Port from Avnet's Internet Of Things full WiGo demo: SmartConfig - WebServer - Exosite - Android sensor Fusion App

Dependencies:   NVIC_set_all_priorities mbed cc3000_hostdriver_mbedsocket TEMT6200 TSI Wi-Go_eCompass_Lib_V3 WiGo_BattCharger

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00001 /* mbed Microcontroller Library
00002  * Copyright (c) 2006-2013 ARM Limited
00003  *
00004  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
00005  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
00006  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
00007  *
00008  *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
00009  *
00010  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
00011  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
00012  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
00013  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
00014  * limitations under the License.
00015  */
00016 #include "mbed.h"
00017 #include "cc3000.h"
00018 #include "main.h"
00019 #include "TCPSocketConnection.h"
00020 #include "TCPSocketServer.h"
00022 using namespace mbed_cc3000;
00024 tUserFS user_info;
00026 /* cc3000 module declaration specific for user's board. Check also init() */
00027 #if (MY_BOARD == WIGO)
00029 #include "I2C_busreset.h"
00030 #include "defLED.h"
00031 #include "TSISensor.h"
00032 #include "TEMT6200.h"
00033 #include "WiGo_BattCharger.h"
00034 #include "MMA8451Q.h"
00035 #include "MAG3110.h"
00036 #include "MPL3115A2.h"
00037 #include "Wi-Go_eCompass_Lib_V3.h"
00038 #include "demo.h"
00039 #include "doTCPIP.h"
00040 #include "run_exosite.h"
00042 #define FCOUNTSPERG  4096.0F // sensor specific: MMA8451 provide 4096 counts / g in 2g mode
00043 #define FCOUNTSPERUT   10.0F // sensor specific: MAG3110 provide 10 counts / uT
00045 #define BATT_0          0.53
00046 #define BATT_100        0.63
00048 DigitalOut ledr (LED_RED);
00049 DigitalOut ledg (LED_GREEN);
00050 DigitalOut ledb (LED_BLUE);
00051 DigitalOut led1 (PTB8);
00052 DigitalOut led2 (PTB9);
00053 DigitalOut led3 (PTB10);
00055 cc3000 wifi(PTA16, PTA13, PTD0, SPI(PTD2, PTD3, PTC5), "", "", NONE, true);
00056 TCPSocketConnection socket;
00058 Serial pc(USBTX, USBRX);
00060 // Slide sensor
00061 TSISensor tsi;
00063 // Systick
00064 Ticker systick;
00065 // Variable checked in the systick handler
00066 // Code in the systick handler is only processed when Systick_Allowed = 1
00067 bool Systick_Allowed = 1;
00069 // Ambient light sensor : PTD5 = enable, PTB0 = analog input
00070 TEMT6200 ambi(PTD5, PTB0);
00072 //Wi-Go battery charger control
00075 // Accelerometer
00076 #define MMA8451_I2C_ADDRESS (0x1d<<1)
00077 MMA8451Q acc(PTE25, PTE24, MMA8451_I2C_ADDRESS);
00079 // Magnetometer
00080 #define MAG3110_I2C_ADDRESS (0x0e<<1)
00081 MAG3110 mag(PTE0, PTE1, MAG3110_I2C_ADDRESS);
00083 // altimeter-Pressure-Temperature (apt)
00084 #define MPL3115A2_I2C_ADDRESS (0x60<<1)
00085 MPL3115A2 apt( PTE0, PTE1, MPL3115A2_I2C_ADDRESS);
00087 volatile int secondFlag;
00088 volatile int HsecondFlag;
00089 unsigned int seconds;
00090 unsigned int compass_type;
00091 unsigned short adc_sample3;
00092 float fcountperg = 1.0F / FCOUNTSPERG;
00093 float fcountperut = 1.0F / FCOUNTSPERUT;
00094 volatile unsigned char newData;
00095 volatile int server_running;
00096 axis6_t axis6;
00097 int do_mDNS = 0;
00098 //Device name - used for Smart config in order to stop the Smart phone configuration process
00099 char DevServname[] = "CC3000";
00101 void initLEDs(void)
00102 {
00103     RED_OFF;
00104     GREEN_OFF;
00105     BLUE_OFF;
00106     LED_D1_OFF;
00107     LED_D2_OFF;
00108     LED_D3_OFF;
00109 }
00111 void GreenStop(void)
00112 {
00114     while(1)
00115     {
00116         GREEN_ON;
00117         secondFlag = 0;
00118         while(!secondFlag);
00119         GREEN_OFF;
00120         secondFlag = 0;
00121         while(!secondFlag);
00122     }
00123 }
00125 void accel_read(void)
00126 {
00127     signed short resultx, resulty, resultz;
00128     if(acc.isDataAvailable())
00129     {
00130         resultx = acc.readReg(0x01)<<8;
00131         resultx |= acc.readReg(0x02);
00132         resultx = resultx >> 2;
00133         resulty = acc.readReg(0x03)<<8;
00134         resulty |= acc.readReg(0x04);
00135         resulty = resulty >> 2;
00136         resultz = acc.readReg(0x05)<<8;
00137         resultz |= acc.readReg(0x06);
00138         resultz = resultz >> 2;
00139         if(compass_type == NED_COMPASS)
00140         {
00141             axis6.acc_x = resultx;
00142             axis6.acc_y = -1 * resulty; // multiple by -1 to compensate for PCB layout
00143             axis6.acc_z = resultz;
00144         }
00145         if(compass_type == ANDROID_COMPASS)
00146         {
00147             axis6.acc_x = resulty; // 
00148             axis6.acc_y = -1 * resultx;
00149             axis6.acc_z = resultz;
00150         }
00151         if(compass_type == WINDOWS_COMPASS)
00152         {
00153             axis6.acc_x = -1 * resulty; // 
00154             axis6.acc_y = resultx;
00155             axis6.acc_z = resultz;
00156         }
00157         axis6.fax = axis6.acc_x;
00158         axis6.fay = axis6.acc_y;
00159         axis6.faz = axis6.acc_z;
00160         axis6.fGax = axis6.fax * fcountperg;
00161         axis6.fGay = axis6.fay * fcountperg;
00162         axis6.fGaz = axis6.faz * fcountperg;                    
00163     }
00164 }        
00166 void readTempAlt(void) // We don't use the fractional data
00167 {
00168     unsigned char raw_data[2];
00169     if(apt.getAltimeterRaw(&raw_data[0]))
00170         axis6.alt = ((raw_data[0] << 8) | raw_data[1]);
00171     if(apt.getTemperatureRaw(&raw_data[0]))
00172         axis6.temp = raw_data[0];
00173 }
00175 void readCompass( void )
00176 {
00177     if(mag.isDataAvailable())
00178     {
00179         uint8_t  mx_msb, my_msb, mz_msb;
00180         uint8_t  mx_lsb, my_lsb, mz_lsb;
00182         mx_msb = mag.readReg(0x01);
00183         mx_lsb = mag.readReg(0x02);
00184         my_msb = mag.readReg(0x03);
00185         my_lsb = mag.readReg(0x04);
00186         mz_msb = mag.readReg(0x05);
00187         mz_lsb = mag.readReg(0x06);
00189         if(compass_type == NED_COMPASS)
00190         {
00191             axis6.mag_y = (((mx_msb << 8) | mx_lsb));      // x & y swapped to compensate for PCB layout
00192             axis6.mag_x = (((my_msb << 8) | my_lsb));
00193             axis6.mag_z = (((mz_msb << 8) | mz_lsb));
00194         }
00195         if(compass_type == ANDROID_COMPASS)
00196         {
00197             axis6.mag_x = (((mx_msb << 8) | mx_lsb));
00198             axis6.mag_y = (((my_msb << 8) | my_lsb));
00199             axis6.mag_z = -1 * (((mz_msb << 8) | mz_lsb)); // negate to reverse axis of Z to conform to Android coordinate system
00200         }
00201         if(compass_type == WINDOWS_COMPASS)
00202         {
00203             axis6.mag_x = (((mx_msb << 8) | mx_lsb));
00204             axis6.mag_y = (((my_msb << 8) | my_lsb));
00205             axis6.mag_z = -1 * (((mz_msb << 8) | mz_lsb));
00206         }
00207         axis6.fmx = axis6.mag_x;
00208         axis6.fmy = axis6.mag_y;
00209         axis6.fmz = axis6.mag_z;
00210         axis6.fUTmx = axis6.fmx * fcountperut;
00211         axis6.fUTmy = axis6.fmy * fcountperut;
00212         axis6.fUTmz = axis6.fmz * fcountperut;
00213     }
00214 }   
00216 void axis6Print(void)
00217 {
00218     char *compass_points[9] = {"North", "N-East", "East", "S-East", "South", "S-West", "West", "N-West", "North"};
00219     signed short compass_bearing = (axis6.compass + 23) / 45;
00220     printf("Compass : Roll=%-d  Pitch=%-d  Yaw=%-d [%s]\r\n", axis6.roll, axis6.pitch, axis6.yaw, compass_points[compass_bearing]);
00221     printf("Accel   : X= %1.2f, Y= %1.2f, Z= %1.2f\r\n", axis6.fGax, axis6.fGay, axis6.fGaz);
00222     printf("Magneto : X= %3.1f, Y= %3.1f, Z= %3.1f\r\n\r\n", axis6.fUTmx, axis6.fUTmy, axis6.fUTmz);
00223 }
00225 void set_dir_LED(void)
00226 {
00229     if((axis6.compass >= 353) || (axis6.compass <= 7))
00230     {
00231         GREEN_ON;
00232     }
00233     else
00234     {
00235         GREEN_OFF;
00236     }
00237     if(((axis6.compass >= 348) && (axis6.compass <= 357)) || ((axis6.compass >= 3) && (axis6.compass <= 12)))
00238     {
00239         BLUE_ON;
00240     }
00241     else
00242     {
00243         BLUE_OFF;
00244     }
00245     if((axis6.compass >= 348) || (axis6.compass <= 12)) return;
00246     if(((axis6.compass >= 268) && (axis6.compass <= 272)) || ((axis6.compass >= 88) && (axis6.compass <= 92)))
00247     {
00248         RED_ON;
00249         return;
00250     }
00251     if((axis6.compass >= 178) && (axis6.compass <= 182))
00252     {
00253         BLUE_ON;
00254         RED_ON;
00255         return;
00256     }
00257 }
00259 void SysTick_Handler(void)
00260 {
00261     static unsigned int ttt = 1;
00262     int ts;
00263     if(Systick_Allowed)
00264     {
00265         ts = ttt & 0x1;
00266         if(ts == 0)
00267         {
00268             accel_read();
00269             readCompass();
00270         }
00271         if(ts == 1)
00272         {
00273             run_eCompass();
00274             newData = 1; // a general purpose flag for things that need to synch to the ISR
00275             axis6.timestamp++;
00276             if(!server_running) set_dir_LED(); // Set the LEDs based on direction when nothing else is usng them
00277         }
00278         if(ttt == 50)
00279         {
00280             LED_D1_ON;
00281             if(seconds && (seconds < 15)) calibrate_eCompass();
00282             readTempAlt();
00283             axis6.light = ambi.readRaw(); // Light Sensor    
00284             HsecondFlag = 1; // A general purpose flag for things that need to happen every 500ms   
00285         }
00286         if(ttt >= 100)
00287         {
00288             LED_D1_OFF;
00289             ttt = 1;  
00290             calibrate_eCompass();
00291             Batt.sense_en(1);
00292             adc_sample3 = Batt.level(); 
00293             Batt.sense_en(0);
00294             secondFlag = 1; // A general purpose flag for things that need to happen once a second
00295             HsecondFlag = 1;
00296             seconds++;
00297             if(!(seconds & 0x1F)) do_mDNS = 1;          
00298         } else ttt++;
00299     }
00300 }
00301 /*void SysTick_Handler(void)
00302 {
00303     static unsigned int ttt = 1;
00304     int ts;
00305     ts = ttt & 0x3;
00306     if(ts == 2) readCompass();
00307     if(ts == 1) accel_read();
00308     if(ts == 3)
00309     {
00310         run_eCompass();
00311         newData = 1; // a general purpose flag for things that need to synch to the ISR
00312         axis6.timestamp++;
00313         if(!server_running) set_dir_LED(); // Set the LEDs based on direction when nothing else is usng them
00314     }
00315     if(ttt == 100)//systick = 0.005 : 100 - systick = 0.025 : 20
00316     {
00317         LED_D1_ON;
00318         if(seconds && (seconds < 15)) calibrate_eCompass();
00319         readTempAlt();
00320         axis6.light = ambi.readRaw(); // Light Sensor    
00321         HsecondFlag = 1; // A general purpose flag for things that need to happen every 500ms   
00322     }
00323     if(ttt >= 200)//systick = 0.005 : 200 - systick = 0.025 : 40
00324     {
00325         LED_D1_OFF;
00326         ttt = 1;  
00327         calibrate_eCompass();
00328         Batt.sense_en(1);
00329         adc_sample3 = Batt.level(); 
00330         Batt.sense_en(0);
00331         secondFlag = 1; // A general purpose flag for things that need to happen once a second
00332         HsecondFlag = 1;
00333         seconds++;
00334         if(!(seconds & 0x1F)) do_mDNS = 1;
00335     } else ttt++;
00336 }*/
00338 #elif (MY_BOARD == WIFI_DIPCORTEX)
00339 cc3000 wifi(p28, p27, p30, SPI(p21, p14, p37), PIN_INT0_IRQn);
00340 Serial pc(UART_TX, UART_RX);
00341 #else
00343 #endif
00346   const uint8_t smartconfigkey[] = {0x73,0x6d,0x61,0x72,0x74,0x63,0x6f,0x6e,0x66,0x69,0x67,0x41,0x45,0x53,0x31,0x36};
00347 #else
00348   const uint8_t smartconfigkey = 0;
00349 #endif
00351 /**
00352  *  \brief Print cc3000 information
00353  *  \param none
00354  *  \return none
00355  */
00356 void print_cc3000_info() {
00357     uint8_t myMAC[8];
00358     uint8_t spVER[5];
00359     wifi._nvmem.read_sp_version(spVER);
00360     printf("SP Version (TI) : %d %d %d %d %d\r\n", spVER[0], spVER[1], spVER[2], spVER[3], spVER[4]);
00361     printf("MAC address + cc3000 info \r\n");
00362     wifi.get_user_file_info((uint8_t *)&user_info, sizeof(user_info));
00363     wifi.get_mac_address(myMAC);
00364     printf(" MAC address %02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x \r\n \r\n", myMAC[0], myMAC[1], myMAC[2], myMAC[3], myMAC[4], myMAC[5]);
00366     printf(" FTC        %i \r\n",user_info.FTC);
00367     printf(" PP_version %i.%i \r\n",user_info.PP_version[0], user_info.PP_version[1]);
00368     printf(" SERV_PACK  %i.%i \r\n",user_info.SERV_PACK[0], user_info.SERV_PACK[1]);
00369     printf(" DRV_VER    %i.%i.%i \r\n",user_info.DRV_VER[0], user_info.DRV_VER[1], user_info.DRV_VER[2]);
00370     printf(" FW_VER     %i.%i.%i \r\n",user_info.FW_VER[0], user_info.FW_VER[1], user_info.FW_VER[2]);
00371 }
00373 /**
00374  *  \brief Connect to SSID with a timeout
00375  *  \param ssid     Name of SSID
00376  *  \param key      Password
00377  *  \param sec_mode Security mode
00378  *  \return none
00379  */
00380 void connect_to_ssid(char *ssid, char *key, unsigned char sec_mode) {
00381     printf("Connecting to SSID: %s. Timeout is 10s. \r\n",ssid);
00382     if (wifi.connect_to_AP((uint8_t *)ssid, (uint8_t *)key, sec_mode) == true) {
00383         printf(" Connected. \r\n");
00384     } else {
00385         printf(" Connection timed-out (error). Please restart. \r\n");
00386         while(1);
00387   }
00388 }
00390 /**
00391  *  \brief Connect to SSID without security
00392  *  \param ssid Name of SSID
00393  *  \return none
00394  */
00395 void connect_to_ssid(char *ssid) {
00396     wifi.connect_open((uint8_t *)ssid);
00397 }
00399 /**
00400  *  \brief First time configuration
00401  *  \param none
00402  *  \return none
00403  */
00404 void do_FTC(void) {
00405     printf("Running First Time Configuration \r\n");
00406     wifi.start_smart_config(smartconfigkey);
00407     while (wifi.is_dhcp_configured() == false) {
00408          wait_ms(500);
00409          printf("Waiting for dhcp to be set. \r\n");
00410     }
00411     user_info.FTC = 1;
00412     wifi.set_user_file_info((uint8_t *)&user_info, sizeof(user_info));
00413     wifi._wlan.stop();
00414     printf("FTC finished. \r\n");
00415 }
00417 /**
00418  *  \brief TCP server demo
00419  *  \param  none
00420  *  \return int
00421  */
00422 int main() {
00423     int loop;
00424     int temp;
00425     unsigned int oldseconds;
00427     //Board dependent init
00428     init();
00430     // Initalize global variables
00431     axis6.packet_id = 1;
00432     axis6.timestamp = 0;
00433     axis6.acc_x = 0;
00434     axis6.acc_y = 0;
00435     axis6.acc_z = 0;
00436     axis6.mag_x = 0;
00437     axis6.mag_y = 0;
00438     axis6.mag_z = 0;
00439     axis6.roll = 0;
00440     axis6.pitch = 0;
00441     axis6.yaw = 0;
00442     axis6.compass = 0;      
00443     axis6.alt = 0;
00444     axis6.temp = 0;
00445     axis6.light = 0;
00446     compass_type = ANDROID_COMPASS;
00447     seconds = 0;
00448     server_running = 1;
00449     newData = 0;    
00450     secondFlag = 0;
00451     HsecondFlag = 0;
00452     GREEN_ON;
00454     // Unlock I2C bus if blocked by a device
00455     I2C_busreset();
00457     pc.baud(115200);
00459     // set current to 500mA since we're turning on the Wi-Fi
00460     Batt.init(CHRG_500MA);
00462     //Init LEDs
00463     initLEDs();
00464     // Read the Magnetometer a couple of times to initalize
00465     for(loop=0 ; loop < 5 ; loop++)
00466     {
00467         temp = mag.readReg(0x01);
00468         temp = mag.readReg(0x02);
00469         temp = mag.readReg(0x03);
00470         temp = mag.readReg(0x04);
00471         temp = mag.readReg(0x05);
00472         temp = mag.readReg(0x06);
00473         wait_ms(50);
00474     }
00476     init_eCompass();
00478     // Start Ticker
00479     systick.attach(&SysTick_Handler, 0.01);
00480     // Trigger a WLAN device
00481     wifi.init();
00482     //wifi.start(0);
00483     printf("CC3000 Wi-Go IOT demo.\r\n");
00484     print_cc3000_info();
00485     server_running = 1;
00486     newData = 0;    
00487     GREEN_ON;
00489     if(!user_info.FTC)
00490     {
00491         do_FTC(); // Call First Time Configuration if SmartConfig has not been run
00492         printf("Please restart your board. \r\n");
00493         GreenStop();
00494     }
00496     // Wait for slider touch
00497     printf("\r\nUse the slider to start an application.\r\n");
00498     printf("Releasing the slider for more than 3 seconds\r\nwill start the chosen application.\r\n");
00499     printf("Touching the slider within the 3 seconds\ntimeframe allows you to re-select an application.\r\n");
00500     printf("\r\nThe RGB LED indicates the selection:\r\n");
00501     printf("ORANGE - Erase all profiles.\r\n");
00502     printf("PURPLE - Force SmartConfig.\r\n");
00503     printf("BLUE   - Webserver displaying live sensor data.\r\n");
00504     printf("RED    - Exosite data client.\r\n");
00505     printf("GREEN  - Android sensor fusion app.\r\n");
00506     while( tsi.readPercentage() == 0 )
00507     {
00508         RED_ON;
00509         wait(0.2);
00510         RED_OFF;
00511         wait(0.2);
00512     }
00513     RED_OFF;
00515     oldseconds = seconds;
00516     loop = 100;
00517     temp = 0;
00518     // Read slider as long as it is touched.
00519     // If released for more than 3 seconds, exit
00520     while((loop != 0) || ((seconds - oldseconds) < 3))
00521     {
00522         loop = tsi.readPercentage() * 100;
00523         if(loop != 0)
00524         {
00525             oldseconds = seconds;
00526             temp = loop;
00527         }
00528         if(temp > 80)
00529         {
00530              RED_ON; GREEN_ON; BLUE_OFF; //Orange
00531         }
00532         else if(temp > 60)
00533         {
00534              RED_ON; GREEN_OFF; BLUE_ON; //Purple
00535         }
00536         else if(temp > 40)
00537         {
00538             RED_OFF; GREEN_OFF; BLUE_ON; //Blue
00539         }
00540         else if(temp > 20)
00541         {
00542             RED_ON; GREEN_OFF; BLUE_OFF; //Red
00543         }
00544         else
00545         {
00546             RED_OFF; GREEN_ON; BLUE_OFF; //Green
00547         }
00548     }
00551     // Execute the user selected application
00552     if(temp > 80) // Erase all profiles
00553     {
00554         server_running = 1;
00555         RED_OFF; GREEN_OFF; BLUE_OFF;
00556         printf("\r\nErasing all wireless profiles. \r\n");
00557         wifi.delete_profiles();
00558         wifi.stop();
00559         printf("Finished. Please restart your board. \r\n");
00560         GreenStop();
00561     }
00563     if(temp > 60) // Force SmartConfig
00564     {
00565         server_running = 1;
00566         RED_OFF; GREEN_OFF; BLUE_OFF;
00567         printf("\r\nStarting Smart Config configuration. \r\n");
00568         wifi.start_smart_config(smartconfigkey);
00569         while (wifi.is_dhcp_configured() == false)
00570         {
00571             wait_ms(500);
00572             printf("Waiting for dhcp to be set. \r\n");
00573         }
00574         printf("Finished. Please restart your board. \r\n");
00575         GreenStop();
00576     }
00580     printf("\r\nAttempting SSID Connection. \r\n");
00581     if (wifi.connect() == -1) {
00582         printf("Failed to connect. Please verify connection details and try again. \r\n");
00583     } else {
00584         printf("Connected - IP address: %s \r\n",wifi.getIPAddress());
00585     }
00586     LED_D3_ON;
00588     server_running = 0;
00590     // Start the selected application
00591     if(temp > 40) // Run Webserver
00592     {
00593         compass_type = NED_COMPASS;
00594         init_eCompass();
00595         seconds = 0;
00596         demo_wifi_main();
00597     }
00598     if(temp > 20) // Send data to Exosite
00599     {
00600         compass_type = NED_COMPASS;
00601         init_eCompass();
00602         seconds = 0;
00603         run_exosite(&socket);
00604     }
00605     init_eCompass();
00606     seconds = 0;
00607     // Run TCP/IP Connection to host - Sensor Fusion App
00608     runTCPIPserver();
00610 }