Dependents of FXOS8700Q

A dependent is a program or library which makes use of this library.

Pacemaker code Implementation for SFWRENG 3K04
Radio controlled Quadcopter, FRDM K64f, ZIgbee Radio Modules, ESCs
Updated SD file system
2.74 Jerboa Code First attempt at controlled locomotion
temperature car
Measuring height and controlling motor
GPIO D10 High-Low Based on Height
Cradle Motion Monitoring System using FRDM-K64F development board and ESP8266 Wi-Fi module. ThingSpeak iOT platform used as a cloud service and If This, Then That (IFTTT) used to trigger notifications …
Server for transfer of acceleration data across to Ethernet IoT FRDM-K64F Boards
Client for transfer of acceleration data across to Ethernet IoT FRDM-K64F Boards
FRDM-K64f as air mouse
Code to send data from a FRDM-K64F development board to any board through UART.
Project is to translate Sign Language to Text and Speech
Cooking mama hexiwear sensor game for Spring M119 class
Airmouse project for MPOA