Dependents of USBHost

A dependent is a program or library which makes use of this library.

Music Player
A demo application that receive and print tempreture and humidity from STM431J by USB400J that pluged-in to mbed application board.
This code contains the game Starship designed for the STM32F429i-DISC1 board. It requires a keyboard to play.
Exemple Test GPS Logger
ECE 4180 Lab 3 Part 3 L3
ECE 4180 Lab 3 Part 4 L3
Nucleo stm32f746zg USB wave player
mouse input and some boolsch algebra
usb mouse input
keyboard input, serial com test
Calcul de valeur moyenne par bloc, programme de base, cours ELE118.
Filtre RIF temps differé cours ELE118 Cnam