Example program using the MLX90620 and KL25Z. Best viewed with wide-screen VT-100 color terminal. Tested with Tera Term. Easy i2c pin name change for mbed1768.

Dependencies:   MLX9062x PrintBuffer mbed

Embed: (wiki syntax)

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00001 #include "mbed.h"
00002 #include "PrintBuffer.h"
00003 #include "MLX90620.h"
00005 int revision = 110;
00007 #define BS          0x08                    //ascii backspace
00008 #define CR          0x0d                    //ascii CR
00009 #define LF          0x0a                    //ascii LF
00010 #define SP          0x20                    //ascii space
00011 #define ESC         0x1b                    //ascii escape
00012 #define DP          0x2e                    //ascii decimal point / period
00013 #define ticC        0x03                    //ascii control C
00014 #define ticX        0x18                    //ascii control X
00016 #define DOBLACK     "\033[0;30;2m"
00017 #define DORED       "\033[0;31;2m"
00018 #define DOGREEN     "\033[0;32;2m"
00019 #define DOYELLOW    "\033[0;33;2m"
00020 #define DOBLUE      "\033[0;34;2m"
00021 #define DOMAGENTA   "\033[0;35;2m"
00022 #define DOCYAN      "\033[0;36;2m"
00023 #define DOWHITE     "\033[0;37;2m"
00024 #define DODEFAULT   "\033[0;39;2m"
00025 #define DONONE      "\033[0m"
00027 char *doBLACK   = DOBLACK;
00028 char *doRED     = DORED;
00029 char *doGREEN   = DOGREEN;
00030 char *doYELLOW  = DOYELLOW;
00031 char *doBLUE    = DOBLUE;
00032 char *doMAGENTA = DOMAGENTA;
00033 char *doCYAN    = DOCYAN;
00034 char *doWHITE   = DOWHITE;
00035 char *doDEFAULT = DODEFAULT;
00036 char *doNONE    = DONONE;
00039 #if defined(TARGET_KL25Z)
00040 extern "C" void NVIC_SystemReset();         //for KL25Z
00041 #else
00042 #include "FATFileSystem.h" 
00043 extern "C" void mbed_reset();               //for mbed1768
00044 #endif
00046 int gDebug = 2;
00048 Serial pc (USBTX, USBRX);
00050 #if defined(TARGET_KL25Z)
00051 I2C i2c1(PTE0, PTE1); 
00052 I2C i2c2(PTE25, PTE24);
00053 //MLX90620 mlx(PTE0, PTE1, "mlx");            //MLX90620 register access
00054 MLX9062x mlx(PTE0, PTE1, MLX9062x::mlx90621, "mlx"); //MLX90620 or MLX90621 IR array
00055 MLX9062x::mlx_struct mlxSTR = {};               //data structure for MLX90260
00056 #else 
00057 LocalFileSystem local("local");             //for access of files on mbed itself
00058 I2C i2c1(p9, p10); 
00059 MLX90620 mlx(p9, p10, "mlx");
00060 #endif
00062 PrintBuffer pb("pb");                       //new for 132.  Moved PrintBuffer off to .cpp and .h files
00064 #if defined(TARGET_KL25Z)
00065 PwmOut rled(LED_RED);
00066 PwmOut gled(LED_GREEN);
00067 PwmOut bled(LED_BLUE);
00069 int rLedDelay = 0;
00070 float rLedPwm = 0.01;                       //LED1 brightness
00071 bool rLedUp = true;                         //LED1 auto up-down
00072 int gLedDelay = 0;
00073 float gLedPwm = 0.01;                       //LED1 brightness
00074 bool gLedUp = true;                         //LED1 auto up-down
00075 int bLedDelay = 0;
00076 float bLedPwm = 0.01;                       //LED1 brightness
00077 bool bLedUp = true;                         //LED1 auto up-down
00078 #endif
00080 //MLX90620 buffers used by MLX90620.cpp
00081 char* EEbuf = new char[256];
00082 char* RamCmmd = new char[8];                //holds / sends MLX90620 RAM commands
00083 char* RamBuf = new char[128];               //0x3f words, values are 'unsigned short'
00084 int SaveEEP = 0;                            //***USED BY .INI FILE  save EEPROM Contents to EEP.CSV
00086 //For MLX90620
00087 unsigned short ConfigReg = 0;               //MLX90620 configuration register
00088 float Ta = 0.0;
00089 double TempPxl = 0;
00091 //Used for display of temperature and extreme values
00092 float HotPxl = -40.0;                       //hottest pixel in the array
00093 float ColdPxl = 200.0;                      //coldest pixel in the array 
00094 unsigned short HotColor = 0xffff;           //color of hottest pixel
00095 unsigned short ColdColor = 0xffff;          //color of coldest pixel
00096 int AutoScale = 0;                          //***USED BY .INI FILE  autoscale display 0 or 1
00097 bool ReFrame = false;                       //do a reframe if asked
00098 int HottestX = 0;                           //hottest pixel X
00099 int HottestY = 0;                           //hottest pixel Y
00100 int ColdestX = 0;                           //coldest pixel X
00101 int ColdestY = 0;                           //coldest pixel Y
00102 bool PickPix = false;                       //pick a pixel to dump all data on flag
00103 int pixX = 0;                               //display pixel X (0-15)
00104 int pixY = 0;                               //display pixel Y (0-3)
00106 //Display Options
00107 int TempC = 'C';                            //***USED BY .INI FILE  display temperatures in degrees C or F
00108 int SensFacingAway = 0;                     //***USED BY .INI FILE  sensor facing towards you or away from you
00109 int xHatch = 1;                             //***USED BY .INI FILE  display hatch pattern between pixels or allow pixels to blend together
00110 float lowEnd = 20.0;                        //***USED BY .INI FILE  low end of color temperature scale (blue end)
00111 float hiEnd = 100.0;                        //***USED BY .INI FILE  top end of color temperature scale (red end)
00112 int PutOnPC = 1;                            //***USED BY .INI FILE  display temperature array on PC  0 or 1.  Requires VT100 terminal operation
00114 //USB Serial Port Support
00115 const int PCRXBUFSIZE = 128;                //pc RX buffer size
00116 char pcRxBuffer[PCRXBUFSIZE];               //RX data buffer
00117 volatile int pcRxQty = 0;                   //RX data counter/pointer
00118 volatile char inchar = 0;                   //RX input character
00119 volatile bool LocalEcho = false;            //whether or not, to local echo input chars from pc
00120 volatile bool pcRxLine = false;             //CR or LF detected in RX buffer
00121 volatile bool pcRxTicC = false;             //^C detected in RX buffer
00122 volatile bool pcRxEOB = false;              //RX buffer EOB (full)
00123 volatile bool pcRxIsNumb = false;           //whether or not string is a valid number (including dp)
00124 volatile double pcRxNumb = 0.0;             //RX buffer comversion
00125 int pcRxCharCnt = 0;                        //total number of pc RX characters received since boot
00126 int pcRxIRQCnt = 0;                         //total number of pc RX interrupts received since boot
00128 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
00129 // Checks to see if a ^C happend.  reboot if so...
00131 void PcChekTicC() {
00132     if(pcRxTicC == true) {
00133         pc.printf("\n\n%s*** Control C detected, Resetting ***%s \n", doRED, doNONE);
00134 //        i2c1.stop();
00135         wait_ms(200);
00137 #if defined(TARGET_KL25Z)
00138         NVIC_SystemReset();
00139 #else
00140         mbed_reset();
00141 #endif
00142     }
00143 }
00145 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
00146 // This function is called when a character goes into the RX buffer.
00148 int TicC2 = 0;
00150 void PcRxChar() {
00151     pcRxCharCnt++;
00152     if(inchar == BS) { 
00153         if(pcRxQty == 0) {
00154             pcRxBuffer[pcRxQty] = 0;
00155         } else {
00156             if(LocalEcho) pc.printf("%c %c", BS, BS);
00157             pcRxQty--;
00158         }
00159     } else if((inchar == CR) || (inchar == LF)) { 
00160         pcRxLine = true;
00161         if(LocalEcho) pc.printf("\n");
00162     } else if(inchar == ticC) {
00163         pcRxTicC = true;
00164         TicC2++;
00165         if(TicC2 > 2) {
00166             wait_ms(200);
00167             pc.printf("\n\n%s*** Control C detected, Resetting %sfrom IRQ!!!%s***%s \n", doRED, doGREEN, doRED, doNONE);
00168             wait_ms(200);
00169             i2c1.stop();
00171 #if defined(TARGET_KL25Z)
00172             NVIC_SystemReset();
00173 #else
00174             mbed_reset();
00175 #endif
00177         }
00178     } else if((inchar == 'C') || (inchar == 'c')) { 
00179         TempC = inchar;
00180     } else if((inchar == 'F') || (inchar == 'f')) { 
00181         TempC = inchar;
00182     } else if((inchar == 'I') || (inchar == 'i')) { 
00183         SensFacingAway = 0;
00184     } else if((inchar == 'O') || (inchar == 'o')) { 
00185         SensFacingAway = 1;
00186     } else {
00187         if(pcRxQty < sizeof(pcRxBuffer)) {
00188             pcRxBuffer[pcRxQty] = inchar;
00189 //            pcRxQty++;    //NOTE: no buffer needed for this code, don't inc char pointer
00190             pcRxBuffer[pcRxQty] = 0;
00191             if(LocalEcho) pc.putc(inchar);
00192         } else {
00193             pc.printf ("\n*** pcRxBuffer is full!!\n");
00194             pcRxEOB = true;
00195             pcRxQty = 0;
00196             pcRxBuffer[pcRxQty] = 0;
00197         }
00198     }
00200     bool oneDot = false;
00201     pcRxIsNumb = true;
00202     for(int i = 0; i < pcRxQty; i++) {
00203         if(pcRxBuffer[i] == '.') {
00204             if(oneDot == true) {
00205                 pcRxIsNumb = false;
00206                 break;
00207             } else {
00208                 oneDot = true;
00209             }
00210         }
00211         else if((pcRxBuffer[i] < '0') || (pcRxBuffer[i] > '9')) {
00212             if(!((i == 0) && (pcRxBuffer[i] == '-'))) {
00213                 pcRxIsNumb = false;
00214                 break;
00215             }
00216         }
00217     }
00218 }
00220 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
00221 // Read received chars from USB UART
00223 void PcRxIRQ(void){
00224     pcRxIRQCnt++;
00225 #if defined(TARGET_KL25Z)
00226     NVIC_DisableIRQ(UART0_IRQn);        // n=0, 1 or 2  Disable Rx interrupt on kl25z
00227 #else
00228     LPC_UART0->IER = 0;                 //Disable Rx interrupt on mbed1768
00229 #endif
00230     while (pc.readable()) {
00231         inchar = pc.getc();             //read data from USB
00232         PcRxChar();                     //go process char
00233     }
00234 #if defined(TARGET_KL25Z)
00235     NVIC_EnableIRQ(UART0_IRQn);         //re-enable Rx interrupt on kl25z
00236 #else
00237     LPC_UART0->IER = 1;                 //re-enable Rx interrupt on mbed1768
00238 #endif
00239 }
00241 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
00242 //fixing a screwup on the eeprom from an accidental write
00244 void FixEEP() {    
00245     EEbuf[0] = 0x10;               //starting address of EEP to write to, pages 0 - 31 * 8
00246     EEbuf[1] = 0xed;
00247     EEbuf[2] = 0xee;
00248     EEbuf[3] = 0xee;
00249     EEbuf[4] = 0xec;
00250     EEbuf[5] = 0xee;
00251     EEbuf[6] = 0xef; 
00252     EEbuf[7] = 0xef; 
00253     EEbuf[8] = 0xed; 
00254     i2c1.write(0xa0, EEbuf, 9, false);
00255     wait_ms(6);                 //datasheet says 5mS max
00257 }
00259 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
00260 //Reload EEPROM image from file /local/EEP.CSV
00262 #if defined(TARGET_KL25Z)
00263 #else
00264 char* FileBuf = new char[1024];
00265 char tbuf[256];
00267 int ReloadEEP() {
00268     FILE *fps = fopen("/local/EEP.CSV", "r");
00269     if (fps == NULL) {
00270         return(0);
00271     } else {
00272         for(int i = 0; i < 256; i++) {
00273             int x = -1;
00274             do{
00275                 x++;
00276                 FileBuf[x] = fgetc(fps);
00277                 if(FileBuf[x] == '\n') {
00278                     x--;
00279                 }
00280             } while((FileBuf[x] != ','));
00281             x--;
00282             tbuf[i] = char(strtod(FileBuf, &FileBuf));
00283             EEbuf[i] = tbuf[i];
00284         }
00285         fclose(fps);
00286         return(1);
00287     } 
00288 }
00290 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
00291 //re-write all of the MLX EEPROM from file EEP.CSV. Returns 0, no write error. 1 - 32 for failed page
00292 //tbuf contains the source data.  ReloadEEP() must be run first!!!
00294 int FixAllEEP() {
00295     for(int i = 0; i < 32; i++) {           //32, 8 byte pages 
00296         EEbuf[0] = i * 8;                   //EEPROM page #
00297         EEbuf[1] = tbuf[i * 8];
00298         EEbuf[2] = tbuf[i * 8 + 1];
00299         EEbuf[3] = tbuf[i * 8 + 2];
00300         EEbuf[4] = tbuf[i * 8 + 3];
00301         EEbuf[5] = tbuf[i * 8 + 4];
00302         EEbuf[6] = tbuf[i * 8 + 5]; 
00303         EEbuf[7] = tbuf[i * 8 + 6]; 
00304         EEbuf[8] = tbuf[i * 8 + 7]; 
00305         if(!(i2c1.write(0xa0, EEbuf, 9, false))) {  //store 8 byte page
00306             i2c1.stop();
00307         }
00308         wait_ms(10);                        //datasheet says 5mS max
00309     }
00310     return(0);
00311 }
00312 #endif
00314 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
00315 //Detect I2C device chain
00317 int i2cQty = 16;                            //number of bytes to get
00318 char i2cData[32];                           //i2c buffer data
00320 void find_i2c1() {
00321     if(gDebug > 1) pc.printf("Searching for I2C devices on bus 1...\n");
00323     int count = 0;
00324     for (int address = 2; address < 256; address +=2) {
00325         if (!i2c1.write(address, NULL, 0)) { // 0 returned is ok
00326             wait_ms(5);
00327             if(gDebug > 1) pc.printf(" - I2C device found at address 0x%02X\n", address);
00328             for (int clrb = 0; clrb < i2cQty; clrb +=1) {  //clear out i2c buffer before reading in data
00329                 i2cData[clrb] = 0;
00330             }
00331             count++;
00332         }         
00333     }
00334     if(gDebug > 1) pc.printf(" - I2seeU! %d devices found\n", count);
00335 }
00337 //---------
00338 #if defined(TARGET_KL25Z)
00339 void find_i2c2() {
00340     if(gDebug > 1) pc.printf("Searching for I2C devices on bus 2...\n");
00342     int count = 0;
00343     for (int address = 2; address < 256; address +=2) {
00344         if (!i2c2.write(address, NULL, 0)) { // 0 returned is ok
00345             wait_ms(5);
00346             if(gDebug > 1) pc.printf(" - I2C device found at address 0x%02X\n", address);
00347             for (int clrb = 0; clrb < i2cQty; clrb +=1) {  //clear out i2c buffer before reading in data
00348                 i2cData[clrb] = 0;
00349             }
00350             count++;
00351         }         
00352     }
00353     if(gDebug > 1) pc.printf(" - I2seeU! %d devices found\n", count);
00354 }
00356 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
00357 // moving RGB LED display.  Hacked from:  david dicarlo / FRDM_RGBLED
00359 const float pi = 3.1415927;
00360 float iLeds = 0.0;
00362 void sinLEDs() {
00363     iLeds += 0.02;                          // was 0.001 in original code
00364     if(iLeds > (60.0 * pi)) iLeds = 0.0;
00365     rLedPwm = (1 + sin(2 * iLeds)) / 2;     // calculate values for RGB based on different
00366     gLedPwm = (1 + sin(3 * iLeds)) / 2;     // frequency sin waves. This should give a nice
00367     bLedPwm = (1 + sin(5 * iLeds)) / 2;     // smooth transistion between colors and a 
00368     rled = rLedPwm;                         // send RGB values to LED PWMs
00369     gled = gLedPwm;
00370     bled = bLedPwm;
00371 }
00373 #endif
00374 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
00375 // See if new temperature in array is higher then the current hottest or colder then the current coldest
00377 void CheckNewExtreme() {
00378     if(TempPxl > HotPxl) {
00379         HotPxl = TempPxl;
00380         HottestX = pixX / 4;
00381         HottestY = pixY;
00382     }
00383     if(TempPxl < ColdPxl) {
00384         ColdPxl = TempPxl;
00385         ColdestX = pixX / 4;
00386         ColdestY = pixY;
00387     }
00388 }
00390 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
00391 // Change color of extreme tempeature values on PC using VT100 escape sequences
00393 bool PCdeftFlag = true;
00395 void PCExtreme() {
00396     if((HottestX == (pixX / 4)) && (HottestY == pixY)) {
00397         PCdeftFlag = false;
00398         pc.printf("%c[8;31;2m", ESC);
00399         return;
00400     } else 
00401     if((ColdestX == (pixX / 4)) && (ColdestY == pixY)) {
00402         PCdeftFlag = false;
00403         pc.printf("%c[8;34;2m", ESC);
00404         return;
00405     } else 
00406     if(PCdeftFlag == false) {
00407         PCdeftFlag = true;
00408         pc.printf("%c[8;30m", ESC);
00409     }
00410 }
00412 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
00413 // Pick a pixel to print out temperature. X = column 0 - 15, Y = row 0 - 3
00415 void PickaPixel(int pX, int pY) {
00416     TempPxl = mlx.CalcPixel(mlxSTR, pX + pY);
00417     if ((TempC == 'c') || (TempC == 'C')) {  
00418         pc.printf("Pixel X:%d  Y:%d  Temp: %.2f degC\n", pX / 4, pY, TempPxl);
00419     } else {
00420         pc.printf("Pixel X:%d  Y:%d  Temp: %.2f degF\n", pX / 4, pY, TempPxl * 9.0 / 5.0 + 32.0);
00421     }
00422 }
00424 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
00425 // Display on PC using VT100 escape codes
00427 const int TTX = 45;
00428 const int TTY = 120;
00429 int tX = TTX;
00430 int tY = TTY;;
00432 int AllowVT100 = 0;
00434 void ShowTempsVT100() {
00435     if(AllowVT100 <= 3) {       //update PC display every 4th TFT pixel update
00436         return;
00437     }
00438     AllowVT100 = 0;
00439     double HoldTemp = TempPxl;
00440     if(SensFacingAway == 1) {
00441         pc.printf("%c[8;30m%c[6AArray Temperature  deg%c         \\\\ ^ // \n   F       E       D       C       B       A       9       8       7       6       5       4       3       2       1       0        \n", ESC, ESC, (TempC & 0x5f));
00442         for(pixY = 0; pixY <= 3; pixY++) {
00443             for(pixX = 60; pixX >= 0; pixX = pixX - 4) {
00444                 TempPxl = mlx.CalcPixel(mlxSTR, pixX + pixY);
00445                 if ((TempC == 'c') || (TempC == 'C')) {  
00446                     HoldTemp = TempPxl;
00447                 } else {
00448                     HoldTemp = TempPxl * 9.0 / 5.0 + 32.0;
00449                 }
00450                 PCExtreme();
00451                 if(HoldTemp >= 100.0) {
00452                     pc.printf(" %.1f  ", HoldTemp);    
00453                 } else
00454                 if((HoldTemp <= 10.0) && (HoldTemp >= 0.0)) {
00455                     pc.printf("  %.2f  ", HoldTemp);
00456                 } else 
00457                 if((HoldTemp >= -10.0) && (HoldTemp < 0.0)) {
00458                     pc.printf(" %.2f  ", HoldTemp);
00459                 } else
00460                 if(HoldTemp < -10.0) {
00461                     pc.printf("%.2f  ", HoldTemp);
00462                 } else {
00463                     pc.printf(" %.2f  ", HoldTemp);
00464                 }
00465             }
00466             PCdeftFlag = true;
00467             pc.printf("%c[8;30m%2d   \n", ESC, pixY);
00468 //            pc.printf("%2d   \n", pixY);
00469         }
00470     } else {
00471         pc.printf("%c[8;30m%c[6AArray Temperature  deg%c         // v \\\\ \n   0       1       2       3       4       5       6       7       8       9       A       B       C       D       E       F        \n", ESC, ESC, (TempC & 0x5f));
00472         for(pixY = 0; pixY <= 3; pixY++) { 
00473             for(pixX = 0; pixX < 64; pixX = pixX + 4) {
00474                 TempPxl = mlx.CalcPixel(mlxSTR, pixX + pixY);
00475                 if ((TempC == 'c') || (TempC == 'C')) {  
00476                     HoldTemp = TempPxl;
00477                 } else {
00478                     HoldTemp = TempPxl * 9.0 / 5.0 + 32.0;
00479                 }
00480                 PCExtreme();
00481                 if(HoldTemp >= 100.0) {
00482                     pc.printf(" %.1f  ", HoldTemp);    
00483                 } else
00484                 if((HoldTemp <= 10.0) && (HoldTemp >= 0.0)) {
00485                     pc.printf("  %.2f  ", HoldTemp);
00486                 } else 
00487                 if((HoldTemp >= -10.0) && (HoldTemp < 0.0)) {
00488                     pc.printf(" %.2f  ", HoldTemp);
00489                 } else
00490                 if(HoldTemp < -10.0) {
00491                     pc.printf("%.2f  ", HoldTemp);
00492                 } else {
00493                     pc.printf(" %.2f  ", HoldTemp);
00494                 }
00495             }
00496             pc.printf("%c[8;30m%2d   \n", ESC, pixY);
00497         }
00498     }
00499 }
00501 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
00502 // Display Pixels in color
00504 int loop = 0;
00505 bool GotAmbient = false;
00506 bool FirstRamDump = true;
00508 int ShowTempsColor() {
00509 //    ConfigReg = mlx.GetConfigReg();
00511     //because of change to normal mode...
00512     ConfigReg = 0;
00513     wait_ms(185);   //balance out to display is about once per second
00514     //end of because of change
00516 /*
00517 #ifdef MLX_KL25Z
00518     NVIC_DisableIRQ(UART0_IRQn);        // n=0, 1 or 2  Disable Rx interrupt on kl25z
00519 #else
00520     LPC_UART0->IER = 0;                 //Disable Rx interrupt on mbed1768
00521 #endif
00522 */    
00523     if(GotAmbient == false) {
00524         if((ConfigReg & MLX_TAMEASFLAG) == 0) {
00525             mlx.CalcTa_To(mlxSTR);
00526             Ta = mlx.GetDieTemp(mlxSTR);
00527 //            pc.printf("Ta = %f\n\n\n\n\n\n\n", Ta);
00528             GotAmbient = true;
00529         } else {
00530             return(ConfigReg & MLX_TAMEASFLAG);
00531         }
00532     }
00533     if((ConfigReg & MLX_IRMEASFLAG) == 0) {
00534         loop++;
00535         GotAmbient = false;
00536         if(ReFrame == true) {
00537             if(gDebug > 2) pc.printf("AutoScale Update, lowEnd: %4.0fC  hiEnd: %4.0fC\n", lowEnd, hiEnd);
00538             ReFrame = false;
00539         }
00540         AllowVT100++;
00541         HotPxl = -40.0;
00542         ColdPxl = 200.0;
00543         mlx.LoadMLXRam(mlxSTR);
00544         if((gDebug > 1) && (FirstRamDump == true)) {
00545             FirstRamDump = false;
00546             pc.printf("First RAM dump");
00547             pb.dump("Ram Buffer:", 8, 0, RamBuf);
00548             if(PutOnPC == 1) {
00549                 //pc.printf("\n\n\n\n\n\n\n");
00550             }
00551         } else 
00552         if((PutOnPC == 1) && (FirstRamDump == true)) {
00553             FirstRamDump = false;
00554             pc.printf("\n\n\n\n\n\n\n");
00555         }
00557         tX = TTX;
00558         tY = TTY;
00559         mlx.StartMeasurement(mlxSTR);
00560 /*        
00561 #ifdef MLX_KL25Z
00562         NVIC_EnableIRQ(UART0_IRQn);         //re-enable Rx interrupt on kl25z
00563 #else
00564         LPC_UART0->IER = 1;                 //re-enable Rx interrupt on mbed1768
00565 #endif
00566 */   
00567         if(gDebug > 3) pc.printf("Array Temperature degC\n  3      2      1      0\n");
00568         if(SensFacingAway == 1) {
00569             for(pixX = 60; pixX >= 0; pixX = pixX - 4) {
00570                 for(pixY = 3; pixY >= 0; pixY--) {
00571                     if((pixX == 16 * 4) && (pixY == 2)) {
00572                         PickaPixel(pixX, pixY);
00573                         PickPix = true;
00574                     } else {
00575                         PickPix = false;
00576                     }
00577                     TempPxl = mlx.CalcPixel(mlxSTR, pixX + pixY);
00578                     CheckNewExtreme();
00579                     if(gDebug > 3) pc.printf("%4.2f  ", TempPxl);
00580                 }
00581                 if(gDebug > 3) pc.printf("%2d\n", (pixX / 4));
00582             }
00583         } else {
00584             for(pixX = 0; pixX < 64; pixX = pixX + 4) {
00585                 for(pixY = 3; pixY >= 0; pixY--) {
00586                     if((pixX == 16 * 4) && (pixY == 1)) {                                //0-15 and 0-3
00587                         PickaPixel(pixX, pixY);
00588                         PickPix = true;
00589                     } else {
00590                         PickPix = false;
00591                     }
00592                     TempPxl = mlx.CalcPixel(mlxSTR, pixX + pixY);
00593                     CheckNewExtreme();
00594                     if(gDebug > 3) pc.printf("%4.2f  ", TempPxl);
00595                 }
00596                 if(gDebug > 3) pc.printf("%2d\n", (pixX / 4));
00597             }
00598         }
00599         if(gDebug > 3) pc.printf("\nloop: %d\n", loop);
00600     }
00601     return(0);
00602 }
00604 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
00605 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
00607 int main(void) {
00608     GotAmbient = false;
00609     i2c1.frequency(400000);                  //set up i2c speed
00610     i2c1.stop();
00612 #if defined(TARGET_KL25Z)
00613     i2c2.frequency(400000);                  //set up i2c speed
00614     i2c2.stop();
00615     rled.period_us(1000);
00616     gled.period_us(1000);
00617     bled.period_us(1000);
00618     gLedUp = false;
00619     rLedPwm = 0.001;
00620     gLedPwm = 0.700;
00621     bLedPwm = 0.300;
00622     rled = 1.0 - rLedPwm;
00623     gled = 1.0 - gLedPwm;
00624     bled = 1.0 - bLedPwm; 
00625     pc.baud(115200);
00626 #else
00627     pc.baud(921600);
00628 #endif
00630     pc.printf("\n\n--------------------------------------------\n");
00631     pc.printf("mbed1768 / FRDM-KL25Z  MLX90620 Tests  %sv%d%s\n", doBLUE, revision, doNONE);
00633     //initialize the USB serial port interrupt
00634     pc.printf("Initializing Serial Port Rx Interrupt...   \n");
00635     pc.attach(&PcRxIRQ, pc.RxIrq);
00637     //look for devices on i2c buses
00638     find_i2c1();
00640 #if defined(TARGET_KL25Z)
00641     find_i2c2();
00642 #else
00643     //mbed1768 only, see if MLX90620 eeprom contents file saved.  If so, dump on display
00644     if (ReloadEEP()) {
00645         if(gDebug > 1) {
00646             pb.dump("\nEEP.CVS file dump", 16, 0,tbuf);
00647         }
00648     } else {
00649         pc.printf("*** file /local/EEP.CSV does not exist\n");
00650     }
00651 #endif
00653     //DANGEROUS!!!  FixEEP is for fixing small portions of the EEPROM on the MLX90620.
00654     //Fixes 8 bytes in EEPROM at a time.  This is a manual operation, requiring a recompile each
00655     //time.  You have to set up the starting EEP address and 8 bytes of data to be written
00656     //in routine FixEEP
00658     //FixEEP();
00660     int initFail = 0;
00661     //load up eeprom into buffer
00662     if((mlx.LoadEEPROM(mlxSTR))) {
00663         pc.printf("*** MLX90620 dump failed!!!\n");
00664         initFail++;
00665     } else {   
00666         if(gDebug > 1) {
00667             //pc.printf("\nEEPROM array");
00668             pb.dump("EEPROM Array:", 16, 0, EEbuf);
00669         }
00670     }
00672     //Init MLX90620
00673     unsigned short x = 0;
00674     if((mlx.SetOscTrimReg(mlxSTR))) {
00675         pc.printf("*** set osc trim failed!!!\n");
00676         initFail++;
00677     } else {
00678         x = mlx.GetOscTrimReg(mlxSTR);
00679         pc.printf("Osc Trim Value:  0x%04x\n", x);
00680     }
00682     if((mlx.SetConfigReg(mlxSTR))) {
00683         pc.printf("*** set MLX config failed!!!\n");
00684         initFail++;
00685     } else {
00686         x = mlx.GetConfigReg(mlxSTR);
00687         pc.printf("Config Register: 0x%04x\n", x);
00688         x = mlx.GetPTATReg(mlxSTR);
00689         pc.printf("PTAT Register:   0x%04x\n", x);
00690     }
00692     if((mlx.StartMeasurement(mlxSTR))) {
00693         pc.printf("*** Start Measurement failed!!!\n");
00694         initFail++;
00695     }
00696     wait_ms(300);
00698     if(initFail == 0) {
00699         pc.printf("Calculating Ta...\n");
00700         mlx.CalcTa_To(mlxSTR);
00701         pc.printf("Getting die temperature...\n");
00702         Ta = mlx.GetDieTemp(mlxSTR);
00703         pc.printf("Ta = %f\n\n", Ta);
00704     } else {
00705         pc.printf("*** MLX90620 non operational!!!\n");
00706     }
00707     ShowTempsColor();
00709     pc.printf("At any time, type:\n %sO%s = Pointing Outward\n %sI%s = Pointing Inward\n %sC%s = Temp Degrees C\n %sF%s = Temp Degrees F\n%s^C%s = reboot\n\n",
00710                 doGREEN, doNONE, doGREEN, doNONE, doGREEN, doNONE, doGREEN, doNONE, doRED, doNONE);
00711     pc.printf("Ready...\n");
00712     pc.printf("\n\n\n\n\n\n\n");
00714     while (true) {
00715         PcChekTicC();
00716         int lc = 0;
00717         if(!(ShowTempsColor())) {
00718             do {
00719                 lc++;
00720                 //pc.printf("waiting... %d\n", lc);
00721                 wait_ms(1);
00722             } while(ShowTempsColor() != 0);
00724 #if defined(TARGET_KL25Z)
00725             sinLEDs();
00726 #endif
00728         }
00729         if(PutOnPC == 1) {
00730             ShowTempsVT100();
00731         }
00732     }
00733 }