A multifunctional and modular Firmware for Multitech's mDot based on ARM mBed provides a widerange of functionality for several Sensors such as MAX44009, BME280, MPU9250, SI1143 and uBlox. It allows you to quickly build a Sensornode that measures specific data with its sensors and sends it via LoRaWAN.

Dependencies:   mDot_LoRa_Sensornode_Flowmeter_impl mbed-rtos mbed

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00001 /**
00002  * @file TaskDatahandler.h
00003  *
00004  * @author Adrian
00005  * @date 27.05.2016
00006  *
00007  */
00009 #ifndef TASKDATAHANDLER_H_
00010 #define TASKDATAHANDLER_H_
00012 #include <Thread.h>
00013 #include <Queue.h>
00014 #include <Mutex.h>
00015 #include "LoRa.h "
00016 #include "MAX44009Message.h "
00017 #include "BME280TemperatureMessage.h "
00018 #include "BME280PressureMessage.h "
00019 #include "BME280HumidityMessage.h "
00020 #include "CommandMessage.h "
00021 #include "FlowMeterMessage.h"
00022 #include "main.h"
00024 /**
00025  * @class TaskGyroscope
00026  * @brief This TaskGyroscope Class handles all the acquired data from other Tasks
00027  * that measure data using the different sensors of Sensbert.
00028  * Starting the task using the start() starts the handling of the Data. The Task looks
00029  * for queues that contains data and forwards the data from the queues via LoRa.
00030  * The Task Class basically wraps mbeds Thread functionality.
00031  */
00032 class TaskDatahandler {
00033 public:
00034     TaskDatahandler(LoRa*,Mutex*,QueueBundle,
00035             osPriority, uint32_t, unsigned char*);
00036     virtual ~TaskDatahandler();
00039     /**
00040      * @brief Starts the task by building it and connecting a callback function to
00041      * the mbed::Thread
00042      * @return
00043      */
00044     osStatus start();
00046     /**
00047      * @brief Stops the task. Should only be used after start() was used
00048      * @return
00049      */
00050     osStatus stop();
00053     /**
00054      * @brief Gets the actual state of the Task either RUNNING or SLEEPING
00055      * @return
00056      */
00057     TASK_STATE getState();
00060     /**
00061      * @brief Set a serial interface thats used for debugging the datastream which
00062      * will be sent via LoRa and to show data handling relevant information
00063      * @param debugSerial the Serial interface used to show information
00064      */
00065     void setDebugSerial(RawSerial* debugSerial);
00067     /**
00068      * @brief Sets the LoRa interface thats used to forward acquired data form other
00069      * Tasks.
00070      * @param lora the lora interface that should be used to forward data via LoRa
00071      */
00072     void setLoRa(LoRa* lora);
00074 private:
00075     Thread* thread;
00076     QueueBundle queueBundle;
00077     RawSerial* debugSerial;
00078     LoRa* lora;
00079     Mutex* mutexLora;
00081     osPriority priority;
00082     uint32_t stack_size;
00083     unsigned char *stack_pointer;
00085     TASK_STATE state;
00087     osEvent lightMeasureEvent;
00088     osEvent temperatureMeasureEvent;
00089     osEvent pressureMeasureEvent;
00090     osEvent humidityMeasureEvent;
00091     osEvent accelerationMeasureEvent;
00092     osEvent gyroscopeMeasureEvent;
00093     osEvent teslaMeasureEvent;
00094     osEvent proximityMeasureEvent;
00095     osEvent gpsMeasureEvent;
00096     osEvent flowMeasureEvent;
00097     osEvent loraMeasureEvent;
00100     /**
00101      * @brief A Callback function thats called by the mbed::Thread of this TaskClass
00102      * @param
00103      */
00104     static void callBack(void const *);
00106     /**
00107      * @brief Attaches the idle_hook for this task
00108      * @param
00109      */
00110     void attachIdleHook(void (*fptr) (void));
00112     /**
00113      * @brief A method thats handling the data which was acquired and stored into
00114      * Message Queues
00115      */
00116     void handleData();
00118     /**
00119      * @brief Checks all queues for available data and gets it.
00120      */
00121     void getMessagesFromSensorQueues();
00123     /**
00124      * @brief Forwards all data which was in a Message Queue and
00125      * via LoRa
00126      */
00127     void forwardSensorMessages();
00130     /**
00131      * @brief Sets the mutex for accessing and using the LoRa interface
00132      * @param mutexLoRa
00133      */
00134     void setMutex(Mutex* mutexLoRa);
00136     /**
00137      * @brief Sets the bundle that holds all other queues that can store
00138      * measured sensor data
00139      * @param queueBundle bundle that holds all the other queues
00140      */
00141     void setQueueBundle(QueueBundle queueBundle);
00143     /**
00144      * @brief Sets the priority of the Task
00145      * @param priority priority of the Task
00146      */
00147     void setPriority(osPriority priority);
00149     /**
00150      * @brief Sets the size of the Task
00151      * @param stackSize the stack size in Bytes
00152      */
00153     void setStackSize(uint32_t stackSize);
00155     /**
00156      * @brief Sets the stack pointer of for the task stack
00157      * @param stackPointer
00158      */
00159     void setStackPointer(unsigned char* stackPointer);
00161     /**
00162      * @brief Sets the actual state of the Task.
00163      * @param taskState either RUNNING or SLEEPING
00164      */
00165     void setState(TASK_STATE taskState);
00167 };
00169 #endif /* TASKDATAHANDLER_H_ */