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00002 #include "blobConfig.h"
00004 blobConfig::blobConfig(): numBlobs(0) {
00005     //blobArray.clear();// there is no need to do this, the vector does not contains anything here.
00006 }
00008 blobConfig::~blobConfig() {
00009     clearConfig();
00010 }
00012 // =========================================== STANDARD CONFIGURATIONS =============================================================================
00016 void blobConfig::clearConfig() {
00017     for (int i=0; i<blobArray.size(); i++) delete blobArray[i]; // we must delete the pointer created with new, so the memory for the object is liberated (calls its destructor)
00018     blobArray.clear();
00019     numBlobs=0;// this is just equal to blobArray.size()
00020 }
00022 void blobConfig::initConfig(configType cfType,  int numblobs) {
00023     myConfigType=cfType;
00024     int i;
00025     switch(myConfigType) {
00026         case ONE_ELASTIC_FOLLOWING:
00027             // computeBoundingBox();
00028             clearConfig();
00029             addOneElasticContourFollowing();
00030         break;
00031         case ONE_ELASTIC_MOUTH:
00032             // computeBoundingBox();
00033             clearConfig();
00034             addOneElasticLoopContractCentral();
00035         break;
00036         case ONE_ELASTIC_MOUTH_SMALL:
00037             // computeBoundingBox();
00038             clearConfig();
00039             addOneElasticLoopContractCentralFast();
00040         break;
00041         case BOUNCING_SPOTS:
00042             // computeBoundingBox();
00043            clearConfig();
00044            for (i=0; i<numblobs ; i++) addOneRigidLoopBouncing();
00045            randomizeAllColors();
00046         break;
00047         case LORENTZ_SPOTS:
00048          // computeBoundingBox();
00049             clearConfig();
00050             for (i=0; i<numblobs ; i++) addOneRigidLoopLorentz();
00051             randomizeAllColors();
00052         break;
00053         case FOLLOWING_SPOTS:
00054          // computeBoundingBox();
00055             clearConfig();
00056             for (i=0; i<numblobs ; i++) {
00057                 addOneRigidLoopFollowing(vector2Df(CENTER_AD_MIRROR_X+i*200, CENTER_AD_MIRROR_Y+i*200), vector2Df(11,0));
00058                 }
00059             // randomize colors:
00060             randomizeAllColors();
00061         break;
00062         case ONE_TRACKING_SPOT:
00063            clearConfig();
00064            addOneRigidTrackingSpot();
00065         break;
00066          case ONE_TRACKING_SPOT_DOT:
00067            clearConfig();
00068            addOneRigidTrackingSpotDot();
00069         break;
00070         case AIR_HOCKEY_GAME: 
00071             // computeBoundingBox();
00072             clearConfig();
00073             for (i=0; i<numblobs ; i++) addOneRigidLoopAirHockey();
00074         break;
00075         case CIRCULAR_PONG_GAME:
00076             // computeBoundingBox();
00077             clearConfig();
00078             // (1) One SPOT_TRACK to track the background. It will be the number 0 in the config. 
00079             addOneRigidTrackingSpotDot();
00080             // (2) Add bouncing spots:
00081             for (i=0; i<numblobs ; i++) {
00082                 float anglaux=1.0*i/numblobs*2*PI;
00083                 addOneRigidLoopBouncing(vector2Df(CENTER_AD_MIRROR_X+200*cos(anglaux), CENTER_AD_MIRROR_Y+200*sin(anglaux)), 
00084                                         vector2Df(5*cos(anglaux),sin(anglaux))*10);
00085             }
00086         break;
00087         case VERTICAL_PINBALL_GAME:
00088          clearConfig();
00089          // (1) one (or two) SPOT_TRACK or SPOT_TRACK_DOT to track the background - It will be the number 0 (and 1) in the config. 
00090           addOneRigidTrackingSpotDot(vector2Df(CENTER_AD_MIRROR_X, CENTER_AD_MIRROR_Y+600), 
00091                                      vector2Df(0,0));
00092          // addOneRigidTrackingSpot(vector2Df(CENTER_AD_MIRROR_X, CENTER_AD_MIRROR_Y+600), 
00093           //                           vector2Df(0,0));
00094          // (2) one or more bouncing spots with gravity:
00095          for (i=0; i<numblobs ; i++) {
00096             addOneRigidLoopBouncingGravity(vector2Df(CENTER_AD_MIRROR_X, CENTER_AD_MIRROR_Y-600), 
00097                                            vector2Df(i*10-5,0));   
00098          }                   
00100         break; 
00101         case RAIN_MODE:
00102         clearConfig();
00103          // Add bouncing spot with gravity:
00104           for (i=0; i<numblobs ; i++) {
00105           addOneRigidLoopBouncingGravity(vector2Df(CENTER_AD_MIRROR_X, 10), vector2Df(0,0));   
00106          }       
00107           randomizeAllColors();
00108         break;
00109         case FISH_NET_GAME:
00110         clearConfig();
00111          // (1) one SPOT_TRACK_DOT to track the background - It will be the number 0  
00112           addOneRigidTrackingSpotDot(vector2Df(CENTER_AD_MIRROR_X, CENTER_AD_MIRROR_Y),  // CENTERED
00113                                      vector2Df(0,0));
00114         // (2) Add bouncing spots without gravity:
00115             for (i=0; i<numblobs ; i++) {
00116                 float anglaux=1.0*i/numblobs*2*PI;
00117                 addOneRigidLoopBouncing(vector2Df(CENTER_AD_MIRROR_X+400*cos(anglaux), CENTER_AD_MIRROR_Y+400*sin(anglaux)), 
00118                                         vector2Df(cos(anglaux),sin(anglaux))*10);
00119             }                      
00120         break;
00121         case PAC_MAN_GAME:
00122             clearConfig();
00123             //(1) add one very slowly slidind-bouncing spot, the PACMAN (number 0 in the config):
00124            // addOneRigidLoopPacman(vector2Df(CENTER_AD_MIRROR_X, CENTER_AD_MIRROR_Y), vector2Df(20,0));
00126            // note: the pacman behaviour is not so good... for the time being, let's just use a following spot:
00127             addOneRigidLoopFollowing(vector2Df(CENTER_AD_MIRROR_X, CENTER_AD_MIRROR_Y), vector2Df(10,0));
00128             // set the color to red+green:
00129             blobArray.back()->setColor(0x06);
00132             // (2) Add some initial SPOT_FOLLOWING or SPOT_GHOST spots (the ghosts):
00133             addOneRigidLoopGhost(vector2Df(CENTER_AD_MIRROR_X+500, CENTER_AD_MIRROR_Y-500), vector2Df(-5,0));
00134             addOneRigidLoopGhost(vector2Df(CENTER_AD_MIRROR_X-500, CENTER_AD_MIRROR_Y-500), vector2Df(5,0));
00136         break;
00137         default:
00138         break;
00139     }
00141     // make sure lockin red is ON (could be off if using blue for checking mirror delay...):
00142     IO.setLaserLockinPower(1);
00143 }
00145 void blobConfig::printParameters() {
00146     for (int i=0; i<blobArray.size(); i++) { 
00147      pc.printf("Blob n.%d\n", i);
00148      blobArray[i]->printParameters(); // a blob that is in stand-by mode may send data (good for testing with a fixed loop)
00149     }
00150     }
00152  // ==================== Template spots from which to create multi-spot configurations: =====================
00154 void blobConfig::addOneElasticLoopRelax(vector2Df initpos, vector2Df initspeed) {
00155     elasticLoop* pBlob= new elasticLoop();
00156     pBlob->createBlob(blobArray.size(), RELAX, initpos, initspeed);
00157     // add this relaxing loop to the present config:
00158     blobArray.push_back(pBlob);
00160     // update auxiliary variable numBlobs (just for easy reference):
00161     numBlobs=blobArray.size();
00163 }
00166 void blobConfig::addOneElasticLoopContract(vector2Df initpos, vector2Df initspeed) {
00167     elasticLoop* pBlob= new elasticLoop();
00168     pBlob->createBlob(blobArray.size(), CONTRACT, initpos, initspeed);
00169     // add this relaxing loop to the present config:
00170     blobArray.push_back(pBlob);
00172     // update auxiliary variable numBlobs (just for easy reference):
00173     numBlobs=blobArray.size();
00174 }
00176 void blobConfig::addOneElasticLoopContractCentral(vector2Df initpos, vector2Df initspeed) {
00177     elasticLoop* pBlob= new elasticLoop();
00178     pBlob->createBlob(blobArray.size(), CONTRACT_CENTRAL, initpos, initspeed);
00179     // add this relaxing loop to the present config:
00180     blobArray.push_back(pBlob);
00182     // update auxiliary variable numBlobs (just for easy reference):
00183     numBlobs=blobArray.size();
00184 }
00186 void blobConfig::addOneElasticLoopContractCentralFast(vector2Df initpos, vector2Df initspeed) {
00187     elasticLoop* pBlob= new elasticLoop();
00188     pBlob->createBlob(blobArray.size(), CONTRACT_CENTRAL_FAST, initpos, initspeed);
00189     // add this relaxing loop to the present config:
00190     blobArray.push_back(pBlob);
00192     // update auxiliary variable numBlobs (just for easy reference):
00193     numBlobs=blobArray.size();
00194 }
00196 void blobConfig::addOneElasticContourFollowing(vector2Df initpos, vector2Df initspeed) {
00198     elasticLoop* pBlob= new elasticLoop();
00199     pBlob->createBlob(blobArray.size(), CONTOUR_FOLLOWING, initpos, initspeed);
00200     // add this relaxing loop to the present config:
00201     blobArray.push_back(pBlob);
00203     // update auxiliary variable numBlobs (just for easy reference):
00204     numBlobs=blobArray.size();
00205 }
00208 void blobConfig:: addOneElasticContourFollowingFAST(vector2Df initpos, vector2Df initspeed) {
00209     elasticLoop* pBlob= new elasticLoop();
00210     pBlob->createBlob(blobArray.size(), CONTOUR_FOLLOWING_FAST,  initpos, initspeed);
00211     // add this relaxing loop to the present config:
00212     blobArray.push_back(pBlob);
00214     // update auxiliary variable numBlobs (just for easy reference):
00215     numBlobs=blobArray.size();
00216 }
00218 void blobConfig::addOneElasticBouncing(vector2Df initpos, vector2Df initspeed) {
00219     elasticLoop* pBlob= new elasticLoop();
00220     pBlob->createBlob(blobArray.size(), BOUNCING,  initpos, initspeed);
00221     // add this relaxing loop to the present config:
00222     blobArray.push_back(pBlob);
00224     // update auxiliary variable numBlobs (just for easy reference):
00225     numBlobs=blobArray.size();
00226 }
00227 void blobConfig::addOneRigidLoopBouncingGravity(vector2Df initpos, vector2Df initspeed) {
00228     rigidLoop* pBlob= new rigidLoop();
00229     pBlob->createBlob(blobArray.size(), SPOT_BOUNCING_FACTOR,  initpos, initspeed);
00230     // (We can use here methods of the child class, even if these are not declared virtual on the base class, because we are doing this BEFORE
00231     // adding this to the blobArray as a pointer). This is good to set parameters...
00232     pBlob->gravity.set(0,3.5);  
00233     pBlob->centerMass.dampMotion = 0.002;
00234     pBlob->factorBouncingForce=0;//0.003; // this is because we will use a force on the central mass (not used in SPOT_BOUNCING_FACTOR)
00235     pBlob->factorAbsorptionShock=0.9; // coef elastic bouncing
00237     // add this relaxing loop to the present config:
00238     blobArray.push_back(pBlob);
00240     // update auxiliary variable numBlobs (just for easy reference):
00241     numBlobs=blobArray.size();
00242 }
00243 void blobConfig::addOneRigidLoopBouncing(vector2Df initpos, vector2Df initspeed) {
00244     rigidLoop* pBlob= new rigidLoop();
00245     pBlob->createBlob(blobArray.size(), SPOT_BOUNCING_FACTOR, initpos, initspeed);
00246     // add this relaxing loop to the present config:
00247     blobArray.push_back(pBlob);
00249     // update auxiliary variable numBlobs (just for easy reference):
00250     numBlobs=blobArray.size();
00251 }
00253 void blobConfig::addOneRigidLoopPacman(vector2Df initpos, vector2Df initspeed) {
00254     rigidLoop* pBlob= new rigidLoop();
00255     pBlob->createBlob(blobArray.size(), SPOT_PACMAN, initpos, initspeed);
00256     // add this relaxing loop to the present config:
00257     blobArray.push_back(pBlob);
00259     // update auxiliary variable numBlobs (just for easy reference):
00260     numBlobs=blobArray.size();
00261 }
00262 void blobConfig::addOneRigidLoopGhost(vector2Df initpos, vector2Df initspeed) {
00263     rigidLoop* pBlob= new rigidLoop();
00264     pBlob->createBlob(blobArray.size(), SPOT_GHOST, initpos, initspeed);
00265     // add this relaxing loop to the present config:
00266     blobArray.push_back(pBlob);
00268     // update auxiliary variable numBlobs (just for easy reference):
00269     numBlobs=blobArray.size();
00270 }
00273 void blobConfig::addOneRigidLoopLorentz(vector2Df initpos, vector2Df initspeed) {
00274     rigidLoop* pBlob= new rigidLoop();
00275     pBlob->createBlob(blobArray.size(), SPOT_LORENTZ_FORCE, initpos, initspeed);
00276     // add this loop to the present config:
00277     blobArray.push_back(pBlob);
00279     // update auxiliary variable numBlobs (just for easy reference):
00280     numBlobs=blobArray.size();
00281 }
00283 void blobConfig::addOneRigidLoopAirHockey(vector2Df initpos, vector2Df initspeed) {
00284     rigidLoop* pBlob= new rigidLoop();
00285     pBlob->createBlob(blobArray.size(), SPOT_AIR_HOCKEY,  initpos, initspeed);
00286     // add this loop to the present config:
00287     blobArray.push_back(pBlob);
00289     // update auxiliary variable numBlobs (just for easy reference):
00290     numBlobs=blobArray.size();
00291 }
00293 void blobConfig::addOneRigidLoopFollowing(vector2Df initpos, vector2Df initspeed) {
00294     rigidLoop* pBlob= new rigidLoop();
00295     pBlob->createBlob(blobArray.size(), SPOT_FOLLOWING, initpos, initspeed);
00296     // add this relaxing loop to the present config:
00297     blobArray.push_back(pBlob);
00299     // random color for Tokyo Designer Week:
00300     //randomizeAllColors();
00302     // update auxiliary variable numBlobs (just for easy reference):
00303     numBlobs=blobArray.size();
00304 }
00306 void blobConfig::addOneRigidLoopTest(vector2Df initpos, vector2Df initspeed) {
00307     rigidLoop* pBlob= new rigidLoop();
00308     pBlob->createBlob(blobArray.size(), SPOT_TEST, initpos, initspeed);
00309     // add this relaxing loop to the present config:
00310     blobArray.push_back(pBlob);
00312     // update auxiliary variable numBlobs (just for easy reference):
00313     numBlobs=blobArray.size();
00314 }
00316 void blobConfig::addOneRigidTrackingSpot(vector2Df initpos, vector2Df initspeed) {
00317    rigidLoop* pBlob= new rigidLoop();
00318     pBlob->createBlob(blobArray.size(), SPOT_TRACK, initpos, initspeed);
00319     // add this relaxing loop to the present config:
00320     blobArray.push_back(pBlob);
00322     // update auxiliary variable numBlobs (just for easy reference):
00323     numBlobs=blobArray.size();
00324 }
00326 void blobConfig::addOneRigidTrackingSpotDot(vector2Df initpos, vector2Df initspeed) {
00327    rigidLoop* pBlob= new rigidLoop();
00328     pBlob->createBlob(blobArray.size(), SPOT_TRACK_DOT, initpos, initspeed);
00329     // add this relaxing loop to the present config:
00330     blobArray.push_back(pBlob);
00332     // update auxiliary variable numBlobs (just for easy reference):
00333     numBlobs=blobArray.size();
00334 }
00335 // ==================================================================================================================================================
00336 void blobConfig::processSensedData() {
00337      for (int i=0; i<blobArray.size(); i++) blobArray[i]->displaySensingBuffer.processSensedData(); // note: region with light is -1, and without is 2 (TO CHANGE!!! then we don't need to do "if" in the moment computation, but just a product)
00338 }
00340 void blobConfig::allKill() { // this put all the blobs in "dead" mode, meaning that neither rendering nor update is done (but they are not deleted).
00341     for (int i=0; i<blobArray.size(); i++) {
00342         blobArray[i]->render = false;
00343         blobArray[i]->standByMode = true;
00344     }
00345 }
00346 void blobConfig::allAlive() {
00347     for (int i=0; i<blobArray.size(); i++) {
00348         blobArray[i]->render = true;
00349         blobArray[i]->standByMode = false;
00350     }
00351 }
00353 void blobConfig::allStandBy() {
00354     for (int i=0; i<blobArray.size(); i++) blobArray[i]->standByMode = true;
00355 }
00357 void blobConfig::allResume() {
00358     for (int i=0; i<blobArray.size(); i++) blobArray[i]->standByMode = false;
00359 }
00361 void blobConfig::allVisible() {
00362     for (int i=0; i<blobArray.size(); i++) blobArray[i]->render = true;
00363 }
00365 void blobConfig::allInvisible() { // note that they may continue to evolve
00366     for (int i=0; i<blobArray.size(); i++) blobArray[i]->render = false;
00367 }
00369 void blobConfig::allSetColor(unsigned char c) {
00370     for (int i=0; i<blobArray.size(); i++) blobArray[i]->setColor(c);
00371  }
00373  void blobConfig::allSetGreen(unsigned char c) {
00374     for (int i=0; i<blobArray.size(); i++) blobArray[i]->setGreenColor(c);
00375  }
00377   void blobConfig::allSetBlue(unsigned char c) {
00378     for (int i=0; i<blobArray.size(); i++) blobArray[i]->setBlueColor(c);
00379  }
00381   void blobConfig::randomizeAllColors() {   
00382     int c;
00383     for (int i=0; i<blobArray.size(); i++) {
00384      c= rand() % 2;  
00385      blobArray[i]->setBlueColor(c);
00386      c= rand() % 2;  
00387      blobArray[i]->setGreenColor(c);
00388  }
00389  }
00391 void blobConfig::update() { // update dynamics of the blob configuration:
00392 int i;
00393 float minDist=5000, dist;
00394 bool win;
00395     // Depending on the config type, perform some special test and updates: 
00396    switch(myConfigType) {
00397         // simple behaviours:
00398         case ONE_ELASTIC_FOLLOWING:
00399         case ONE_ELASTIC_MOUTH:
00400         case ONE_ELASTIC_MOUTH_SMALL:
00401         case BOUNCING_SPOTS:
00402         case LORENTZ_SPOTS:
00403         case FOLLOWING_SPOTS:
00404         case ONE_TRACKING_SPOT:
00405         case AIR_HOCKEY_GAME:
00406             // In all these simple cases, update dynamics of each blob independently:
00407             for (i=0; i<blobArray.size(); i++) {
00408                  if (blobArray[i]->standByMode==false) blobArray[i]->update();
00409             }
00410         break; 
00411         // more game-like:
00412         case CIRCULAR_PONG_GAME:
00413           // spot index 0 is a tracking spot, the background "anchor":
00414          if (blobArray[0]->standByMode==false) blobArray[0]->update();
00415          // all the other spots are bouncing spots:
00416         for (i=1; i<blobArray.size(); i++) {
00417             if (blobArray[i]->standByMode==false) blobArray[i]->update();
00418         }
00419         // GAME CHECK: is some bouncing spot too far from the anchor? if so, make it "explode" (and then dissapear, but leave this for now):
00420         for (i=1; i<blobArray.size(); i++) {
00421             dist=(blobArray[0]->getCenter()).distance(blobArray[i]->getCenter());
00422             if (dist>1000) {
00423                 blobArray[i]->explosion();
00424                 float anglaux=1.0*(i-1)/(blobArray.size()-1)*2*PI;
00425                  blobArray[i]->setPositionSpeed(vector2Df(CENTER_AD_MIRROR_X+200*cos(anglaux), CENTER_AD_MIRROR_Y+200*sin(anglaux)), 
00426                                                 vector2Df(cos(anglaux),sin(anglaux))*10);
00427             }
00428         }
00429         break;
00430         case RAIN_MODE: // this is just spots with gravity that reapears in the top position when reaching the bottom:
00431           // others are bouncing with gravity:
00432         for (i=0; i<blobArray.size(); i++) {
00433             if (blobArray[i]->standByMode==false) blobArray[i]->update();
00434         }
00435         // GAME CHECKS:
00436          for (i=0; i<blobArray.size(); i++) {
00437            if (blobArray[i]->getCenter().y>MAX_AD_MIRRORS-20) {
00438            // Replace position of spot to the initial position:
00439                 blobArray[i]->explosion();
00440                 blobArray[i]->resetPositionSpeed();
00441             }
00442       }
00443         break;
00444         case VERTICAL_PINBALL_GAME:
00445           // spot index 0 is a tracking spot, the background "anchor":
00446          if (blobArray[0]->standByMode==false) blobArray[0]->update();
00447          // others are bouncing with gravity:
00448         for (i=1; i<blobArray.size(); i++) {
00449             if (blobArray[i]->standByMode==false) blobArray[i]->update();
00450         }
00451         // GAME CHECKS:
00452          for (i=1; i<blobArray.size(); i++) {
00453             dist=(blobArray[0]->getCenter()).distance(blobArray[i]->getCenter());
00454             //(1) win (meaning bouncing spot very close to anchor):
00455             if (dist<60) {
00456                 blobArray[i]->explosion();
00457                 blobArray[i]->setPositionSpeed(vector2Df(blobArray[0]->getCenter().x-400+rand()%800, blobArray[0]->getCenter().y-1200), 
00458                                                         vector2Df(0, 0));
00459             }
00460             //(2) loose (meaning spot went outside range):
00461             if (blobArray[i]->getCenter().y>blobArray[0]->getCenter().y) {
00462                 blobArray[i]->setPositionSpeed(vector2Df(blobArray[0]->getCenter().x-400+rand()%800, blobArray[0]->getCenter().y-1200), 
00463                                                         vector2Df(i*10-5, 0));
00464                 }
00465             }
00466         break; 
00467         case FISH_NET_GAME:
00468          // spot index 0 is a tracking spot, the background "anchor":
00469          if (blobArray[0]->standByMode==false) blobArray[0]->update();
00470          // all the other spots are bouncing spots:
00471         for (i=1; i<blobArray.size(); i++) {
00472             if (blobArray[i]->standByMode==false) blobArray[i]->update();
00473         }
00474         // GAME CHECKS: a win only, when all the spots are very close to the mother spot:
00475          win=true;
00476          for (i=1; i<blobArray.size(); i++) {
00477             dist=(blobArray[0]->getCenter()).distance(blobArray[i]->getCenter());
00478             win&=(dist<80);
00479         }
00480         if (win) {
00481             for (i=1; i<blobArray.size(); i++) {
00482             blobArray[i]->explosion();
00483              float anglaux=1.0*(i-1)/(blobArray.size()-1)*2*PI;
00484                  blobArray[i]->setPositionSpeed(vector2Df(CENTER_AD_MIRROR_X+400*cos(anglaux), CENTER_AD_MIRROR_Y+400*sin(anglaux)), 
00485                                                 vector2Df(cos(anglaux),sin(anglaux))*10);
00486         }
00487         }
00488         break;
00489         case PAC_MAN_GAME:
00490         // spot index 0 is the pacman:
00491         if (blobArray[0]->standByMode==false) blobArray[0]->update();
00492         // spot 1 and 2 are ghosts:
00493         if (blobArray[1]->standByMode==false) blobArray[1]->update(blobArray[0]->getCenter());
00494         if (blobArray[2]->standByMode==false) blobArray[2]->update(blobArray[0]->getCenter()); // pass the position of the PACMAN!
00496         // GAME CHECK: are any ghost too close to the pacman?
00497         for (i=1; i<blobArray.size(); i++) {
00498             dist=(blobArray[0]->getCenter()).distance(blobArray[i]->getCenter());
00499             if (minDist>dist) minDist=dist;
00500         }
00501         if (minDist<50) {
00502              blobArray[0]->explosion();
00503              // then restart the game: 
00504             // initConfig(PAC_MAN_GAME);
00505         }
00507         break;
00508         default:
00509         break;
00510     }
00513 }
00515 void blobConfig::computeBoundingBox() {
00516     for (int i=0; i<blobArray.size(); i++) {
00517         blobArray[i]->computeBoundingBox();
00518     }
00519 }
00521 void blobConfig::draw() { // draw uses the opengl like renderer (if any), and save projected trajectory in the LaserSensingTrajectory object of each blob
00522     for (int i=0; i<blobArray.size(); i++) {
00523         if (blobArray[i]->render==true) blobArray[i]->draw();
00524     }
00525 }
00527 void blobConfig::sendConfData() {
00528 // For the time being, only "per blob" data sending:
00529 // (b) Per-spot sending of data (note: both are NOT exclusive; so if we want just packaged data, 
00530 // we need to make all the spot STOP sending data.
00531     for (int i=0; i<blobArray.size(); i++) { 
00532         if (blobArray[i]->render==true) blobArray[i]->sendData(); // a blob that is in stand-by mode may send data (good for testing with a fixed loop)
00533     }
00534 }