This library for Seeed Studio's CAN-BUS Shield has a similar API to mbed's LPC1768 CAN library making it easy to add CAN functionality to mbed systems that support Arduino type 'Shields. This Beta release of my CAN-BUS Library is largely working but lacks interrupt 'attach' functions.

Dependents:   Seeed_CAN_Hello_World ws-canrecv-1 CAN_SPI_modulo

Fork of SEEED_CAN by Sophie Dexter

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Data Structures

Data Structures

Here are the data structures with brief descriptions:
MCP_CANidType definition to hold an MCP2515 CAN id structure
MCP_CANMsgType definition to hold an MCP2515 CAN id structure
MCP_CANtimingCAN driver typedefs
SEEED_CANA can bus client, used for communicating with Seeed Studios' CAN-BUS Arduino Shield
SEEED_CANMessageCANMessage class
Seeed_MCP_CAN_ShieldCAN driver typedefs