Simple test program for FRDM-KL25Z and Adafruit 2.8" TFT display. For the touch sensor, only polling mode is implemented.

Dependencies:   MMA8451Q SPI_STMPE610 TSI UniGraphic mbed

This program was to test Adafruit 2.8" TFT with touch with FRDM-KL25Z.
After download the binary to the FRDM-KL25Z and push the reset button ,
a simple welcome message will be displayed.

このプログラムは私が秋月で購入した Adafruit 2.8" TFT
をFRDM-KL25Z で試すために書いたものです。

Now using UniGraphic library.
And the problem of remaining previous screen is gone. ;-)
For a little bonus, TS_Eyes and Maze are also included.

UniGraphic ライブラリ版になり、画面にごみが残るバグが治りました。
おまけに TS_Eyes と Maze も追加してあります。 (^ ^)v


If you push and keep the right side of the screen,
the screen will advance to the page2, which is a simple graph sample.



And if you do the same again, the program advances to the page3,
which is a data display page of MMA8451Q accelerometer mounted on
the FRDM-KL25Z.

ここでは、FRDM-KL25Zに搭載されている MMA8451Q という3軸の


And this is the last page of this program, so far, so if you
try to advance page, it will return to the first page.


Sat Aug 08 12:27:57 2015 +0000
Now using UniGraphic library. The annoying incomplete cls problem is gone.

Who changed what in which revision?

UserRevisionLine numberNew contents of line
Rhyme 3:34d8706e1614 1 /** maze_vt100 a simple maze using UniGraphic and MMA8451Q libraries
Rhyme 3:34d8706e1614 2 */
Rhyme 3:34d8706e1614 3 #include "mbed.h"
Rhyme 3:34d8706e1614 4 #include "MMA8451Q.h"
Rhyme 3:34d8706e1614 5 #include <ILI9341.h>
Rhyme 3:34d8706e1614 6 #include "Arial12x12.h"
Rhyme 3:34d8706e1614 7 #include "Arial24x23.h"
Rhyme 3:34d8706e1614 8 #include "Arial28x28.h"
Rhyme 3:34d8706e1614 9 #include "Arial43x48_numb.h"
Rhyme 3:34d8706e1614 10 #include "maze.h"
Rhyme 3:34d8706e1614 11
Rhyme 3:34d8706e1614 12 #define CELL_W 10
Rhyme 3:34d8706e1614 13 #define CELL_H 10
Rhyme 3:34d8706e1614 14 #define CELL_S 5
Rhyme 3:34d8706e1614 15 #define CELL_R 4
Rhyme 3:34d8706e1614 16 #define LEFT_OFFSET 20
Rhyme 3:34d8706e1614 17 #define TOP_OFFSET 20
Rhyme 3:34d8706e1614 18
Rhyme 3:34d8706e1614 19 #define DIR_STAY 0
Rhyme 3:34d8706e1614 20 #define DIR_UP 1
Rhyme 3:34d8706e1614 21 #define DIR_DOWN 2
Rhyme 3:34d8706e1614 22 #define DIR_RIGHT 3
Rhyme 3:34d8706e1614 23 #define DIR_LEFT 4
Rhyme 3:34d8706e1614 24
Rhyme 3:34d8706e1614 25 #define MMA8451_I2C_ADDRESS (0x1D<<1)
Rhyme 3:34d8706e1614 26
Rhyme 3:34d8706e1614 27 typedef struct _pos {
Rhyme 3:34d8706e1614 28 int x ;
Rhyme 3:34d8706e1614 29 int y ;
Rhyme 3:34d8706e1614 30 } pos_type ;
Rhyme 3:34d8706e1614 31
Rhyme 3:34d8706e1614 32 extern MMA8451Q *acc ;
Rhyme 3:34d8706e1614 33 extern ILI9341 TFT ;
Rhyme 3:34d8706e1614 34 extern DigitalOut backlight ;
Rhyme 3:34d8706e1614 35 float threshold = 0.2 ;
Rhyme 3:34d8706e1614 36
Rhyme 3:34d8706e1614 37 /** Check if two pos_type values are same
Rhyme 3:34d8706e1614 38 * @param pos_type a
Rhyme 3:34d8706e1614 39 * @param pos_type b
Rhyme 3:34d8706e1614 40 * @returns if a and b are same position
Rhyme 3:34d8706e1614 41 */
Rhyme 3:34d8706e1614 42 bool isSame(pos_type a, pos_type b)
Rhyme 3:34d8706e1614 43 {
Rhyme 3:34d8706e1614 44 return((a.x == b.x)&&(a.y == b.y)) ;
Rhyme 3:34d8706e1614 45 }
Rhyme 3:34d8706e1614 46
Rhyme 3:34d8706e1614 47 /** Draw the maze defined in the "maze.h"
Rhyme 3:34d8706e1614 48 * @param pos_type *current actually the start point
Rhyme 3:34d8706e1614 49 * @param pos_type *goal the position of the goal
Rhyme 3:34d8706e1614 50 * @note those params are actually returned by this function
Rhyme 3:34d8706e1614 51 */
Rhyme 3:34d8706e1614 52 void drawTFTMaze(pos_type *current, pos_type *goal)
Rhyme 3:34d8706e1614 53 {
Rhyme 3:34d8706e1614 54 int x, y, i, j ;
Rhyme 3:34d8706e1614 55 TFT.BusEnable(true) ;
Rhyme 3:34d8706e1614 56
Rhyme 3:34d8706e1614 57 backlight = 0 ;
Rhyme 3:34d8706e1614 58 TFT.foreground(White) ;
Rhyme 3:34d8706e1614 59 TFT.background(Black) ;
Rhyme 3:34d8706e1614 60 TFT.cls() ;
Rhyme 3:34d8706e1614 61 for (j = 0 ; j < MAZE_H ; j++ ) {
Rhyme 3:34d8706e1614 62 for (i = 0 ; i < MAZE_W ; i++ ) {
Rhyme 3:34d8706e1614 63 x = i * CELL_W + LEFT_OFFSET ;
Rhyme 3:34d8706e1614 64 y = j * CELL_H + TOP_OFFSET ;
Rhyme 3:34d8706e1614 65 switch(maze[j][i]) {
Rhyme 3:34d8706e1614 66 case 0: // path
Rhyme 3:34d8706e1614 67 TFT.fillrect(x, y, x+CELL_W-1, y+CELL_H-1, Black) ;
Rhyme 3:34d8706e1614 68 break ;
Rhyme 3:34d8706e1614 69 case 1: // wall
Rhyme 3:34d8706e1614 70 TFT.fillrect(x, y, x+CELL_W-1, y+CELL_H-1, DarkGrey) ;
Rhyme 3:34d8706e1614 71 break ;
Rhyme 3:34d8706e1614 72 case 2: // Start point
Rhyme 3:34d8706e1614 73 TFT.fillcircle(x+CELL_S, y+CELL_S, CELL_R, Green) ;
Rhyme 3:34d8706e1614 74 current->x = i ;
Rhyme 3:34d8706e1614 75 current->y = j ;
Rhyme 3:34d8706e1614 76 break ;
Rhyme 3:34d8706e1614 77 case 3: // Goal
Rhyme 3:34d8706e1614 78 TFT.fillcircle(x+CELL_S, y+CELL_S, CELL_R, Red) ;
Rhyme 3:34d8706e1614 79 goal->x = i ;
Rhyme 3:34d8706e1614 80 goal->y = j ;
Rhyme 3:34d8706e1614 81 break ;
Rhyme 3:34d8706e1614 82 default: // should not be here
Rhyme 3:34d8706e1614 83 break ;
Rhyme 3:34d8706e1614 84 }
Rhyme 3:34d8706e1614 85 }
Rhyme 3:34d8706e1614 86 }
Rhyme 3:34d8706e1614 87 backlight = 1 ;
Rhyme 3:34d8706e1614 88 TFT.BusEnable(false) ;
Rhyme 3:34d8706e1614 89 }
Rhyme 3:34d8706e1614 90
Rhyme 3:34d8706e1614 91 /** Filter out too little move
Rhyme 3:34d8706e1614 92 * @param float in returned value from the acc
Rhyme 3:34d8706e1614 93 * @returns float result filtered value of in
Rhyme 3:34d8706e1614 94 */
Rhyme 3:34d8706e1614 95 float filterVal(float in)
Rhyme 3:34d8706e1614 96 {
Rhyme 3:34d8706e1614 97 float result = 0.0 ;
Rhyme 3:34d8706e1614 98 if ((-threshold > in)||(in > threshold)) {
Rhyme 3:34d8706e1614 99 result = in ;
Rhyme 3:34d8706e1614 100 }
Rhyme 3:34d8706e1614 101 return( result ) ;
Rhyme 3:34d8706e1614 102 }
Rhyme 3:34d8706e1614 103
Rhyme 3:34d8706e1614 104 /** Decide which direction to go
Rhyme 3:34d8706e1614 105 * @param float res[] acc value of x, y
Rhyme 3:34d8706e1614 106 * @returns int direction to move
Rhyme 3:34d8706e1614 107 */
Rhyme 3:34d8706e1614 108 int getDirection(float res[])
Rhyme 3:34d8706e1614 109 {
Rhyme 3:34d8706e1614 110 float dx, dy ;
Rhyme 3:34d8706e1614 111 int direction = DIR_STAY ;
Rhyme 3:34d8706e1614 112 dx = filterVal(res[0]) ;
Rhyme 3:34d8706e1614 113 dy = filterVal(res[1]) ;
Rhyme 3:34d8706e1614 114
Rhyme 3:34d8706e1614 115 if ((dx*dx) > (dy*dy)) { // holizontal move
Rhyme 3:34d8706e1614 116 if (dx > 0.0) {
Rhyme 3:34d8706e1614 117 direction = DIR_DOWN ;
Rhyme 3:34d8706e1614 118 } else if (dx < 0.0) {
Rhyme 3:34d8706e1614 119 direction = DIR_UP ;
Rhyme 3:34d8706e1614 120 }
Rhyme 3:34d8706e1614 121 } else { // vertical move
Rhyme 3:34d8706e1614 122 if (dy > 0.0) {
Rhyme 3:34d8706e1614 123 direction = DIR_RIGHT ;
Rhyme 3:34d8706e1614 124 } else if (dy < 0.0) {
Rhyme 3:34d8706e1614 125 direction = DIR_LEFT ;
Rhyme 3:34d8706e1614 126 }
Rhyme 3:34d8706e1614 127 }
Rhyme 3:34d8706e1614 128 return(direction) ;
Rhyme 3:34d8706e1614 129 }
Rhyme 3:34d8706e1614 130
Rhyme 3:34d8706e1614 131 /** Get next positon to move to
Rhyme 3:34d8706e1614 132 * @param pos_type current where we are now
Rhyme 3:34d8706e1614 133 * @param int direction which way we'd like to move
Rhyme 3:34d8706e1614 134 * @returns the candidate positon for the next move
Rhyme 3:34d8706e1614 135 */
Rhyme 3:34d8706e1614 136 pos_type getNext(pos_type current, int direction)
Rhyme 3:34d8706e1614 137 {
Rhyme 3:34d8706e1614 138 pos_type next = current ;
Rhyme 3:34d8706e1614 139 switch(direction) {
Rhyme 3:34d8706e1614 140 case DIR_STAY:
Rhyme 3:34d8706e1614 141 break ;
Rhyme 3:34d8706e1614 142 case DIR_UP:
Rhyme 3:34d8706e1614 143 if (next.y > 0) {
Rhyme 3:34d8706e1614 144 next.y-- ;
Rhyme 3:34d8706e1614 145 }
Rhyme 3:34d8706e1614 146 break ;
Rhyme 3:34d8706e1614 147 case DIR_DOWN:
Rhyme 3:34d8706e1614 148 if (next.y < (MAZE_H - 1)) {
Rhyme 3:34d8706e1614 149 next.y++ ;
Rhyme 3:34d8706e1614 150 }
Rhyme 3:34d8706e1614 151 break ;
Rhyme 3:34d8706e1614 152 case DIR_RIGHT:
Rhyme 3:34d8706e1614 153 if (next.x < (MAZE_W - 1)) {
Rhyme 3:34d8706e1614 154 next.x++ ;
Rhyme 3:34d8706e1614 155 }
Rhyme 3:34d8706e1614 156 break ;
Rhyme 3:34d8706e1614 157 case DIR_LEFT:
Rhyme 3:34d8706e1614 158 if (next.x > 0) {
Rhyme 3:34d8706e1614 159 next.x-- ;
Rhyme 3:34d8706e1614 160 }
Rhyme 3:34d8706e1614 161 break ;
Rhyme 3:34d8706e1614 162 default:
Rhyme 3:34d8706e1614 163 break ;
Rhyme 3:34d8706e1614 164 }
Rhyme 3:34d8706e1614 165 return( next ) ;
Rhyme 3:34d8706e1614 166 }
Rhyme 3:34d8706e1614 167
Rhyme 3:34d8706e1614 168 /** Notice of the goal
Rhyme 3:34d8706e1614 169 */
Rhyme 3:34d8706e1614 170 void showGoal(void)
Rhyme 3:34d8706e1614 171 {
Rhyme 3:34d8706e1614 172 int x0, y0, x1, y1 ;
Rhyme 3:34d8706e1614 173 x0 = ((MAZE_W/2)-4) * CELL_W + LEFT_OFFSET ;
Rhyme 3:34d8706e1614 174 y0 = ((MAZE_H/2)-1) * CELL_H + TOP_OFFSET ;
Rhyme 3:34d8706e1614 175 x1 = ((MAZE_W/2)+4) * CELL_W + LEFT_OFFSET ;
Rhyme 3:34d8706e1614 176 y1 = ((MAZE_H/2)+1) * CELL_H + TOP_OFFSET ;
Rhyme 3:34d8706e1614 177
Rhyme 3:34d8706e1614 178 TFT.BusEnable(true) ;
Rhyme 3:34d8706e1614 179 // TFT.set_font((unsigned char*) Arial12x12);
Rhyme 3:34d8706e1614 180 TFT.set_font((unsigned char*) Terminal6x8) ;
Rhyme 3:34d8706e1614 181 TFT.fillrect(x0, y0, x1, y1, Blue) ;
Rhyme 3:34d8706e1614 182 TFT.rect(x0,y0,x1,y1, Yellow) ;
Rhyme 3:34d8706e1614 183 TFT.foreground(Red) ;
Rhyme 3:34d8706e1614 184 TFT.background(Blue) ;
Rhyme 3:34d8706e1614 185 x0 = ((MAZE_W/2) - 2) * CELL_W + LEFT_OFFSET ;
Rhyme 3:34d8706e1614 186 y0 = (MAZE_H/2) * CELL_H - 3 + TOP_OFFSET ;
Rhyme 3:34d8706e1614 187 TFT.locate(x0, y0) ;
Rhyme 3:34d8706e1614 188 TFT.printf("G O A L") ;
Rhyme 3:34d8706e1614 189 TFT.foreground(Yellow) ;
Rhyme 3:34d8706e1614 190 TFT.background(Black) ;
Rhyme 3:34d8706e1614 191 TFT.locate(30, 300) ;
Rhyme 3:34d8706e1614 192 // TFT.printf("Use FRDM touch slider") ;
Rhyme 3:34d8706e1614 193 TFT.printf(" Retry! ") ;
Rhyme 3:34d8706e1614 194 TFT.locate(5, 300) ;
Rhyme 3:34d8706e1614 195 TFT.printf("<< Prev") ;
Rhyme 3:34d8706e1614 196 TFT.locate(180, 300) ;
Rhyme 3:34d8706e1614 197 TFT.printf("Next >>") ;
Rhyme 3:34d8706e1614 198 TFT.BusEnable(false) ;
Rhyme 3:34d8706e1614 199 }
Rhyme 3:34d8706e1614 200
Rhyme 3:34d8706e1614 201 /** Check if we can move to the next position
Rhyme 3:34d8706e1614 202 * @param pos_type next the position we'd like to move next
Rhyme 3:34d8706e1614 203 * @returns if the position is empty (movable)
Rhyme 3:34d8706e1614 204 */
Rhyme 3:34d8706e1614 205 bool checkMove(pos_type next)
Rhyme 3:34d8706e1614 206 {
Rhyme 3:34d8706e1614 207 bool result = false ;
Rhyme 3:34d8706e1614 208
Rhyme 3:34d8706e1614 209 switch(maze[next.y][next.x]) {
Rhyme 3:34d8706e1614 210 case POS_PATH:
Rhyme 3:34d8706e1614 211 case POS_GOAL:
Rhyme 3:34d8706e1614 212 result = true ;
Rhyme 3:34d8706e1614 213 break ;
Rhyme 3:34d8706e1614 214 case POS_START:
Rhyme 3:34d8706e1614 215 case POS_WALL:
Rhyme 3:34d8706e1614 216 default:
Rhyme 3:34d8706e1614 217 result = false ;
Rhyme 3:34d8706e1614 218 break ;
Rhyme 3:34d8706e1614 219 }
Rhyme 3:34d8706e1614 220 return( result ) ;
Rhyme 3:34d8706e1614 221 }
Rhyme 3:34d8706e1614 222
Rhyme 3:34d8706e1614 223 /** main a simple maze program
Rhyme 3:34d8706e1614 224 */
Rhyme 3:34d8706e1614 225 void doMaze(void)
Rhyme 3:34d8706e1614 226 {
Rhyme 3:34d8706e1614 227 float res[3] ;
Rhyme 3:34d8706e1614 228 pos_type current, next, goal ;
Rhyme 3:34d8706e1614 229 int direction = DIR_STAY ;
Rhyme 3:34d8706e1614 230 int x, y ;
Rhyme 3:34d8706e1614 231
Rhyme 3:34d8706e1614 232 drawTFTMaze(&current, &goal) ;
Rhyme 3:34d8706e1614 233
Rhyme 3:34d8706e1614 234 for (;;) {
Rhyme 3:34d8706e1614 235 acc->getAccAllAxis(res) ;
Rhyme 3:34d8706e1614 236 direction = getDirection(res) ;
Rhyme 3:34d8706e1614 237 next = getNext(current, direction) ;
Rhyme 3:34d8706e1614 238 if ((!isSame(current, next)) && checkMove(next)) {
Rhyme 3:34d8706e1614 239 TFT.BusEnable(true) ;
Rhyme 3:34d8706e1614 240 x = current.x * CELL_W + LEFT_OFFSET ;
Rhyme 3:34d8706e1614 241 y = current.y * CELL_H + TOP_OFFSET ;
Rhyme 3:34d8706e1614 242 TFT.fillrect(x, y, x+CELL_W-1, y+CELL_H-1, Black) ;
Rhyme 3:34d8706e1614 243 x = next.x * CELL_W + LEFT_OFFSET ;
Rhyme 3:34d8706e1614 244 y = next.y * CELL_H + TOP_OFFSET ;
Rhyme 3:34d8706e1614 245 TFT.fillcircle(x+CELL_S, y+CELL_S, CELL_R, Green) ;
Rhyme 3:34d8706e1614 246 TFT.BusEnable(false) ;
Rhyme 3:34d8706e1614 247 current = next ;
Rhyme 3:34d8706e1614 248 if (isSame(next, goal)) {
Rhyme 3:34d8706e1614 249 break ; // goal in!
Rhyme 3:34d8706e1614 250 }
Rhyme 3:34d8706e1614 251 }
Rhyme 3:34d8706e1614 252 wait(0.1) ;
Rhyme 3:34d8706e1614 253 }
Rhyme 3:34d8706e1614 254 showGoal() ;
Rhyme 3:34d8706e1614 255 }