
Dependents of mbed-src

A dependent is a program or library which makes use of this library.

Sets Dragonfly into an AT command path via a USB to Serial path. The debug path is selected by default. This also has the commands to send a simple text …
To call Azure Marketplace Translation (and Speech) service
mbed-rtos test programs for DISCO_F746NG. #Test for thread, mutex, semaphore, signals, queues, mail, ISR DISCO-F746NG, rtos
Testing basic mdot with external Interrupt
Decoupled position and current control working.
Camera_WebStreaming with WIZwiki-W7500 webstreaming, WIZwiki-W7500
Camera_PCStreaming with WIZwiki-W7500 imgStreaming, WIZwiki-W7500
reloj con sw1 sw3
Lepton sensor on the DISCO-F746NG board. Based on the rapberry_pi example code at https://github.com/groupgets/LeptonModule
Team Riedel - display
program for conv1
program for conv1, universal converter before including conv2 code
Ag demo with soil moisture
This is Ethernet Telescope. Telescope
Auto updating alarm watch - accepts alarm settings from a BLE device like a Raspberry Pi and buzzes at the appropriate time - also displays binary time
Wakeup Light with touch user interface, anti-aliased Font, SD card access and RTC usage on STM32F746NG-DISCO board
* ECHO communication between Bluetooth and RS232 * Using mBED Landtiger Card
Battle bots
NUCLEOのキットを使った秒針 Nucleo
NUCLEOのキットを使ったルーレット Nucleo
NUCLEOのキットを使った秒針 Nucleo
NUCLEOのキットを使ったルーレット Nucleo
MultiTech mDot Test Application for Loriot.io LoRaWAN Cloud service
Test the HalfDuplex library bypassing the MX12 library
Analog to digital and digital to analog conversion at 8 kHz rate on PA0 (A/D) and PA4 (D/A): use of timers and sleep() (to save energy). On PC8 there's a … dac, energy saving, Sleep, timers
changing RGB color with the ticker function color, rgb, Ticker
essai de commande RGB commande, rgb
Simple "hello world" style program for X-NUCLEO-IKS01A1 MEMS Inertial arduino, ExpansionBoard, HTS221, LIS3MDL, lps25h, LSM6DS0, Nucleo, X-NUCLEO-IKS01A1
Slave Implementation of WANOT Slave