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00001 /*M///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
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00008 //
00009 //
00010 //                           License Agreement
00011 //                For Open Source Computer Vision Library
00012 //
00013 // Copyright (C) 2000-2008, Intel Corporation, all rights reserved.
00014 // Copyright (C) 2009, Willow Garage Inc., all rights reserved.
00015 // Third party copyrights are property of their respective owners.
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00017 // Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
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00020 //   * Redistribution's of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
00021 //     this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
00022 //
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00024 //     this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
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00041 //M*/
00046 //! @cond IGNORED
00048 namespace cv { namespace detail {
00049 /**
00050 Computes the matrix for the projection onto a tilted image sensor
00051 \param tauX angular parameter rotation around x-axis
00052 \param tauY angular parameter rotation around y-axis
00053 \param matTilt if not NULL returns the matrix
00054 \f[
00055 \vecthreethree{R_{33}(\tau_x, \tau_y)}{0}{-R_{13}((\tau_x, \tau_y)}
00056 {0}{R_{33}(\tau_x, \tau_y)}{-R_{23}(\tau_x, \tau_y)}
00057 {0}{0}{1} R(\tau_x, \tau_y)
00058 \f]
00059 where
00060 \f[
00061 R(\tau_x, \tau_y) =
00062 \vecthreethree{\cos(\tau_y)}{0}{-\sin(\tau_y)}{0}{1}{0}{\sin(\tau_y)}{0}{\cos(\tau_y)}
00063 \vecthreethree{1}{0}{0}{0}{\cos(\tau_x)}{\sin(\tau_x)}{0}{-\sin(\tau_x)}{\cos(\tau_x)} =
00064 \vecthreethree{\cos(\tau_y)}{\sin(\tau_y)\sin(\tau_x)}{-\sin(\tau_y)\cos(\tau_x)}
00065 {0}{\cos(\tau_x)}{\sin(\tau_x)}
00066 {\sin(\tau_y)}{-\cos(\tau_y)\sin(\tau_x)}{\cos(\tau_y)\cos(\tau_x)}.
00067 \f]
00068 \param dMatTiltdTauX if not NULL it returns the derivative of matTilt with
00069 respect to \f$\tau_x\f$.
00070 \param dMatTiltdTauY if not NULL it returns the derivative of matTilt with
00071 respect to \f$\tau_y\f$.
00072 \param invMatTilt if not NULL it returns the inverse of matTilt
00073 **/
00074 template <typename FLOAT>
00075 void computeTiltProjectionMatrix(FLOAT tauX,
00076     FLOAT tauY,
00077     Matx<FLOAT, 3, 3>* matTilt = 0,
00078     Matx<FLOAT, 3, 3>* dMatTiltdTauX = 0,
00079     Matx<FLOAT, 3, 3>* dMatTiltdTauY = 0,
00080     Matx<FLOAT, 3, 3>* invMatTilt = 0)
00081 {
00082     FLOAT cTauX = cos(tauX);
00083     FLOAT sTauX = sin(tauX);
00084     FLOAT cTauY = cos(tauY);
00085     FLOAT sTauY = sin(tauY);
00086     Matx<FLOAT, 3, 3> matRotX = Matx<FLOAT, 3, 3>(1,0,0,0,cTauX,sTauX,0,-sTauX,cTauX);
00087     Matx<FLOAT, 3, 3> matRotY = Matx<FLOAT, 3, 3>(cTauY,0,-sTauY,0,1,0,sTauY,0,cTauY);
00088     Matx<FLOAT, 3, 3> matRotXY = matRotY * matRotX;
00089     Matx<FLOAT, 3, 3> matProjZ = Matx<FLOAT, 3, 3>(matRotXY(2,2),0,-matRotXY(0,2),0,matRotXY(2,2),-matRotXY(1,2),0,0,1);
00090     if (matTilt)
00091     {
00092         // Matrix for trapezoidal distortion of tilted image sensor
00093         *matTilt = matProjZ * matRotXY;
00094     }
00095     if (dMatTiltdTauX)
00096     {
00097         // Derivative with respect to tauX
00098         Matx<FLOAT, 3, 3> dMatRotXYdTauX = matRotY * Matx<FLOAT, 3, 3>(0,0,0,0,-sTauX,cTauX,0,-cTauX,-sTauX);
00099         Matx<FLOAT, 3, 3> dMatProjZdTauX = Matx<FLOAT, 3, 3>(dMatRotXYdTauX(2,2),0,-dMatRotXYdTauX(0,2),
00100           0,dMatRotXYdTauX(2,2),-dMatRotXYdTauX(1,2),0,0,0);
00101         *dMatTiltdTauX = (matProjZ * dMatRotXYdTauX) + (dMatProjZdTauX * matRotXY);
00102     }
00103     if (dMatTiltdTauY)
00104     {
00105         // Derivative with respect to tauY
00106         Matx<FLOAT, 3, 3> dMatRotXYdTauY = Matx<FLOAT, 3, 3>(-sTauY,0,-cTauY,0,0,0,cTauY,0,-sTauY) * matRotX;
00107         Matx<FLOAT, 3, 3> dMatProjZdTauY = Matx<FLOAT, 3, 3>(dMatRotXYdTauY(2,2),0,-dMatRotXYdTauY(0,2),
00108           0,dMatRotXYdTauY(2,2),-dMatRotXYdTauY(1,2),0,0,0);
00109         *dMatTiltdTauY = (matProjZ * dMatRotXYdTauY) + (dMatProjZdTauY * matRotXY);
00110     }
00111     if (invMatTilt)
00112     {
00113         FLOAT inv = 1./matRotXY(2,2);
00114         Matx<FLOAT, 3, 3> invMatProjZ = Matx<FLOAT, 3, 3>(inv,0,inv*matRotXY(0,2),0,inv,inv*matRotXY(1,2),0,0,1);
00115         *invMatTilt = matRotXY.t()*invMatProjZ;
00116     }
00117 }
00118 }} // namespace detail, cv
00121 //! @endcond