4 years, 5 months ago.

STM32F401RE + Mbed Studio (OS5) + USBMIDI (USB DEVICE) not working


When the USB device / midi libraries are already running on my f401RE card,

Does not work in OS5 version.

what should I do? Thanks for your help

  1. include "mbed.h"
  2. include "USBMIDI.h"


int main() { while (true) { for(int i=48; i<83; i++) { send some messages! midi.write(MIDIMessage::NoteOn(i)); wait(0.25); midi.write(MIDIMessage::NoteOff(i)); wait(0.5); }

} }


++ MbedOS Error Info ++ Error Status: 0x80FF0100 Code: 256 Module: 255 Error Message: Fatal Run-time error Location: 0x80044EB Error Value: 0x0 Current Thread: main Id: 0x20002060 Entry: 0x80093B5 StackSize: 0x1000 StackMem: 0x200004C8 SP: 0x20001404 For more info, visit: https://mbed.com/s/error?error=0x80FF0100&tgt=NUCLEO_F401RE MbedOS Error Info This board does not have a hardware USB driver

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