Library to easily communicate with XBee modules.

Dependencies:   DigiLogger

Dependents:   WaterLogger XbeeGateway XBee_Cooker ProjetReceiver ... more

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Sending data to another module

The data transmission operation sends data from your local (attached) XBee device to a remote device on the network. Data is sent in API frames, but the mbed XBee Library abstracts the process so you only have to care about the node you want to send data to and the data itself.
You can send data either using a unicast or broadcast transmission. Unicast transmissions route data from one source device to one destination device, whereas broadcast transmissions are sent to all devices in the network.
These are the steps to send data to a remote XBee device:

  1. Create an XBee object.
  2. Initialize the XBee.
  3. Send data to remote device(s).

Create an XBee object

Create an XBee object of the desired variant:


#include "XBeeLib.h"
using namespace XBeeLib;
void main()


#include "XBeeLib.h"
using namespace XBeeLib;
void main()
     XBee802 xbee = XBee802(RADIO_TX, RADIO_RX, RADIO_RESET);

Initialize the XBee

Now initialize the XBee. That means calling to the init() method (see Initializing modules) and optionally any method required to put the device in the desired network.

#include "XBeeLib.h"
using namespace XBeeLib;
int main()

Send data to remote device(s)

This types of operations are blocking. This means the methods will wait until the transmit status response is received or the default timeout is reached. See Synchronous Operations Timeout

Sending data to all devices in the network

To send a message to all the devices in the network (a broadcast message) it is enough to call the following method, common for all XBee variants:

#include "XBeeLib.h"
using namespace XBeeLib;
int main()
    const uint8_t data[] = "Hello, XBees!";
    const uint16_t data_len = sizeof data / sizeof data[0] - 1;
    TxStatus txStatus = xbee.send_data_broadcast(data, data_len);
    if (txStatus != TxStatusSuccess) {
        printf("send_data_broadcast() failed with error %d\n", (int)txStatus);

Sending data to a specific device in the network

Unicast transmissions are sent from one source device to another destination device. There are several ways to send data depending on the module protocol. The destination device could be an immediate neighbor of the source, or it could be several hops away (ZigBee only).

XBee classMethodDescription
XBeeZBTxStatus send_data_to_coordinator(const uint8_t *data, uint16_t len);Send data to the coordinator only. This function only takes a pointer to the data and its length
TxStatus send_data(RemoteXBee& remote, const uint8_t *data, uint16_t len);Send data to a RemoteXBee object. This object must have been created or retrieved through a node discovery or data reception
TxStatus send_data(RemoteXBee& remote, uint8_t source_ep, uint8_t dest_ep, uint16_t cluster_id, uint16_t profile_id, const uint8_t *data, uint16_t len);Send an explicit frame to a RemoteXBee object. This object must have been created or retrieved through a node discovery or data reception. This is an advanced method to address a remote device's specific end-points, cluster IDs and profiles. It takes parameters for the source and destination end-points, the cluster ID and such cluster's profile ID.
All other methods implicitly use Source and Destination end-points to be 0xE8, the Cluster ID to be 0x11 and the Profile ID 0xC10
XBee802TxStatus send_data(RemoteXBee& remote, const uint8_t *data, uint16_t len);Send data to a RemoteXBee object. This object must have been created or retrieved through a node discovery or data reception.


#include "XBeeLib.h"
using namespace XBeeLib;
int main()
    const uint8_t data[] = "Hello, XBees!";
    const uint16_t data_len = sizeof data / sizeof data[0] - 1;
    const uint16_t addr16 = 0x01;
    RemoteXBee802 remoteDevice = RemoteXBee802(addr16);
    TxStatus txStatus = xbee.send_data(remoteDevice, data, data_len);
    if (txStatus != TxStatusSuccess) {
        printf("send_data() failed with error %d\n", (int)txStatus);


#include "XBeeLib.h"
using namespace XBeeLib;
int main()
    const uint8_t data[] = "Hello, XBees!";
    const uint16_t data_len = sizeof data / sizeof data[0] - 1;
    RemoteXBeeZB remoteDevice = RemoteXBeeZB(0x0013A200AABBCCDD);
    TxStatus txStatus = xbee.send_data(remoteDevice, data, data_len);
    if (txStatus != TxStatusSuccess) {
        printf("send_data() failed with error %d\n", (int)txStatus);

Return values

Al the sending methods return a TxStatus with the following meaning:

TxStatusSuccessTransmission completed successfully
TxStatusAckFail MackAcknowledge failure
TxStatusCCAFailCCA failure
TxStatusInvDestEPInvalid destination endpoint
TxStatusNwAckFailNetwork ACK failure
TxStatusNotJoinNwModule is not joined to a network
TxStatusAddrNotFoundAddress not found in network
TxStatusRouteNotFoundRoute not found
TxStatusBroadSrcFail2HeardBroadcast source failed to hear a neighbor relay the message
TxStatusInvBindTableIdxInvalid binding table index
TxStatusResourceErrorResource error (lack of free buffers, timers, etc.)
TxStatusAttBroadcWithAPSAttempted broadcast with APS transmission
TxStatusAttUnicWithAPSEE0Attempted unicast with APS transmission, but EE=0
TxStatusResourceError2Resource error (lack of free buffers, timers, etc.)
TxStatusInternalErrorResource error (lack of free buffers, timers, etc.)
TxStatusPayloadTooLargeData Payload too large
TxStatusIndirectMsgUnReqIndirect message unrequested (DigiMesh P2MP)
TxStatusInvAddrRemoteXBee object has an invalid address
TxStatusTimeoutTimeout to wait for response expired

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