
Forks of BLE_LoopbackUART

A fork is a repository which is based on a copy of this repository.

use UART Service to loopback anything received on the TX characteristic onto the RX. BLE, nRF, UART
use UART Service to loopback anything received on the TX characteristic onto the RX. BLE, nRF, UART
Seeed Arch BLE nRF51822 base BLE, nRF51822, UART
You can control from iPhone and put some command. h=show commands help, v=show TY51822r3 VDD data, t=show chip temperature, q=you can make deep sleep condition. nrf51, TY51822r3
Remote I/O Switchx4 LEDx4 AINx2(Battery,Potentiometer) OUTx8 INx8 nRFUARTの改造版 ライブラリアップデートに注意 BLE_API,nRF51822,mbed
NRF51822 as bluetooth to UART
BLE ー> USBシリアル変換します。 通信速度は9600bps固定です。
Demonstration code showing how to control an LED over Bluetooth Low Energy using the UARTService BLE, nRF51822
Basic BLE comm Control Led using On/Off Command
The firmware of the Grove Node
Openwear Life logger example BLE, nRF, UART
Seeed Test program for Carbon BLE
This is a demo for controlling your ShieldBot using your mobile phone
this profile using UART with ADXL335 accelerometer, but this is can't reach accelerometer sensor.. please help me to fix it bluetooth, energy, low
this program using UART Loopback but can't read ADXL345 data over bluetooth terminal... please help to fix it bluetooth, energy, low