Library for ISL29125 - I2C RGB ambient light sensor

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Device documentation

Detailed information is available at Intersil

Calling the constructor

The constructor can be instantiaded in 3 ways:


The first two pins (SDA and SCL) always need to be declared.

ISR mode

void RGBsensor_irq(void)    // User ISR

ISL29125 RGBsensor(PTE0, PTE1, PTD7, &RGBsensor_irq);          // sda, scl, irq, user isr

The user ISR is called whenever the upper/lower threshold is reached and/or when a conversion cycle is finished. The threshold (Threshold function) and end of conversion (IRQonCnvDone function) interrupts can be enabled separately.
In this mode, PTD7 is an interrupt input.


Calling the Read function at a high rate will result in a I2C failure.
Use a Ticker to call the Read function at regular intervals. Example : ISL29125_demo

SYNC mode

ISL29125 RGBsensor(PTE0, PTE1, PTD7);                        // sda, scl, sync input

In this mode, PTD7 is a digital output. Initially, the sensor is idle (no conversions) and can be started by calling the Run function.

Polling mode

ISL29125 RGBsensor(PTE0, PTE1);                              // sda, scl

In this mode, user defined functions are needed to poll the sensor status, read the sensor data, ....


RevisionDateWhoCommit message
4:ae36914adb6d 2014-05-28 frankvnk Update doxygen default tip
3:400edaa74b7d 2014-05-28 frankvnk doxygen update
2:f1b55929169a 2014-05-28 frankvnk Doxygen update
1:1c1ded8d719e 2014-05-28 frankvnk update doxygen
0:59ae5a71c902 2014-05-28 frankvnk Initial release