5 years, 1 month ago.

Why doesn't my m.bed work on my windows 7 laptop?

Okay, so here is what I did: First, used chrome on my old windows 7 laptop to download the mbed windows serial configuration from os.mbed.com/handbook/Windows-serial-configuration

Second, ran it with an mbed clearly there, running another program quite happily.

Result: 'The driver could not be installed. No mbed Microcontrollers were found.'

It just doesn't even try to find it, and I have no idea why... Considering my other laptop is a chromebook, guess I have to go into uni to use the damned thing. Oh well.

1 Answer

5 years, 1 month ago.

Definitely works on Win7 64bit, that's what I use.

Run the mbedWinSerial_16466.exe and when you see the install dialog box, plug in your Mbed then select install.

But you may need rev21164 firmware on the Mbed first, I found that I had no serial printf with the latest rev..