
Dependents of mbed-src

A dependent is a program or library which makes use of this library.

This is robot program. it is AX-12, CameraC328 used.
I2C Tester
AT Command Set mDot firmware with updated libmDot, to fix endian problem with joining LoRaWAN network Lora, mdot, multitech
ThingPlug GMMP for W5500 Ethernet Shield
Pressure Sensor bmp085, I2C
Using 5 sensors(luminance, motion, tempurature, humanity, air_quality) to control
A code for the spindling of bots.
I2C master and slave testing example
Testing funky drummer midi output for cubase test drum, MIDI, USB
serial port output, basic, nucleo STM32F401Re board
IMU-pressure-tempreture sensors
IBMIoTClientEthernetExample for WIZwiki-W7500 platform Bluemix, IBM, MQTT, W7500, Wiznet, WIZwiki
Paho MQTT Client example with W7500
Thinger IO Cloude Service Test Example with WIZwiki-W7500 cloud, IOT, ThingerIO, W7500, Wiznet, WIZwiki
Basic Interface (I2C,GPIO) to start interfacing Rohm sensors to Multi-Tech Development Board Multi-Tech, ROHM, sensors
Teensy3.1 USB Serial and RTC test. Use this program to check the operation of the RTC after the 32KHz crystal has been fitted. If a back up cell has also …
Elmo Terminal provides functionality to test Lora radio and access SX1272 chip registers delivered with Elmo board. Also contains example ping-pong application.
MQTT on Wizwiki 7500 with DHT11 sensor example
Modified to run on Renesas GR Peach board AHRS, GR, http, javascript, PEACH, server
Monitor for central heating system (e.g. 2zones+hw) Supports up to 15 temp probes (DS18B20/DS18S20) 3 valve monitors Gas pulse meter recording Use stand-alone or with nodeEnergyServer See http://robdobson.com/2015/09/central-heating-monitor central, DS18B20, Gas, heating, monitor
Serial UART vs debug UART 115200
Initial attempt to get ST MEMS working on the device.
Latest mbed source. 2015-10-19
Latest mbed source and updated location for mtsas library. 2015-10-19
Dragonfly to Grove Moisture Sensor using the a/d converter Latest mbed source and updated location for mtsas library. 2015-10-19
Latest mbed source. 2015-10-19
drives the mdot used for bob demo
mDot LoRa example program that transfers analog battery voltage and two digital input status signals to the Conduit LoRa gateway. Analog, Conduit, mdot