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CvMat Struct Reference

CvMat Struct Reference
[C structures and operations]

Matrix elements are stored row by row. More...

#include <types_c.h>

Detailed Description

Matrix elements are stored row by row.

Element (i, j) (i - 0-based row index, j - 0-based column index) of a matrix can be retrieved or modified using CV_MAT_ELEM macro:

uchar pixval = CV_MAT_ELEM(grayimg, uchar, i, j) CV_MAT_ELEM(cameraMatrix, float, 0, 2) = image.width*0.5f;

To access multiple-channel matrices, you can use CV_MAT_ELEM(matrix, type, i, j\*nchannels + channel_idx).

Definition at line 423 of file core/types_c.h.