HTTP_SDCard_File_Server_WIZwiki-W7500 avec gestion des extensions MIME

Dependencies:   SDFileSystem WIZnetInterface mbed STATIC_COLORS

Fork of HTTP_SDCard_File_Server_WIZwiki-W7500 by WIZnet

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00001 #include "mbed.h"
00002 #include "EthernetInterface.h"
00003 #include "SDFileSystem.h"
00004 #include <stdio.h>
00005 #include <string.h>
00007 #define USE_DHCP    1
00009 #define MAC     "\x00\x08\xDC\x11\x34\x78"
00010 #define IP      ""
00011 #define MASK    ""
00012 #define GATEWAY ""
00014 #define HTTPD_SERVER_PORT   80
00015 #define HTTPD_MAX_REQ_LENGTH   1023
00016 #define HTTPD_MAX_HDR_LENGTH   255
00017 #define HTTPD_MAX_FNAME_LENGTH   127
00018 #define HTTPD_MAX_DNAME_LENGTH   127
00020 #if defined(TARGET_WIZwiki_W7500)
00021 Serial uart(USBTX, USBRX);
00022 SDFileSystem sd(PB_3, PB_2, PB_1, PB_0, "sd"); // WIZwiki-W7500
00023 #include "static_colors.h"
00024 // LED R     : server listning status
00025 // LED GREEN : socket connecting status Ok
00026 // LED BLUE  : socket connecting status Busy
00027 #endif
00029 EthernetInterface eth;
00030 TCPSocketServer server;
00031 TCPSocketConnection client;
00033 char buffer[HTTPD_MAX_REQ_LENGTH+1];
00034 char httpHeader[HTTPD_MAX_HDR_LENGTH+1];
00035 char fileName[HTTPD_MAX_FNAME_LENGTH+1];
00036 char dirName[HTTPD_MAX_DNAME_LENGTH+1];
00037 char *uristr;
00038 char *eou;
00039 char *qrystr;
00041 FILE *fp;
00042 int rdCnt;
00044 // Initialize a pins to perform analog input and digital output fucntions
00045 AnalogIn   ain(A0);
00047 Ticker ledTick;
00049 //char str[] = "This is a sample string";
00050 char *pch;
00051 char ext[5];
00052 char ext_gif[] = "gif";
00053 char ext_jpg[] = "jpg";
00054 char ext_png[] = "png";
00055 char ext_tiff[] = "tiff";
00056 int pos_ext;
00057 int extLen;
00059 void ledTickfunc()
00060 {
00061     led_r = !led_r;
00062 }
00064 void get_file(char* uri)
00065 {
00066     int i, ext_j;
00068     uart.printf("get_file %s\n", uri);
00069     char *lstchr = strrchr(uri, NULL) -1;
00070     if('/' == *lstchr) 
00071     {
00072         uart.printf("Open directory /sd%s\n", uri);
00073         if( 0 == strcmp("/Images/", uri) ) uart.printf("(Directory OK)\n");
00074         *lstchr = 0;
00075         sprintf(fileName, "/sd%s", uri);
00076         DIR *d = opendir(fileName);
00077         if(d != NULL) 
00078         {
00079             sprintf(httpHeader,"HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\nContent-Type: text/html\r\nConnection: Close\r\n\r\n");
00080             client.send(httpHeader,strlen(httpHeader));
00081             sprintf(httpHeader,"<html><head><title>Directory Listing</title></head><body><h2>%s Directory Listing</h2><br><hr><br><ul>", uri);
00082             client.send(httpHeader,strlen(httpHeader));
00083             struct dirent *p;
00084             while((p = readdir(d)) != NULL)
00085             {
00086                 sprintf(dirName, "%s/%s", fileName, p->d_name);
00087                 uart.printf("%s\n", dirName);
00088                 DIR *subDir = opendir(dirName);
00089                 if(subDir != NULL) 
00090                 {
00091                     sprintf(httpHeader,"<li><a href=\"./%s/\">%s/</a></li>", p->d_name, p->d_name);
00092                 } 
00093                 else 
00094                 {
00095                     sprintf(httpHeader,"<li><a href=\"./%s\">%s</a></li>", p->d_name, p->d_name);
00096                 }
00097                 client.send(httpHeader,strlen(httpHeader));
00098             }
00099         }
00100         closedir(d);
00101         uart.printf("Directory closed\n");
00102         sprintf(httpHeader,"</ul></body></html>");
00103         client.send(httpHeader,strlen(httpHeader));
00104     } 
00105     else 
00106     {
00107         sprintf(fileName, "/sd%s", uri);
00108         fp = fopen(fileName, "r");
00109         if(fp == NULL)
00110         {
00111             uart.printf("File not found\n");
00112             if( 0 == strcmp("/AIN0.js", uri) )
00113             {
00114                 uart.printf("(File OK)\n");
00115                 sprintf(httpHeader,"HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\nContent-Type: application/javascript\r\nConnection: Close\r\n\r\n");
00116                 client.send(httpHeader,strlen(httpHeader));
00118                 sprintf(httpHeader,"var AIN0 = %3.3f;\n",*3.3f);
00119                 client.send(httpHeader,strlen(httpHeader));
00120             }
00121             else
00122             {
00123              sprintf(httpHeader,"HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found \r\nContent-Type: text\r\nConnection: Close\r\n\r\n");
00124              client.send(httpHeader,strlen(httpHeader));
00125              client.send(uri,strlen(uri));
00126             }
00127         } 
00128         else 
00129         {
00130          pch = strrchr(fileName,'.');
00132          if( pch != NULL)
00133          {
00134           pos_ext = pch - fileName + 1;
00135           extLen = strlen(fileName) - pos_ext;
00137           uart.printf("Last occurence of '.' found at %d , extLen : %d\n", pos_ext, extLen );
00139           for(i=0; i<extLen; i=i+1)
00140           {
00141            ext[i] = fileName[i+pos_ext];   
00142           }
00144           ext[extLen] = '\0';
00146             uart.printf("Sending header of the : %s\n", fileName);
00147             uart.printf("extension : %s\n", ext);
00149             if( strcmp(ext, ext_gif) == 0 ) ext_j = 1;
00151             if( strcmp(ext, ext_jpg) == 0 ) ext_j = 2;
00153             if( strcmp(ext, ext_png) == 0 ) ext_j = 3;         
00155             if( strcmp(ext, ext_tiff) == 0 ) ext_j = 4;
00156           }
00157           else
00158           {
00159              uart.printf("Sending header of the : %s\n", fileName);
00160              ext_j = 0;
00161           }
00163             switch(ext_j)
00164             {
00165              case 1: // HTTP reply with GIF image mime type
00166              sprintf(httpHeader,"HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\nContent-Type: image/gif\r\nConnection: Close\r\n\r\n"); 
00167              break;
00169              case 2: // HTTP reply with JPG image mime type
00170              sprintf(httpHeader,"HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\nContent-Type: image/jpg\r\nConnection: Close\r\n\r\n");
00171              break;
00173              case 3: // HTTP reply with PNG image mime type
00174              sprintf(httpHeader,"HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\nContent-Type: image/jpg\r\nConnection: Close\r\n\r\n");
00175              break;
00177              case 4: // HTTP reply with TIFF image mime type
00178              sprintf(httpHeader,"HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\nContent-Type: image/tiff\r\nConnection: Close\r\n\r\n");
00179              break;
00181              default: // HTTP reply with HTML mime type
00182              sprintf(httpHeader,"HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\nContent-Type: text/html\r\nConnection: Close\r\n\r\n");        
00183             }
00185             client.send(httpHeader,strlen(httpHeader));
00186             uart.printf(" file ");
00187             while((rdCnt = fread(buffer, sizeof( char ), 1024, fp)) == 1024)
00188             {
00189                 client.send(buffer, rdCnt);
00190                 uart.printf(".");
00191             }
00192             client.send(buffer, rdCnt);
00193             fclose(fp);
00194             uart.printf("done\n");
00195         }
00196     }
00197 }
00199 int main(void)
00200 {
00201     ledTick.attach(&ledTickfunc,0.5);
00202     // Serial Interface eth;
00203     // Serial port configuration (valeurs par defaut) : 9600 baud, 8-bit data, no parity, stop bit
00204     uart.baud(9600);
00205     uart.format(8, SerialBase::None, 1);
00206     uart.printf("Initializing\n");
00207   wait(1.0);
00208 //    Check File System
00209     uart.printf("Checking File System\n");
00210     DIR *d = opendir("/sd/");
00211     if(d != NULL) 
00212     {
00213         uart.printf("SD Card Present\n");
00214     } 
00215     else 
00216     {
00217         uart.printf("SD Card Root Directory Not Found\n");
00218     }
00219    wait(1.0);
00220 //    EthernetInterface eth;
00221     uart.printf("Initializing Ethernet\n");
00222     #if USE_DHCP
00223     //eth.init Use DHCP
00224     int ret = eth.init((uint8_t*)MAC);    // Use DHCP for WIZnetInterface
00225     uart.printf("Connecting DHCP\n");
00226     #else
00227     int ret = eth.init((uint8_t*)MAC,IP,MASK,GATEWAY);  //IP,mask,Gateway
00228     uart.printf("Connecting (IP,mask,Gateway)\n");
00229     #endif
00230     wait(1.0);
00231     // Check Ethernet Link-Done
00232     uart.printf("Check Ethernet Link\r\n");
00234     if( == true) 
00235     { 
00236      uart.printf("- Ethernet PHY Link - Done\r\n");
00237      //led_r = LED_ON;
00238      COLOR(_RED_);
00239     }
00240     else 
00241     {
00242      uart.printf("- Ethernet PHY Link - Fail\r\n");
00243      //led_r = LED_OFF;
00244      COLOR(_BLACK_);
00245     }
00246     wait(1.0);
00247     if(!ret) 
00248     {
00249      uart.printf("Initialized, MAC: %s\r\n", eth.getMACAddress());
00250      ret = eth.connect();
00252      if(!ret) 
00253      {
00254             uart.printf("IP: %s, MASK: %s, GW: %s\r\n",
00255                       eth.getIPAddress(), eth.getNetworkMask(), eth.getGateway());
00256       // led_b = LED_ON, led_g = LED_ON;
00257       COLOR(_CYAN_);
00258      } 
00259      else 
00260      {
00261             uart.printf("Error ethernet.connect() - ret = %d\r\n", ret);
00262       //led_b = LED_OFF;
00263       COLOR(_BLUE_);
00264       exit(0);
00265      }
00266     } 
00267     else 
00268     {
00269         uart.printf("Error ethernet.init() - ret = %d\r\n", ret);
00270      //led_b = LED_OFF;
00271      COLOR(_BLACK_);
00272      exit(0);
00273     }    
00274     wait(1.0);
00275 //    TCPSocketServer server;
00276     server.bind(HTTPD_SERVER_PORT);
00277     server.listen();
00278     uart.printf("Server Listening\n");
00280     while(true) 
00281     {
00282         uart.printf("\nWait for new connection...\r\n");
00283         server.accept(client);
00284         client.set_blocking(false, 1500); // Timeout after (1.5)s
00286         uart.printf("Connection from: %s\r\n", client.get_address());
00287         while(true) 
00288         {
00289             //led_g = LED_ON;
00290             COLOR(_GREEN_);
00291             int n = client.receive(buffer, sizeof(buffer));
00292             if(n <= 0) break;
00293             uart.printf("Recieved Data: %d\r\n\r\n%.*s\r\n",n,n,buffer);
00294             if(n >= 1024) 
00295             {
00296                 sprintf(httpHeader,"HTTP/1.1 413 Request Entity Too Large \r\nContent-Type: text\r\nConnection: Close\r\n\r\n");
00297                 client.send(httpHeader,strlen(httpHeader));
00298                 client.send(buffer,n);
00299                 break;
00300             } 
00301             else 
00302             {
00303                 buffer[n]=0;
00304             }
00305             if(!strncmp(buffer, "GET ", 4)) 
00306             {
00307                 uristr = buffer + 4;
00308                 eou = strstr(uristr, " ");
00309                 if(eou == NULL) 
00310                 {
00311                     sprintf(httpHeader,"HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request \r\nContent-Type: text\r\nConnection: Close\r\n\r\n");
00312                     client.send(httpHeader,strlen(httpHeader));
00313                     client.send(buffer,n);
00314                 } 
00315                 else 
00316                 {
00317                     *eou = 0;
00318                     get_file(uristr);
00319                 }
00320             }
00321         }
00322         //led_g = LED_OFF;
00323         COLOR(_BLACK_);
00324         client.close();
00325     }
00326 }