HID scanner demo

Dependencies:   BLE_API WIFI_API_32kRAM nRF51822 mbed

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00001 #include "mbed.h"
00002 #include "BLE.h"
00003 #include "BatteryService.h"
00004 #include "DeviceInformationService.h"
00005 #include "HIDService.h"
00006 #include "WIFIDevice.h"
00007 #include "EthernetInterface.h"
00009 BLEDevice  ble;
00010 DigitalOut led01(p7);
00011 Serial uart(p25,p23);
00012 DigitalOut RFSWIO(p19);
00013 Ticker flipper;
00014 WIFIDevice wifi;
00015 EthernetInterface eth;
00017 bool flip_lock = false;
00019 void flip() {
00020     if (!flip_lock) RFSWIO = !RFSWIO;
00021 }
00023 unsigned char keyData;
00024 bool is_input = false; 
00025 char* ap_ssid = "Tsungta_iPhone";
00026 char* ap_pw = "icq87001";
00027 const char* PC_SERVER_ADDRESS = "";
00028 uint16_t PC_PORT = 5222;
00030 static const char     DEVICE_NAME[]        = "HID_Keyboard";
00031 static const uint16_t uuid16_list[]        = {GattService::UUID_HUMAN_INTERFACE_DEVICE_SERVICE};
00032 static volatile bool  triggerSensorPolling = false;
00034 void disconnectionCallback(Gap::Handle_t handle, Gap::DisconnectionReason_t reason)
00035 {
00036     ble.startAdvertising(); // restart advertising
00037 }
00039 void passkeyDisplayCallback(Gap::Handle_t handle, const SecurityManager::Passkey_t passkey)
00040 {
00041     printf("Input passKey: ");
00042     for (unsigned i = 0; i < Gap::ADDR_LEN; i++) {
00043         printf("%c ", passkey[i]);
00044     }
00045     printf("\r\n");
00046 }
00048 void securitySetupCompletedCallback(Gap::Handle_t handle, SecurityManager::SecurityCompletionStatus_t status)
00049 {
00050     if (status == SecurityManager::SEC_STATUS_SUCCESS) {
00051         printf("Security success\r\n", status);
00052     } else {
00053         printf("Security failed\r\n", status);
00054     }
00055 }
00058 static uint8_t key_press_scan_buff[50];
00059 static uint8_t modifyKey[50];
00060 char msg[25] = "NNN40 CONNECTED\n";
00061 int main(void)
00062 {   
00063     uart.baud(115200);
00064     uart.printf("Starting HID Service\n");
00065     RFSWIO = 1;
00066     EthernetInterface eth;
00067     eth.init(); //Use DHCP
00068     wifi.setNetwork(ap_ssid, ap_pw, 0); // set given SSID and PW as the highest priority  
00069     eth.connect(40000);
00070     led01 = 1;
00071     TCPSocketConnection socket;      
00072     socket.connect(PC_SERVER_ADDRESS,PC_PORT);
00073     socket.send(msg, sizeof(msg));
00074     memset(msg, 0, 25);
00075     /*======BLE setup========*/
00076     ble.init();
00077     bool enableBonding = true;
00078     bool requireMITM   = true;
00079     //const uint8_t passkeyValue[6] = {0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00};
00080     ble.initializeSecurity(enableBonding, requireMITM, SecurityManager::IO_CAPS_DISPLAY_ONLY);  //IO_CAPS_DISPLAY_ONLY, IO_CAPS_NONE
00081     ble.onDisconnection(disconnectionCallback);
00082     ble.securityManager().onPasskeyDisplay(passkeyDisplayCallback);
00083     ble.securityManager().onSecuritySetupCompleted(securitySetupCompletedCallback);
00085     /* Setup primary service. */
00086     HIDService hidService(ble);
00087     /* Setup auxiliary service. */
00088     DeviceInformationService deviceInfo(ble, "ARM", "CYNTEC", "SN1", "hw-rev1", "fw-rev1", "soft-rev1");
00089     /* Setup advertising. */
00090     ble.accumulateAdvertisingPayload(GapAdvertisingData::COMPLETE_LOCAL_NAME, (uint8_t *)DEVICE_NAME, sizeof(DEVICE_NAME));
00091     ble.accumulateAdvertisingPayload(GapAdvertisingData::KEYBOARD);
00092     ble.accumulateAdvertisingPayload(GapAdvertisingData::BREDR_NOT_SUPPORTED | GapAdvertisingData::LE_GENERAL_DISCOVERABLE);
00093     ble.accumulateAdvertisingPayload(GapAdvertisingData::COMPLETE_LIST_16BIT_SERVICE_IDS, (uint8_t *)uuid16_list, sizeof(uuid16_list));
00094     ble.setAdvertisingType(GapAdvertisingParams::ADV_CONNECTABLE_UNDIRECTED);
00095     ble.setAdvertisingInterval(1000);
00097     RFSWIO = 1;
00098     ble.startAdvertising();
00099     uart.printf("Starting advertising\n");
00100     wait(5);
00101     flipper.attach(&flip, 0.15);
00102     int index_b = 0;
00103     int index_w = 0;
00105     while (1) {
00106         if (uart.readable() == 1) {
00107             keyData = uart.getc();
00108             uart.putc(keyData);
00109             msg[index_w++] = keyData;
00110             if(keyData <= 0x39 && keyData >= 0x30){             //number
00111                 if(keyData == 0x30){
00112                     modifyKey[index_b] = 0x00;
00113                     key_press_scan_buff[index_b] = 0x27;
00114                     index_b++;
00115                     key_press_scan_buff[index_b] = 0x73;
00116                     } else {
00117                     modifyKey[index_b] = 0x00;
00118                     key_press_scan_buff[index_b] = keyData-0x13;
00119                     index_b++;
00120                     key_press_scan_buff[index_b] = 0x73;
00121                     }
00122                 } else if(keyData <= 0x7a && keyData >= 0x61 ){ //lowercase letters
00123                     modifyKey[index_b] = 0x00;
00124                     key_press_scan_buff[index_b] = keyData-0x5d;
00125                     index_b++;
00126                     key_press_scan_buff[index_b] = 0x73;
00127                 } else if(keyData <= 0x5a && keyData >= 0x41){  //uppercase letters
00128                     modifyKey[index_b] = 0x02;
00129                     key_press_scan_buff[index_b] = keyData-0x3d;
00130                     index_b++;
00131                     key_press_scan_buff[index_b] = 0x73;
00132                 } else if (keyData == 0x20) {                   //space
00133                     modifyKey[index_b] = 0x00;
00134                     key_press_scan_buff[index_b] = 0x2c;
00135                     index_b++;
00136                     key_press_scan_buff[index_b] = 0x73;
00137                 } else {
00138                     modifyKey[index_b] = 0x00;
00139                     //key_press_scan_buff[index_b] = 0x73;          //this is dummy data.
00140                     //msg[index_w+1] = '\0';
00141             }
00142             index_b++;
00143             if(keyData == 0x0a && ble.getGapState().connected){
00144                 flip_lock = true;
00145                 RFSWIO = 0;// RF Switch to BLE and lockup temporary
00146                 for(int i = 0; i < index_b ; i++){
00147                     hidService.updateReport(modifyKey[i], key_press_scan_buff[i]);
00148                     wait(0.03);
00149                 }
00150                 flip_lock = false;
00152             flip_lock = true;
00153             RFSWIO = 1;// RF Switch to WiFi and lockup temporary
00154             socket.send(msg, sizeof(msg));
00155             flip_lock = false;
00157             index_b = 0;
00158             index_w = 0;
00159             memset(modifyKey, 0, 50);
00160             memset(msg, 0, 25);
00161             memset(key_press_scan_buff, 0, 50);
00162             }
00164         }
00165     }
00166 }