Hello World for JCU(JPEG Codec Unit). JCU is JPEG codec unit of RZ/A1. When you use this program, we judge you have agreed to the following contents. https://developer.mbed.org/teams/Renesas/wiki/About-LICENSE

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00001 #include "mbed.h"
00002 #include "JPEG_Converter.h"
00003 #include "FATFileSystem.h"
00004 #include "USBHostMSD.h"
00006 #define SAMPLE_WIDTH        (320)
00007 #define SAMPLE_HEIGHT       (240)
00010 #define MAX_FILE_NAME_LENGTH    (64)
00011 #define FOLD_COUNT              (5)
00013 DigitalOut led1(LED1);
00014 Serial pc(USBTX, USBRX);
00016 #if defined(__ICCARM__)
00017 #pragma data_alignment=32
00018 static uint8_t JCUBuffer_INPUT[SAMPLE_BUFF_SIZE]@ ".mirrorram";  //32 bytes aligned!;
00019 #pragma data_alignment=32
00020 static uint8_t JCUBuffer_OUTPUT[SAMPLE_BUFF_SIZE]@ ".mirrorram";  //32 bytes aligned!;
00021 #else
00022 static uint8_t JCUBuffer_INPUT[SAMPLE_BUFF_SIZE]__attribute((section("NC_BSS"),aligned(32)));  //32 bytes aligned!;
00023 static uint8_t JCUBuffer_OUTPUT[SAMPLE_BUFF_SIZE]__attribute((section("NC_BSS"),aligned(32)));  //32 bytes aligned!;
00024 #endif
00026 bool get_file_name(char * p_buf, int size) {
00027     bool ret;
00028     char ch;
00029     int i = 0;
00031     while (1) {
00032         ch = (char)pc.getc();
00033         if (ch == '\r'){
00034             p_buf[i] = '\0';
00035             pc.putc('\n');
00036             ret = true;
00037             break;
00038         } else if (ch == '\n') {
00039             // Do Nothing
00040         } else if (ch == '\b') {
00041             if (i > 0) {
00042                 pc.puts("\b \b");
00043                 i--;
00044                 p_buf[i] = '\0';
00045             }
00046         } else if (i < size) {
00047             p_buf[i] = ch;
00048             i++;
00049             pc.putc(ch);
00050         } else {
00051             ret = false;
00052             break;
00053         }
00054     }
00056     return ret;
00057 }
00059 int main() {
00060     char file_name[MAX_FILE_NAME_LENGTH + FOLD_COUNT];
00061     JPEG_Converter  decoder;
00062     JPEG_Converter::bitmap_buff_info_t  aBitmapData;
00063     FILE * rd_fp = NULL;
00064     FILE * wr_fp = NULL;
00065     int filesize;
00066     size_t EncodeSize;
00068     FATFileSystem fs("usb");
00069     USBHostMSD msd;
00071     file_name[0] = '/';
00072     file_name[1] = 'u';
00073     file_name[2] = 's';
00074     file_name[3] = 'b';
00075     file_name[4] = '/';
00077     //try to connect a MSD device
00078     while(!msd.connect()) {
00079         ThisThread::sleep_for(500);
00080     }
00082     //Now that USB flash disk is detected, file system is mounted
00083     fs.mount(&msd);
00085     pc.printf("%dpix x %dpix\n", SAMPLE_WIDTH, SAMPLE_HEIGHT);
00087     while (1) {
00088         pc.printf("\nInput file name (.jpg or .bin)>");
00089         if (get_file_name(&file_name[FOLD_COUNT], MAX_FILE_NAME_LENGTH) == false) {
00090             pc.printf("Error:Max file name length is %d\n", MAX_FILE_NAME_LENGTH);
00091         } else {
00092             size_t len = strlen(file_name);
00093             if ((len > 4) && (file_name[len - 4] == (char)'.')
00094                 && ((file_name[len - 3] | 0x20u) == (char)'j')
00095                 && ((file_name[len - 2] | 0x20u) == (char)'p')
00096                 && ((file_name[len - 1] | 0x20u) == (char)'g')) {
00097                 // input ".jpg"
00098                 // decode JPG file to bitmap file
00099                 rd_fp = fopen(file_name, "r");
00100                 if (rd_fp == NULL) {
00101                     pc.printf("Error:File is not exist \n");
00102                 } else {
00103                     fseek(rd_fp, 0, SEEK_END);
00104                     filesize = ftell(rd_fp);
00105                     if (filesize > SAMPLE_BUFF_SIZE) {
00106                         pc.printf("Error:File size over \n");
00107                     } else {
00108                         led1 = 1;
00109                         fseek(rd_fp, 0, SEEK_SET);
00110                         fread(&JCUBuffer_INPUT[0], sizeof(char), filesize, rd_fp);
00111                         pc.printf("[Decode Mode]\n");
00112                         pc.printf("\nOutput file name (.bin)>");
00113                         if (get_file_name(&file_name[FOLD_COUNT], MAX_FILE_NAME_LENGTH) == false) {
00114                             pc.printf("Error:Max file name length is %d\n", MAX_FILE_NAME_LENGTH);
00115                         } else {
00116                             //YCbCr setting
00117                             aBitmapData.width           = SAMPLE_WIDTH;
00118                             aBitmapData.height          = SAMPLE_HEIGHT;
00119                             aBitmapData.format          = JPEG_Converter::WR_RD_YCbCr422;   //YCbCr[0] & ARGB8888[1] is 4byte, not RGB565[2] is 2byte
00120                             aBitmapData.buffer_address  = (void *)JCUBuffer_OUTPUT;
00121                             pc.printf("File decode start\n");
00122                             // JPEG_Converter
00123                             if (decoder.decode((void *)JCUBuffer_INPUT, &aBitmapData) == JPEG_Converter::JPEG_CONV_OK) {
00124                                 pc.printf("File decode done %dbyte\n", (SAMPLE_WIDTH * SAMPLE_HEIGHT * 4));
00125                                 pc.printf("File write start\n");
00126                                 wr_fp = fopen(file_name, "w");
00127                                 fwrite(JCUBuffer_OUTPUT, sizeof(char), (SAMPLE_WIDTH * SAMPLE_HEIGHT * 4), wr_fp);
00129                                 fclose(wr_fp);
00130                                 pc.printf("File write done\n");
00131                                 led1 = 0;
00132                             } else {
00133                                 pc.printf("Error:JCU decode error\n");
00134                                 led1 = 0;
00135                             }
00136                         }
00137                     }
00138                     fclose(rd_fp);
00139                 }
00140             } else if ((file_name[len - 4] == (char)'.')
00141                 && ((file_name[len - 3] | 0x20u) == (char)'b')
00142                 && ((file_name[len - 2] | 0x20u) == (char)'i')
00143                 && ((file_name[len - 1] | 0x20u) == (char)'n')) {
00144                 // input ".bin"
00145                 // encode bitmap file to JPEG file
00146                 rd_fp = fopen(file_name, "r");
00147                 if (rd_fp == NULL) {
00148                     pc.printf("Error:File is not exist\n");
00149                 } else {
00150                     fseek(rd_fp, 0, SEEK_END);
00151                     filesize = ftell(rd_fp);
00152                     if (filesize > SAMPLE_BUFF_SIZE) {
00153                         fclose(wr_fp);
00154                         pc.printf("Error:File size over\n");
00155                     } else {
00156                         led1 = 1;
00157                         fseek(rd_fp, 0, SEEK_SET);
00158                         fread(&JCUBuffer_INPUT[0], sizeof(char), filesize, rd_fp);
00159                         pc.printf("[Encode Mode]\n");
00160                         pc.printf("\nOutput file name (.jpg)>");
00161                         if (get_file_name(&file_name[FOLD_COUNT], MAX_FILE_NAME_LENGTH) == false) {
00162                             pc.printf("Error:Max file name length is %d\n", MAX_FILE_NAME_LENGTH);
00163                             fclose(rd_fp);
00164                         } else {
00165                             //YCbCr setting
00166                             aBitmapData.width           = SAMPLE_WIDTH;
00167                             aBitmapData.height          = SAMPLE_HEIGHT;
00168                             aBitmapData.format          = JPEG_Converter::WR_RD_YCbCr422;   //YCbCr[0] & ARGB8888[1] is 4byte, not RGB565[2] is 2byte
00169                             aBitmapData.buffer_address  = (void *)JCUBuffer_INPUT;
00170                             pc.printf("File encode start\n");
00171                             // JPEG_Converter
00172                             if (decoder.encode(&aBitmapData, JCUBuffer_OUTPUT, &EncodeSize) == JPEG_Converter::JPEG_CONV_OK) {
00173                                 pc.printf("File encode done %dbyte\n", EncodeSize);
00174                                 pc.printf("File write start\n");
00175                                 wr_fp = fopen(file_name, "w");
00176                                 fwrite(JCUBuffer_OUTPUT, sizeof(char), EncodeSize, wr_fp);
00178                                 fclose(wr_fp);
00179                                 pc.printf("File write done\n");
00180                                 led1 = 0;
00181                             } else {
00182                                 pc.printf("Error:JCU encode error\n");
00183                                 led1 = 0;
00184                             }
00185                         }
00186                     }
00187                     fclose(rd_fp);
00188                 }
00189             } else {
00190                 pc.printf("Error:Not supported extension (.jpg or .bin)\n");
00191             }
00192         }
00193     }
00194 }