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How to enable flash dual bank

Some devices like the STM32F76x support the Flash Dual Bank mode.

Follow these steps to enable it:

- Enable the Flash Dual Bank option bytes using the STM32 STLink-Utility software

The STM32 STLink-Utility software can be downloaded here:

uncheck the nDBANK box:

- Enable the FLASH_DUAL_BANK configuration in the code.

You can either modify the targets.json file and write 1 to the flash_dual_bank configuration. Note that this configuration is only available on the platforms that support the dual bank (STM32F76x).

"flash_dual_bank": {
  "help": "Default board configuration is Single Bank Flash. If you enable Dual Bank with ST Link Utility, set value to 1",
  "value": "1"

or create a mbed_app.json file and add these lines (example for NUCLEO_F767ZI platform):

"target_overrides": {
    "NUCLEO_F767ZI":  {
        "flash_dual_bank": "1"

Rebuild your code.

Drag & Drop your application on the platform.

- You may need also to upgrade the STLink fw on the board to the latest version (V2.J30.M21 as of today).

See the mbed-cli documentation for more information on the configuration system syntax.

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