This application transmits a heart rate value using the Bluetooth SIG Heart Rate Profile. The heart rate value is provided by the application itself, not by a sensor, so that you don't have to get a sensor just to run the example. The canonical source for this example lives at

BLE Heart Rate Monitor

This application transmits a heart rate value using the Bluetooth SIG Heart Rate Profile. The heart rate value is provided by the application itself, not by a sensor, so that you don't have to get a sensor just to run the example.

Technical details are better presented in the mbed Classic equivalent of this example.

Running the application


To see the heart rate information on your phone, download Panobike for iOS or Android.

You could also use a generic BLE scanners:

- nRF Master Control Panel for Android.

- LightBlue for iPhone.

Hardware requirements are in the main readme.

Building instructions

Building with mbed-cli

If you'd like to use mbed-cli to build this, then you should refer to the main readme. The instructions here relate to using the Online Compiler

In order to build this example in the mbed Online Compiler, first import the example using the ‘Import’ button on the right hand side.

Next, select a platform to build for. This must either be a platform that supports BLE, for example the NRF51-DK, or one of the following:

List of platforms supporting Bluetooth Low Energy

Or you must also add a piece of hardware and the supporting library that includes a Bluetooth Low Energy driver for that hardware, for example the K64F or NUCLEO_F401RE with the X-NUCLEO-IDB05A1

List of components supporting Bluetooth Low Energy.

Once you have selected your platform, compile the example and drag and drop the resulting binary onto your board.

For general instructions on using the mbed Online Compiler, please see the mbed Handbook

Checking for success

Note: Screens captures depicted below show what is expected from this example if the scanner used is nRF Master Control Panel version 4.0.5. If you encounter any difficulties consider trying another scanner or another version of nRF Master Control Panel. Alternative scanners may require reference to their manuals.

  • Build the application and install it on your board as explained in the building instructions.
  • Open the BLE scanner on your phone.
  • Start a scan.


figure 1 How to start scan using nRF Master Control Panel 4.0.5

  • Find your device; it should be named `HRM`.


figure 2 Scan results using nRF Master Control Panel 4.0.5

  • Establish a connection with your device.


figure 3 How to establish a connection using Master Control Panel 4.0.5

  • Discover the services and the characteristics on the device. The *Heart Rate* service has the UUID `0x180D` and includes the *Heart Rate Measurement* characteristic which has the UUID `0x2A37`.


figure 4 Representation of the Heart Rate service using Master Control Panel 4.0.5

  • Register for the notifications sent by the Heart Rate Measurement characteristic.


figure 5 How to register to notifications using Master Control Panel 4.0.5

  • You should see the heart rate value change every half second. It begins at 100, goes up to 175 (in steps of 1), resets to 100 and so on.


figure 6 Notifications view using Master Control Panel 4.0.5


RevisionDateWhoCommit message
79:dda077b5371c 2019-09-19 mbed_official Merge pull request #249 from apalmieriGH/master default tip
78:cca8883e1819 2019-08-15 mbed_official Merge pull request #252 from donatieng/mbed_os_update
77:91b848ddb8c7 2019-02-27 mbed_official Updating mbed-os to mbed-os-5.11.5
76:e7f75ae77466 2019-02-25 mbed_official Merge pull request #217 from adbridge/master
75:14d931f4e906 2019-02-13 mbed_official Updating mbed-os to mbed-os-5.11.2
74:74c41613796b 2019-01-14 mbed_official Merge pull request #207 from adbridge/master
73:633b44bce5fc 2019-01-14 mbed_official Merge pull request #208 from ARMmbed/mbed-os-5.11.0-oob
72:584fc328cad6 2018-12-14 mbed_official Updating mbed-os to mbed-os-5.10.4
71:077095837031 2018-11-16 mbed_official Merge pull request #192 from paul-szczepanek-arm/update-libs
70:148e258fde9b 2018-11-07 mbed_official Merge pull request #189 from ARMmbed/donatieng-patch-1
69:f5279652302f 2018-10-22 mbed_official Merge pull request #187 from cmonr/master
68:6f0e4429f832 2018-09-26 mbed_official Merge pull request #183 from ARMmbed/mbed-os-5.10.0-oob
67:55c859f4efe0 2018-09-04 mbed_official Merge pull request #173 from pan-/use-cordio
66:e1c00ec2cf5d 2018-08-29 mbed_official Merge pull request #172 from 0xc0170/master
65:264c6c273d49 2018-08-23 mbed_official Updating mbed-os to mbed-os-5.9.5
64:6f91e4a5a7fe 2018-08-08 mbed_official Merge pull request #168 from cmonr/master
63:7564f3ab1a0a 2018-07-18 mbed_official Merge pull request #166 from cmonr/master
62:a33500cdfef8 2018-07-06 mbed_official Merge pull request #163 from adbridge/master
61:7ead5f4ae65a 2018-06-22 mbed_official Merge pull request #160 from adbridge/master
60:b06774c7f62c 2018-06-20 mbed_official Merge pull request #159 from ARMmbed/mbed-os-5.9.0-oob
59:f89f5b724f50 2018-06-11 mbed_official Merge pull request #158 from adbridge/master
58:0b412e0c087b 2018-06-05 mbed_official Merge pull request #151 from paul-szczepanek-arm/privacy
57:fc1d90e2432c 2018-04-04 mbed_official Merge pull request #141 from adbridge/master
56:9eeba375dfd2 2018-04-04 mbed_official Merge pull request #142 from ARMmbed/mbed-os-5.8.0-oob
55:c8b7f19bc39d 2018-03-23 mbed_official Merge pull request #139 from cmonr/master
54:2171d755f93f 2018-03-23 mbed_official Merge pull request #137 from adbridge/master
53:1293e6eae131 2018-02-13 mbed_official Merge pull request #135 from adbridge/master
52:75010f4d07e9 2018-01-31 mbed_official Merge pull request #134 from cmonr/master
51:dbfb9bd737ab 2018-01-17 mbed_official Merge pull request #133 from adbridge/master
50:6cc97d1baf0b 2018-01-09 mbed_official Merge pull request #129 from adbridge/master
49:1ecb5411ede2 2018-01-08 mbed_official Merge pull request #132 from pan-/remove-mbedignore
48:a2c2adc38a85 2017-12-20 mbed_official Merge pull request #126 from ARMmbed/mbed-os-5.7.0-oob
47:4dc8b1415483 2017-12-05 mbed_official Merge pull request #119 from adbridge/master
46:7d2e7f4a8e22 2017-11-23 mbed_official Merge pull request #115 from adbridge/master
45:307bde0f868f 2017-11-07 mbed_official Merge pull request #113 from adbridge/master
44:3815660cfeaa 2017-11-03 mbed_official Merge pull request #110 from 0xc0170/master
43:fb2855f7754b 2017-11-01 mbed_official Merge pull request #112 from marcbonnici/master
42:31c7229588e5 2017-10-11 mbed_official Merge pull request #108 from adbridge/master
41:fd2282a7fa4d 2017-09-29 mbed_official Merge pull request #106 from 0xc0170/master
40:427ead1fdc1f 2017-09-20 mbed_official Merge pull request #103 from ARMmbed/5.6_sanity
39:0fdb820ac331 2017-09-08 mbed_official Merge pull request #102 from adbridge/master
38:b36aa157781d 2017-08-08 mbed_official Merge pull request #100 from 0xc0170/master
37:c9fd79974e96 2017-07-28 mbed_official Merge pull request #99 from bcostm/add_disco_l475vg
36:22ad72fb57a7 2017-07-19 mbed_official Merge pull request #97 from 0xc0170/master
35:606a48c5f3c0 2017-07-19 mbed_official Merge pull request #98 from apalmieriGH/master
34:e7de039e4aa1 2017-07-11 mbed_official Merge pull request #93 from adbridge/master
33:cfa084a7bae3 2017-06-22 mbed_official Merge pull request #89 from adbridge/master
32:ef5e893c4ea6 2017-06-22 mbed_official Merge pull request #90 from apalmieriGH/master
31:e606e526e103 2017-06-20 mbed_official Merge pull request #88 from adbridge/master
30:50dc9ff0b329 2017-06-15 mbed_official Merge pull request #83 from apalmieriGH/master
29:dbb485f9d61c 2017-06-08 mbed_official Merge pull request #82 from adbridge/master
28:7ad8ad6b0826 2017-05-25 mbed_official Merge pull request #81 from adbridge/master
27:a10821e797a8 2017-05-10 mbed_official Merge pull request #79 from adbridge/master
26:d7dd71a8aea1 2017-05-10 mbed_official Merge pull request #78 from ashok-rao/master
25:7bbd3ab29049 2017-05-09 mbed_official Merge pull request #77 from 0xc0170/master
24:6576abea8167 2017-04-05 mbed_official Merge pull request #70 from 0xc0170/master
23:5e239a05e0ce 2017-04-05 mbed_official Merge pull request #72 from pan-/update_bluenrg_ref
22:1689127e9df0 2017-04-05 mbed_official Merge pull request #71 from pan-/fix_bluenrg_reference
21:ec1d136a5a06 2017-03-14 mbed_official Merge pull request #68 from adbridge/master
20:28c507b4ef01 2017-03-09 mbed_official Merge pull request #66 from ARMmbed/oob_test_mbed-os-5.4