Library to easily communicate with XBee modules.

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Handling remote modules DIOs ADCs and PW

Digi XBee modules have pins that can be configured to perform as a digital output or input (DIO), as an analog input (ADC) or as an analog output (PWM).
This mbed library offer functionality to manage those pins on Remote Devices. That is achieved by sending RF messages to the remote radio from the local radio attached to the mbed processor.


There is no API for setting local device's DIOs/ADCs, in case you need it, it can be done by setting local parameters (See Configuring local and remote modules chapter) accordingly to specifications in the product manual.

Available methods

XBee ClassMethodDescriptionParameters
XBee802 XBeeZBRadioStatus set_pin_config(const RemoteXBee& remote, IoLine line, IoMode mode)Configures a remote device pin for the desired functionality: Digital Input, Digital Output, ADC or PWM. This step is required before calling the other methodsremote: remote device.
line: IO line being configured.
mode: configuration mode for the selected line.
RadioStatus get_pin_config(const RemoteXBee& remote, IoLine line, IoMode * const mode)Gets the current configuration of a remote device's pinremote: remote device.
line: IO line being read to get its configuration.
mode: pointer where the configuration read will be stored.
RadioStatus set_pin_pull_up(const RemoteXBee& remote, IoLine line, bool enable)Enables or disables the internal pull-up resistor of a remote device's pin.remote: remote device.
line: IO line being configured.
enable: enable or not internal pull-up
RadioStatus enable_dio_change_detection(const RemoteXBee& remote, IoLine line, bool enable);Enables or disables sending an IO Sample when a digital input changes its value (See Handling IO Data Samples from remote modules).remote: remote device.
line: IO line being configured.
enable: enable or not change detection.
RadioStatus set_dio(const RemoteXBee& remote, IoLine line, DioVal val)Sets the value of a Digital Output to High or Lowremote: remote device.
line: DIO line being set.
val: value that will be set in the DIO line: DIO_LOW or DIO_HIGH
RadioStatus get_dio(const RemoteXBee& remote, IoLine line, DioVal * const val)Gets the value of a Digital Inputremote: remote device.
line: DIO line being read.
val: pointer where the DIO value read will be stored. DIO_LOW or DIO_HIGH.
RadioStatus get_adc(const RemoteXBee& remote, IoLine line, uint16_t * const val)Gets the value of an ADCremote: remote device.
line: ADC line being read.
val: pointer where the value read from the ADC will be stored.
XBee802RadioStatus set_pwm(const RemoteXBee& remote, IoLine line, float duty_cycle)Sets the value (duty cycle) of a PWMremote: remote device.
line: PWM line being set.
duty_cycle: duty cycle that will be set in the PWM line.
RadioStatus get_pwm(const RemoteXBee& remote, IoLine line, float * const duty_cycle)Gets the value (duty cycle) of a PWMremote: remote device.
line: PWM line being read.
duty_cycle: pointer where the value of the duty cycle read from the PWM will be stored.

The same functionality is offered for ZigBee and 802.15.4 modules, although the pin (IoLine) names and functionality available on those pins are different:

Line parameter

XBee devicePinDigital InputDigital OutputADCPWM


  • SUPPLY_VOLTAGE is not a real pin. Its ADC value can be queried to get the remote module supply voltage if enabled. See V+ AT command for more information.

Mode parameter

IoMode enum used in set_pin_config() and get_pin_config()methods can take following values: Disabled, SpecialFunc, Adc, Pwm, DigitalInput, DigitalOutLow and DigitalOutHigh.

DIO value parameter

DioVal enum used in set_dio() and get_dio() methods can take following values: DIO_LOW and DIO_HIGH.

ADC value parameter

get_adc() method takes an uint16_t as value argument. The value stored in val represent the analog value of the pin ranging from 0 to 0x3FF.

PWM value parameter

set_pwm() and get_remote_pwm() methods take a float as duty_cycle argument ranging from 0.0 to 100.0.


To simplify the examples and make them independent of the hardware and the XBee variant, the following pins are used for this examples set:

DIO2/ADC218ADC (Analog Input)
DIO3/ADC317Digital Input
RSSI/DIO106PWM (Analog Output)
DIO411Digital Output



All the examples that use Digital IOs and ADC/PWM use the specified pins.

The first step for every example, is to create the local and the remote devices. They can be either ZigBee or 802.15.4 devices:

#include "XBeeLib.h"
using namespace XBeeLib;
void main()
     RemoteXBeeZB remoteDevice = RemoteXBeeZB(0x0013A200AABBCCDD);

Setting the value of a Digital Output

The example toggles DIO4 pin every 5 seconds. If a led is connected to this pin as shown in the schematic, it should blink every 5 seconds.


It's not necessary to call set_pin_config() method to use set_remote_dio() method.

while(true) {
    static bool led_on = false;
    if (led_on) {
        radioStatus = xbee.set_dio(remoteDevice, XBeeZB::DIO4, DIO_LOW);
    } else {
        radioStatus = xbee.set_dio(remoteDevice, XBeeZB::DIO4, DIO_HIGH);
    MBED_ASSERT(radioStatus == Success);
    led_on = !led_on;

Getting the value of a Digital Input

The example samples the digital value of DIO3_AD3 pin every 5 seconds. If this pin is connected to a push-button as shown in the schematic, the application should report "DIO3 value = 0" if the button is pressed and "DIO3 value = 1" otherwise.

radioStatus = xbee.set_pin_config(remoteDevice, XBeeZB::DIO3_AD3, DigitalInput);
MBED_ASSERT(radioStatus == Success);   
while(true) {
    DioVal dio3_val;
    radioStatus = xbee.get_dio(remoteDevice, XBeeZB::DIO3_AD3, &dio3_val);
    MBED_ASSERT(radioStatus == Success);
    log_serial->printf("DIO3 value = %d\r\n", dio3_val);

Getting the value of an ADC

The example samples the analog value of DIO2_AD2 pin every 5 seconds. If this pin is connected to a variable resistor as shown in the schematic, the application should report it's value ranging from 0x0 to 0x3FF.

radioStatus = xbee.set_pin_config(remoteDevice, XBeeZB::DIO2_AD2, Adc);
MBED_ASSERT(radioStatus == Success);
while(true) {
    uint16_t adc2_val;
    radioStatus = xbee.get_adc(remoteDevice, XBee802::DIO2_AD2, &adc2_val);
    MBED_ASSERT(radioStatus == Success);
    log_serial->printf("ADC2 value = 0x%04x\r\n", adc2_val);

Setting the value (duty cycle) of a PWM

The example changes the analog value of PWM0 pin. The application walks through 0.0, 50.0, 70.0, 100.0 values every 5 seconds. If a led is connected to the PWM0 pin as shown in the schematic, it should change the intensity accordingly.

radioStatus = xbee.set_pin_config(remoteDevice, XBee802::PWM0, Pwm);
MBED_ASSERT(radioStatus == Success);
while(true) {
    static float pwm2_val_list[] = { 0.0, 50.0, 70.0, 100.0 };
    static uint8_t pwm2_val_idx = 0;
    log_serial->printf("Setting PWM0 to = %f\r\n", pwm2_val_list[pwm2_val_idx]);
    radioStatus = xbee.set_pwm(remoteDevice, XBee802::PWM0, pwm2_val_list[pwm2_val_idx]);
    MBED_ASSERT(radioStatus == Success);
    if (pwm2_val_idx == sizeof(pwm2_val_list)/sizeof(pwm2_val_list[0])) {
        pwm2_val_idx = 0;

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