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00001 /*M///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
00002 //
00004 //
00005 //  By downloading, copying, installing or using the software you agree to this license.
00006 //  If you do not agree to this license, do not download, install,
00007 //  copy or use the software.
00008 //
00009 //
00010 //                          License Agreement
00011 //                For Open Source Computer Vision Library
00012 //
00013 // Copyright (C) 2000-2008, Intel Corporation, all rights reserved.
00014 // Copyright (C) 2009, Willow Garage Inc., all rights reserved.
00015 // Third party copyrights are property of their respective owners.
00016 //
00017 // Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
00018 // are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
00019 //
00020 //   * Redistribution's of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
00021 //     this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
00022 //
00023 //   * Redistribution's in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
00024 //     this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
00025 //     and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
00026 //
00027 //   * The name of the copyright holders may not be used to endorse or promote products
00028 //     derived from this software without specific prior written permission.
00029 //
00030 // This software is provided by the copyright holders and contributors "as is" and
00031 // any express or implied warranties, including, but not limited to, the implied
00032 // warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose are disclaimed.
00033 // In no event shall the Intel Corporation or contributors be liable for any direct,
00034 // indirect, incidental, special, exemplary, or consequential damages
00035 // (including, but not limited to, procurement of substitute goods or services;
00036 // loss of use, data, or profits; or business interruption) however caused
00037 // and on any theory of liability, whether in contract, strict liability,
00038 // or tort (including negligence or otherwise) arising in any way out of
00039 // the use of this software, even if advised of the possibility of such damage.
00040 //
00041 //M*/
00043 #ifndef __OPENCV_VIDEOIO_HPP__
00044 #define __OPENCV_VIDEOIO_HPP__
00046 #include "opencv2/core.hpp"
00048 /**
00049   @defgroup videoio Media I/O
00050   @{
00051     @defgroup videoio_c C API
00052     @defgroup videoio_ios iOS glue
00053     @defgroup videoio_winrt WinRT glue
00054   @}
00055 */
00057 ////////////////////////////////// video io /////////////////////////////////
00059 typedef struct CvCapture CvCapture;
00060 typedef struct CvVideoWriter CvVideoWriter;
00062 namespace cv
00063 {
00065 //! @addtogroup videoio
00066 //! @{
00068 // Camera API
00069 enum { CAP_ANY          = 0,     // autodetect
00070        CAP_VFW          = 200,   // platform native
00071        CAP_V4L          = 200,
00072        CAP_V4L2         = CAP_V4L,
00073        CAP_FIREWARE     = 300,   // IEEE 1394 drivers
00074        CAP_FIREWIRE     = CAP_FIREWARE,
00075        CAP_IEEE1394     = CAP_FIREWARE,
00076        CAP_DC1394       = CAP_FIREWARE,
00077        CAP_CMU1394      = CAP_FIREWARE,
00078        CAP_QT           = 500,   // QuickTime
00079        CAP_UNICAP       = 600,   // Unicap drivers
00080        CAP_DSHOW        = 700,   // DirectShow (via videoInput)
00081        CAP_PVAPI        = 800,   // PvAPI, Prosilica GigE SDK
00082        CAP_OPENNI       = 900,   // OpenNI (for Kinect)
00083        CAP_OPENNI_ASUS  = 910,   // OpenNI (for Asus Xtion)
00084        CAP_ANDROID      = 1000,  // Android - not used
00085        CAP_XIAPI        = 1100,  // XIMEA Camera API
00086        CAP_AVFOUNDATION = 1200,  // AVFoundation framework for iOS (OS X Lion will have the same API)
00087        CAP_GIGANETIX    = 1300,  // Smartek Giganetix GigEVisionSDK
00088        CAP_MSMF         = 1400,  // Microsoft Media Foundation (via videoInput)
00089        CAP_WINRT        = 1410,  // Microsoft Windows Runtime using Media Foundation
00090        CAP_INTELPERC    = 1500,  // Intel Perceptual Computing SDK
00091        CAP_OPENNI2      = 1600,  // OpenNI2 (for Kinect)
00092        CAP_OPENNI2_ASUS = 1610,  // OpenNI2 (for Asus Xtion and Occipital Structure sensors)
00093        CAP_GPHOTO2      = 1700,  // gPhoto2 connection
00094        CAP_GSTREAMER    = 1800,  // GStreamer
00095        CAP_FFMPEG       = 1900,  // FFMPEG
00096        CAP_IMAGES       = 2000   // OpenCV Image Sequence (e.g. img_%02d.jpg)
00097      };
00099 // generic properties (based on DC1394 properties)
00100 enum { CAP_PROP_POS_MSEC       =0,
00101        CAP_PROP_POS_FRAMES     =1,
00102        CAP_PROP_POS_AVI_RATIO  =2,
00103        CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH    =3,
00104        CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT   =4,
00105        CAP_PROP_FPS            =5,
00106        CAP_PROP_FOURCC         =6,
00107        CAP_PROP_FRAME_COUNT    =7,
00108        CAP_PROP_FORMAT         =8,
00109        CAP_PROP_MODE           =9,
00110        CAP_PROP_BRIGHTNESS    =10,
00111        CAP_PROP_CONTRAST      =11,
00112        CAP_PROP_SATURATION    =12,
00113        CAP_PROP_HUE           =13,
00114        CAP_PROP_GAIN          =14,
00115        CAP_PROP_EXPOSURE      =15,
00116        CAP_PROP_CONVERT_RGB   =16,
00118        CAP_PROP_RECTIFICATION =18,
00119        CAP_PROP_MONOCHROME    =19,
00120        CAP_PROP_SHARPNESS     =20,
00121        CAP_PROP_AUTO_EXPOSURE =21, // DC1394: exposure control done by camera, user can adjust refernce level using this feature
00122        CAP_PROP_GAMMA         =22,
00123        CAP_PROP_TEMPERATURE   =23,
00124        CAP_PROP_TRIGGER       =24,
00125        CAP_PROP_TRIGGER_DELAY =25,
00126        CAP_PROP_WHITE_BALANCE_RED_V =26,
00127        CAP_PROP_ZOOM          =27,
00128        CAP_PROP_FOCUS         =28,
00129        CAP_PROP_GUID          =29,
00130        CAP_PROP_ISO_SPEED     =30,
00131        CAP_PROP_BACKLIGHT     =32,
00132        CAP_PROP_PAN           =33,
00133        CAP_PROP_TILT          =34,
00134        CAP_PROP_ROLL          =35,
00135        CAP_PROP_IRIS          =36,
00136        CAP_PROP_SETTINGS      =37,
00137        CAP_PROP_BUFFERSIZE    =38,
00138        CAP_PROP_AUTOFOCUS     =39
00139      };
00142 // Generic camera output modes.
00143 // Currently, these are supported through the libv4l interface only.
00144 enum { CAP_MODE_BGR  = 0, // BGR24 (default)
00145        CAP_MODE_RGB  = 1, // RGB24
00146        CAP_MODE_GRAY = 2, // Y8
00147        CAP_MODE_YUYV = 3  // YUYV
00148      };
00151 // DC1394 only
00152 // modes of the controlling registers (can be: auto, manual, auto single push, absolute Latter allowed with any other mode)
00153 // every feature can have only one mode turned on at a time
00154 enum { CAP_PROP_DC1394_OFF                = -4, //turn the feature off (not controlled manually nor automatically)
00155        CAP_PROP_DC1394_MODE_MANUAL        = -3, //set automatically when a value of the feature is set by the user
00156        CAP_PROP_DC1394_MODE_AUTO          = -2,
00157        CAP_PROP_DC1394_MODE_ONE_PUSH_AUTO = -1,
00158        CAP_PROP_DC1394_MAX                = 31
00159      };
00162 // OpenNI map generators
00163 enum { CAP_OPENNI_DEPTH_GENERATOR = 1 << 31,
00164        CAP_OPENNI_IMAGE_GENERATOR = 1 << 30,
00166      };
00168 // Properties of cameras available through OpenNI interfaces
00169 enum { CAP_PROP_OPENNI_OUTPUT_MODE       = 100,
00170        CAP_PROP_OPENNI_FRAME_MAX_DEPTH   = 101, // in mm
00171        CAP_PROP_OPENNI_BASELINE          = 102, // in mm
00172        CAP_PROP_OPENNI_FOCAL_LENGTH      = 103, // in pixels
00173        CAP_PROP_OPENNI_REGISTRATION      = 104, // flag that synchronizes the remapping depth map to image map
00174                                                 // by changing depth generator's view point (if the flag is "on") or
00175                                                 // sets this view point to its normal one (if the flag is "off").
00178        CAP_PROP_OPENNI_MAX_BUFFER_SIZE   = 106,
00179        CAP_PROP_OPENNI_CIRCLE_BUFFER     = 107,
00182        CAP_PROP_OPENNI2_SYNC             = 110,
00183        CAP_PROP_OPENNI2_MIRROR           = 111
00184      };
00186 // OpenNI shortcats
00193      };
00195 // OpenNI data given from depth generator
00196 enum { CAP_OPENNI_DEPTH_MAP         = 0, // Depth values in mm (CV_16UC1)
00197        CAP_OPENNI_POINT_CLOUD_MAP   = 1, // XYZ in meters (CV_32FC3)
00198        CAP_OPENNI_DISPARITY_MAP     = 2, // Disparity in pixels (CV_8UC1)
00199        CAP_OPENNI_DISPARITY_MAP_32F = 3, // Disparity in pixels (CV_32FC1)
00200        CAP_OPENNI_VALID_DEPTH_MASK  = 4, // CV_8UC1
00202        // Data given from RGB image generator
00203        CAP_OPENNI_BGR_IMAGE         = 5,
00204        CAP_OPENNI_GRAY_IMAGE        = 6
00205      };
00207 // Supported output modes of OpenNI image generator
00208 enum { CAP_OPENNI_VGA_30HZ  = 0,
00209        CAP_OPENNI_SXGA_15HZ = 1,
00210        CAP_OPENNI_SXGA_30HZ = 2,
00211        CAP_OPENNI_QVGA_30HZ = 3,
00212        CAP_OPENNI_QVGA_60HZ = 4
00213      };
00216 // GStreamer
00217 enum { CAP_PROP_GSTREAMER_QUEUE_LENGTH = 200 // default is 1
00218      };
00221 // PVAPI
00222 enum { CAP_PROP_PVAPI_MULTICASTIP           = 300, // ip for anable multicast master mode. 0 for disable multicast
00223        CAP_PROP_PVAPI_FRAMESTARTTRIGGERMODE = 301, // FrameStartTriggerMode: Determines how a frame is initiated
00224        CAP_PROP_PVAPI_DECIMATIONHORIZONTAL  = 302, // Horizontal sub-sampling of the image
00225        CAP_PROP_PVAPI_DECIMATIONVERTICAL    = 303, // Vertical sub-sampling of the image
00226        CAP_PROP_PVAPI_BINNINGX              = 304, // Horizontal binning factor
00227        CAP_PROP_PVAPI_BINNINGY              = 305, // Vertical binning factor
00228        CAP_PROP_PVAPI_PIXELFORMAT           = 306  // Pixel format
00229      };
00231 // PVAPI: FrameStartTriggerMode
00232 enum { CAP_PVAPI_FSTRIGMODE_FREERUN     = 0,    // Freerun
00233        CAP_PVAPI_FSTRIGMODE_SYNCIN1     = 1,    // SyncIn1
00234        CAP_PVAPI_FSTRIGMODE_SYNCIN2     = 2,    // SyncIn2
00235        CAP_PVAPI_FSTRIGMODE_FIXEDRATE   = 3,    // FixedRate
00236        CAP_PVAPI_FSTRIGMODE_SOFTWARE    = 4     // Software
00237      };
00239 // PVAPI: DecimationHorizontal, DecimationVertical
00240 enum { CAP_PVAPI_DECIMATION_OFF       = 1,    // Off
00241        CAP_PVAPI_DECIMATION_2OUTOF4   = 2,    // 2 out of 4 decimation
00242        CAP_PVAPI_DECIMATION_2OUTOF8   = 4,    // 2 out of 8 decimation
00243        CAP_PVAPI_DECIMATION_2OUTOF16  = 8     // 2 out of 16 decimation
00244      };
00246 // PVAPI: PixelFormat
00247 enum { CAP_PVAPI_PIXELFORMAT_MONO8    = 1,    // Mono8
00248        CAP_PVAPI_PIXELFORMAT_MONO16   = 2,    // Mono16
00249        CAP_PVAPI_PIXELFORMAT_BAYER8   = 3,    // Bayer8
00250        CAP_PVAPI_PIXELFORMAT_BAYER16  = 4,    // Bayer16
00251        CAP_PVAPI_PIXELFORMAT_RGB24    = 5,    // Rgb24
00252        CAP_PVAPI_PIXELFORMAT_BGR24    = 6,    // Bgr24
00253        CAP_PVAPI_PIXELFORMAT_RGBA32   = 7,    // Rgba32
00254        CAP_PVAPI_PIXELFORMAT_BGRA32   = 8,    // Bgra32
00255      };
00257 // Properties of cameras available through XIMEA SDK interface
00258 enum { CAP_PROP_XI_DOWNSAMPLING  = 400, // Change image resolution by binning or skipping.
00259        CAP_PROP_XI_DATA_FORMAT   = 401, // Output data format.
00260        CAP_PROP_XI_OFFSET_X      = 402, // Horizontal offset from the origin to the area of interest (in pixels).
00261        CAP_PROP_XI_OFFSET_Y      = 403, // Vertical offset from the origin to the area of interest (in pixels).
00262        CAP_PROP_XI_TRG_SOURCE    = 404, // Defines source of trigger.
00263        CAP_PROP_XI_TRG_SOFTWARE  = 405, // Generates an internal trigger. PRM_TRG_SOURCE must be set to TRG_SOFTWARE.
00264        CAP_PROP_XI_GPI_SELECTOR  = 406, // Selects general purpose input
00265        CAP_PROP_XI_GPI_MODE      = 407, // Set general purpose input mode
00266        CAP_PROP_XI_GPI_LEVEL     = 408, // Get general purpose level
00267        CAP_PROP_XI_GPO_SELECTOR  = 409, // Selects general purpose output
00268        CAP_PROP_XI_GPO_MODE      = 410, // Set general purpose output mode
00269        CAP_PROP_XI_LED_SELECTOR  = 411, // Selects camera signalling LED
00270        CAP_PROP_XI_LED_MODE      = 412, // Define camera signalling LED functionality
00271        CAP_PROP_XI_MANUAL_WB     = 413, // Calculates White Balance(must be called during acquisition)
00272        CAP_PROP_XI_AUTO_WB       = 414, // Automatic white balance
00273        CAP_PROP_XI_AEAG          = 415, // Automatic exposure/gain
00274        CAP_PROP_XI_EXP_PRIORITY  = 416, // Exposure priority (0.5 - exposure 50%, gain 50%).
00275        CAP_PROP_XI_AE_MAX_LIMIT  = 417, // Maximum limit of exposure in AEAG procedure
00276        CAP_PROP_XI_AG_MAX_LIMIT  = 418, // Maximum limit of gain in AEAG procedure
00277        CAP_PROP_XI_AEAG_LEVEL    = 419, // Average intensity of output signal AEAG should achieve(in %)
00278        CAP_PROP_XI_TIMEOUT       = 420  // Image capture timeout in milliseconds
00279      };
00281 // Properties of cameras available through AVFOUNDATION interface
00282 enum { CAP_PROP_IOS_DEVICE_FOCUS        = 9001,
00283        CAP_PROP_IOS_DEVICE_EXPOSURE     = 9002,
00284        CAP_PROP_IOS_DEVICE_FLASH        = 9003,
00286        CAP_PROP_IOS_DEVICE_TORCH        = 9005
00287      };
00290 // Properties of cameras available through Smartek Giganetix Ethernet Vision interface
00291 /* --- Vladimir Litvinenko ( --- */
00292 enum { CAP_PROP_GIGA_FRAME_OFFSET_X   = 10001,
00293        CAP_PROP_GIGA_FRAME_OFFSET_Y   = 10002,
00294        CAP_PROP_GIGA_FRAME_WIDTH_MAX  = 10003,
00295        CAP_PROP_GIGA_FRAME_HEIGH_MAX  = 10004,
00296        CAP_PROP_GIGA_FRAME_SENS_WIDTH = 10005,
00297        CAP_PROP_GIGA_FRAME_SENS_HEIGH = 10006
00298      };
00300 enum { CAP_PROP_INTELPERC_PROFILE_COUNT               = 11001,
00301        CAP_PROP_INTELPERC_PROFILE_IDX                 = 11002,
00307      };
00309 // Intel PerC streams
00310 enum { CAP_INTELPERC_DEPTH_GENERATOR = 1 << 29,
00311        CAP_INTELPERC_IMAGE_GENERATOR = 1 << 28,
00313      };
00315 enum { CAP_INTELPERC_DEPTH_MAP              = 0, // Each pixel is a 16-bit integer. The value indicates the distance from an object to the camera's XY plane or the Cartesian depth.
00316        CAP_INTELPERC_UVDEPTH_MAP            = 1, // Each pixel contains two 32-bit floating point values in the range of 0-1, representing the mapping of depth coordinates to the color coordinates.
00317        CAP_INTELPERC_IR_MAP                 = 2, // Each pixel is a 16-bit integer. The value indicates the intensity of the reflected laser beam.
00318        CAP_INTELPERC_IMAGE                  = 3
00319      };
00321 enum { VIDEOWRITER_PROP_QUALITY = 1,    // Quality (0..100%) of the videostream encoded
00322        VIDEOWRITER_PROP_FRAMEBYTES = 2, // (Read-only): Size of just encoded video frame
00323        VIDEOWRITER_PROP_NSTRIPES = 3    // Number of stripes for parallel encoding. -1 for auto detection
00324      };
00326 // gPhoto2 properties, if propertyId is less than 0 then work on widget with that __additive inversed__ camera setting ID
00328 // @see CvCaptureCAM_GPHOTO2 for more info
00329 enum { CAP_PROP_GPHOTO2_PREVIEW           = 17001, // Capture only preview from liveview mode.
00330        CAP_PROP_GPHOTO2_WIDGET_ENUMERATE  = 17002, // Readonly, returns (const char *).
00331        CAP_PROP_GPHOTO2_RELOAD_CONFIG     = 17003, // Trigger, only by set. Reload camera settings.
00332        CAP_PROP_GPHOTO2_RELOAD_ON_CHANGE  = 17004, // Reload all settings on set.
00333        CAP_PROP_GPHOTO2_COLLECT_MSGS      = 17005, // Collect messages with details.
00334        CAP_PROP_GPHOTO2_FLUSH_MSGS        = 17006, // Readonly, returns (const char *).
00335        CAP_PROP_SPEED                     = 17007, // Exposure speed. Can be readonly, depends on camera program.
00336        CAP_PROP_APERTURE                  = 17008, // Aperture. Can be readonly, depends on camera program.
00337        CAP_PROP_EXPOSUREPROGRAM           = 17009, // Camera exposure program.
00338        CAP_PROP_VIEWFINDER                = 17010  // Enter liveview mode.
00339      };
00341 //enum {
00343 class IVideoCapture;
00345 /** @brief Class for video capturing from video files, image sequences or cameras. The class provides C++ API
00346 for capturing video from cameras or for reading video files and image sequences. Here is how the
00347 class can be used: :
00348 @code
00349     #include "opencv2/opencv.hpp"
00351     using namespace cv;
00353     int main(int, char**)
00354     {
00355         VideoCapture cap(0); // open the default camera
00356         if(!cap.isOpened())  // check if we succeeded
00357             return -1;
00359         Mat edges;
00360         namedWindow("edges",1);
00361         for(;;)
00362         {
00363             Mat frame;
00364             cap >> frame; // get a new frame from camera
00365             cvtColor(frame, edges, COLOR_BGR2GRAY);
00366             GaussianBlur(edges, edges, Size(7,7), 1.5, 1.5);
00367             Canny(edges, edges, 0, 30, 3);
00368             imshow("edges", edges);
00369             if(waitKey(30) >= 0) break;
00370         }
00371         // the camera will be deinitialized automatically in VideoCapture destructor
00372         return 0;
00373     }
00374 @endcode
00375 @note In C API the black-box structure CvCapture is used instead of VideoCapture.
00377 @note
00378 -   A basic sample on using the VideoCapture interface can be found at
00379     opencv_source_code/samples/cpp/starter_video.cpp
00380 -   Another basic video processing sample can be found at
00381     opencv_source_code/samples/cpp/video_dmtx.cpp
00382 -   (Python) A basic sample on using the VideoCapture interface can be found at
00383     opencv_source_code/samples/python/
00384 -   (Python) Another basic video processing sample can be found at
00385     opencv_source_code/samples/python/
00386 -   (Python) A multi threaded video processing sample can be found at
00387     opencv_source_code/samples/python/
00388  */
00389 class CV_EXPORTS_W VideoCapture
00390 {
00391 public:
00392     /** @brief
00393     @note In C API, when you finished working with video, release CvCapture structure with
00394     cvReleaseCapture(), or use Ptr<CvCapture> that calls cvReleaseCapture() automatically in the
00395     destructor.
00396      */
00397     CV_WRAP VideoCapture();
00399     /** @overload
00400     @param filename name of the opened video file (eg. video.avi) or image sequence (eg.
00401     img_%02d.jpg, which will read samples like img_00.jpg, img_01.jpg, img_02.jpg, ...)
00402     */
00403     CV_WRAP VideoCapture(const String& filename);
00405     /** @overload
00406     @param filename name of the opened video file (eg. video.avi) or image sequence (eg.
00407     img_%02d.jpg, which will read samples like img_00.jpg, img_01.jpg, img_02.jpg, ...)
00409     @param apiPreference preferred Capture API to use. Can be used to enforce a specific reader
00410     implementation if multiple are available: e.g. CAP_FFMPEG or CAP_IMAGES
00411     */
00412     CV_WRAP VideoCapture(const String& filename, int apiPreference);
00414     /** @overload
00415     @param index = camera_id + domain_offset (CAP_*). id of the video capturing device to open. If there is a single
00416     camera connected, just pass 0. Advanced Usage: to open Camera 1 using the MS Media Foundation API: index = 1 + CAP_MSMF
00417     */
00418     CV_WRAP VideoCapture(int index);
00420     virtual ~VideoCapture();
00422     /** @brief Open video file or a capturing device for video capturing
00424     @param filename name of the opened video file (eg. video.avi) or image sequence (eg.
00425     img_%02d.jpg, which will read samples like img_00.jpg, img_01.jpg, img_02.jpg, ...)
00427     The methods first call VideoCapture::release to close the already opened file or camera.
00428      */
00429     CV_WRAP virtual bool open(const String& filename);
00431     /** @overload
00432     @param index = camera_id + domain_offset (CAP_*). id of the video capturing device to open. If there is a single
00433     camera connected, just pass 0. Advanced Usage: to open Camera 1 using the MS Media Foundation API: index = 1 + CAP_MSMF
00434     */
00435     CV_WRAP virtual bool open(int index);
00437     /** @brief Returns true if video capturing has been initialized already.
00439     If the previous call to VideoCapture constructor or VideoCapture::open succeeded, the method returns
00440     true.
00441      */
00442     CV_WRAP virtual bool isOpened() const;
00444     /** @brief Closes video file or capturing device.
00446     The methods are automatically called by subsequent VideoCapture::open and by VideoCapture
00447     destructor.
00449     The C function also deallocates memory and clears \*capture pointer.
00450      */
00451     CV_WRAP virtual void release();
00453     /** @brief Grabs the next frame from video file or capturing device.
00455     The methods/functions grab the next frame from video file or camera and return true (non-zero) in
00456     the case of success.
00458     The primary use of the function is in multi-camera environments, especially when the cameras do not
00459     have hardware synchronization. That is, you call VideoCapture::grab() for each camera and after that
00460     call the slower method VideoCapture::retrieve() to decode and get frame from each camera. This way
00461     the overhead on demosaicing or motion jpeg decompression etc. is eliminated and the retrieved frames
00462     from different cameras will be closer in time.
00464     Also, when a connected camera is multi-head (for example, a stereo camera or a Kinect device), the
00465     correct way of retrieving data from it is to call VideoCapture::grab first and then call
00466     VideoCapture::retrieve one or more times with different values of the channel parameter. See
00467     <>
00468      */
00469     CV_WRAP virtual bool grab();
00471     /** @brief Decodes and returns the grabbed video frame.
00473     The methods/functions decode and return the just grabbed frame. If no frames has been grabbed
00474     (camera has been disconnected, or there are no more frames in video file), the methods return false
00475     and the functions return NULL pointer.
00477     @note OpenCV 1.x functions cvRetrieveFrame and cv.RetrieveFrame return image stored inside the video
00478     capturing structure. It is not allowed to modify or release the image! You can copy the frame using
00479     :ocvcvCloneImage and then do whatever you want with the copy.
00480      */
00481     CV_WRAP virtual bool retrieve(OutputArray image, int flag = 0);
00482     virtual VideoCapture& operator >> (CV_OUT Mat& image);
00483     virtual VideoCapture& operator >> (CV_OUT UMat & image);
00485     /** @brief Grabs, decodes and returns the next video frame.
00487     The methods/functions combine VideoCapture::grab and VideoCapture::retrieve in one call. This is the
00488     most convenient method for reading video files or capturing data from decode and return the just
00489     grabbed frame. If no frames has been grabbed (camera has been disconnected, or there are no more
00490     frames in video file), the methods return false and the functions return NULL pointer.
00492     @note OpenCV 1.x functions cvRetrieveFrame and cv.RetrieveFrame return image stored inside the video
00493     capturing structure. It is not allowed to modify or release the image! You can copy the frame using
00494     :ocvcvCloneImage and then do whatever you want with the copy.
00495      */
00496     CV_WRAP virtual bool read(OutputArray image);
00498     /** @brief Sets a property in the VideoCapture.
00500     @param propId Property identifier. It can be one of the following:
00501      -   **CAP_PROP_POS_MSEC** Current position of the video file in milliseconds.
00502      -   **CAP_PROP_POS_FRAMES** 0-based index of the frame to be decoded/captured next.
00503      -   **CAP_PROP_POS_AVI_RATIO** Relative position of the video file: 0 - start of the
00504          film, 1 - end of the film.
00505      -   **CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH** Width of the frames in the video stream.
00506      -   **CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT** Height of the frames in the video stream.
00507      -   **CAP_PROP_FPS** Frame rate.
00508      -   **CAP_PROP_FOURCC** 4-character code of codec.
00509      -   **CAP_PROP_FRAME_COUNT** Number of frames in the video file.
00510      -   **CAP_PROP_FORMAT** Format of the Mat objects returned by retrieve() .
00511      -   **CAP_PROP_MODE** Backend-specific value indicating the current capture mode.
00512      -   **CAP_PROP_BRIGHTNESS** Brightness of the image (only for cameras).
00513      -   **CAP_PROP_CONTRAST** Contrast of the image (only for cameras).
00514      -   **CAP_PROP_SATURATION** Saturation of the image (only for cameras).
00515      -   **CAP_PROP_HUE** Hue of the image (only for cameras).
00516      -   **CAP_PROP_GAIN** Gain of the image (only for cameras).
00517      -   **CAP_PROP_EXPOSURE** Exposure (only for cameras).
00518      -   **CAP_PROP_CONVERT_RGB** Boolean flags indicating whether images should be converted
00519          to RGB.
00520      -   **CAP_PROP_WHITE_BALANCE** Currently unsupported
00521      -   **CAP_PROP_RECTIFICATION** Rectification flag for stereo cameras (note: only supported
00522          by DC1394 v 2.x backend currently)
00523     @param value Value of the property.
00524      */
00525     CV_WRAP virtual bool set(int propId, double value);
00527     /** @brief Returns the specified VideoCapture property
00529     @param propId Property identifier. It can be one of the following:
00530      -   **CAP_PROP_POS_MSEC** Current position of the video file in milliseconds or video
00531          capture timestamp.
00532      -   **CAP_PROP_POS_FRAMES** 0-based index of the frame to be decoded/captured next.
00533      -   **CAP_PROP_POS_AVI_RATIO** Relative position of the video file: 0 - start of the
00534          film, 1 - end of the film.
00535      -   **CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH** Width of the frames in the video stream.
00536      -   **CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT** Height of the frames in the video stream.
00537      -   **CAP_PROP_FPS** Frame rate.
00538      -   **CAP_PROP_FOURCC** 4-character code of codec.
00539      -   **CAP_PROP_FRAME_COUNT** Number of frames in the video file.
00540      -   **CAP_PROP_FORMAT** Format of the Mat objects returned by retrieve() .
00541      -   **CAP_PROP_MODE** Backend-specific value indicating the current capture mode.
00542      -   **CAP_PROP_BRIGHTNESS** Brightness of the image (only for cameras).
00543      -   **CAP_PROP_CONTRAST** Contrast of the image (only for cameras).
00544      -   **CAP_PROP_SATURATION** Saturation of the image (only for cameras).
00545      -   **CAP_PROP_HUE** Hue of the image (only for cameras).
00546      -   **CAP_PROP_GAIN** Gain of the image (only for cameras).
00547      -   **CAP_PROP_EXPOSURE** Exposure (only for cameras).
00548      -   **CAP_PROP_CONVERT_RGB** Boolean flags indicating whether images should be converted
00549          to RGB.
00550      -   **CAP_PROP_WHITE_BALANCE** Currently not supported
00551      -   **CAP_PROP_RECTIFICATION** Rectification flag for stereo cameras (note: only supported
00552          by DC1394 v 2.x backend currently)
00554     @note When querying a property that is not supported by the backend used by the VideoCapture
00555     class, value 0 is returned.
00556      */
00557     CV_WRAP virtual double get(int propId) const;
00559     /** @overload
00561     @param filename name of the opened video file (eg. video.avi) or image sequence (eg.
00562     img_%02d.jpg, which will read samples like img_00.jpg, img_01.jpg, img_02.jpg, ...)
00564     @param apiPreference preferred Capture API to use. Can be used to enforce a specific reader
00565     implementation if multiple are available: e.g. CAP_FFMPEG or CAP_IMAGES
00567     The methods first call VideoCapture::release to close the already opened file or camera.
00568      */
00569     CV_WRAP virtual bool open(const String& filename, int apiPreference);
00571 protected:
00572     Ptr<CvCapture>  cap;
00573     Ptr<IVideoCapture>  icap;
00574 };
00576 class IVideoWriter;
00578 /** @brief Video writer class.
00579  */
00580 class CV_EXPORTS_W VideoWriter
00581 {
00582 public:
00583     /** @brief VideoWriter constructors
00585     The constructors/functions initialize video writers. On Linux FFMPEG is used to write videos; on
00586     Windows FFMPEG or VFW is used; on MacOSX QTKit is used.
00587      */
00588     CV_WRAP VideoWriter();
00590     /** @overload
00591     @param filename Name of the output video file.
00592     @param fourcc 4-character code of codec used to compress the frames. For example,
00593     VideoWriter::fourcc('P','I','M','1') is a MPEG-1 codec, VideoWriter::fourcc('M','J','P','G') is a
00594     motion-jpeg codec etc. List of codes can be obtained at [Video Codecs by
00595     FOURCC]( page. FFMPEG backend with MP4 container natively uses
00596     other values as fourcc code: see [ObjectType](,
00597     so you may receive a warning message from OpenCV about fourcc code conversion.
00598     @param fps Framerate of the created video stream.
00599     @param frameSize Size of the video frames.
00600     @param isColor If it is not zero, the encoder will expect and encode color frames, otherwise it
00601     will work with grayscale frames (the flag is currently supported on Windows only).
00602     */
00603     CV_WRAP VideoWriter(const String& filename, int fourcc, double fps,
00604                 Size frameSize, bool isColor = true);
00606     virtual ~VideoWriter();
00608     /** @brief Initializes or reinitializes video writer.
00610     The method opens video writer. Parameters are the same as in the constructor
00611     VideoWriter::VideoWriter.
00612      */
00613     CV_WRAP virtual bool open(const String& filename, int fourcc, double fps,
00614                       Size frameSize, bool isColor = true);
00616     /** @brief Returns true if video writer has been successfully initialized.
00617     */
00618     CV_WRAP virtual bool isOpened() const;
00620     /** @brief Closes the video writer.
00622     The methods are automatically called by subsequent VideoWriter::open and by the VideoWriter
00623     destructor.
00624      */
00625     CV_WRAP virtual void release();
00626     virtual VideoWriter& operator << (const Mat& image);
00628     /** @brief Writes the next video frame
00630     @param image The written frame
00632     The functions/methods write the specified image to video file. It must have the same size as has
00633     been specified when opening the video writer.
00634      */
00635     CV_WRAP virtual void write(const Mat& image);
00637     /** @brief Sets a property in the VideoWriter.
00639      @param propId Property identifier. It can be one of the following:
00640      -   **VIDEOWRITER_PROP_QUALITY** Quality (0..100%) of the videostream encoded. Can be adjusted dynamically in some codecs.
00641      -   **VIDEOWRITER_PROP_NSTRIPES** Number of stripes for parallel encoding
00642      @param value Value of the property.
00643      */
00644     CV_WRAP virtual bool set(int propId, double value);
00646     /** @brief Returns the specified VideoWriter property
00648      @param propId Property identifier. It can be one of the following:
00649      -   **VIDEOWRITER_PROP_QUALITY** Current quality of the encoded videostream.
00650      -   **VIDEOWRITER_PROP_FRAMEBYTES** (Read-only) Size of just encoded video frame; note that the encoding order may be different from representation order.
00651      -   **VIDEOWRITER_PROP_NSTRIPES** Number of stripes for parallel encoding
00653      @note When querying a property that is not supported by the backend used by the VideoWriter
00654      class, value 0 is returned.
00655      */
00656     CV_WRAP virtual double get(int propId) const;
00658     /** @brief Concatenates 4 chars to a fourcc code
00660     This static method constructs the fourcc code of the codec to be used in the constructor
00661     VideoWriter::VideoWriter or VideoWriter::open.
00662      */
00663     CV_WRAP static int fourcc(char c1, char c2, char c3, char c4);
00665 protected:
00666     Ptr<CvVideoWriter>  writer;
00667     Ptr<IVideoWriter>  iwriter;
00669     static Ptr<IVideoWriter>  create(const String& filename, int fourcc, double fps,
00670                                     Size frameSize, bool isColor = true);
00671 };
00673 template<> CV_EXPORTS void DefaultDeleter<CvCapture>::operator ()(CvCapture* obj) const;
00674 template<> CV_EXPORTS void DefaultDeleter<CvVideoWriter>::operator ()(CvVideoWriter* obj) const;
00676 //! @} videoio
00678 } // cv
00680 #endif //__OPENCV_VIDEOIO_HPP__