changing size
00039      *
00040      * @returns true if succeeded, false otherwise
00041      */
00042     bool setPictureSize(JPEGCamera::PictureSize size, bool doReset = true);
00044     /**
00045      * Return whether camera is ready or not
00046      *
00047      * @returns true if ready, false otherwise
00048      */
00049     bool isReady();
00051     /**
00052      * Return whether camera is processing the taken picture or not
00053      *
00054      * @returns true if the camera is in processing, false otherwise
00055      */
00056     bool isProcessing();
00058     /**
00059      * Take a picture
00060      *
00061      * @param filename filename to store the picture data
00062      * @returns true if succeeded, false otherwise
00063      */
00064     bool takePicture();
00065     /**
00066      * Process picture (writing the file)
00067      *
00068      * @param address of serial port used to transmit the image
00069      * @returns true if no error in processing, false otherwise
00070      */
00071     bool processPicture(Serial &control);
00073     /**
00074      * Perform reset oepration (it takes 4 seconds)
00075      *
00076      * @returns true if succeeded, false otherwise
00077      */
00078     bool reset();
00080     /**
00081      * Send a picture command to the camera module
00082      *
00083      *  @returns true if succeeded, false otherwise
00084      */
00085     bool takePicture_int(void);
00087     /**
00088      * Send a stop pictures command to the camera module
00089      *
00090      *  @returns true if succeeded, false otherwise
00091      */
00092     bool stopPictures(void);
00094     /**
00095      * Get the picture image size
00096      *
00097      * @returns the actual image size in bytes
00098      */
00099     int getImageSize();
00101     /**
00102      * Read the picture data to the buffer
00103      *
00104      * @param dataBuf data buffer address to store the received data
00105      * @param size data size to read
00106      * @param address the address of the picture data to read
00107      *
00108      * @returns the size of the data read
00109      */
00110     int readData(char *dataBuf, int size, int address);
00112 //private:
00113     Timer timer;
00114     FILE *fp;
00115     int imageSize;
00116     int address;
00117     enum State {UNKNOWN, READY, PROCESSING, ERROR = -1} state;
00119     int sendReceive(char *buf, int sendSize, int receiveSize);
00120     int receive(char *buf, int size, int timeout);
00121 };
00123 #endif