5 years, 2 months ago.

Using Mbed OS 5 with AC6

Hello, I'd like to program and debug projects for my C030-N211 IoT Starter-Kit with the AC6 SW4STM32 IDE. Are there any instructions on how to implement the Mbed OS to the IDE?

1 Answer

5 years, 2 months ago.

Hi Björn,

We do support exporting to the SW4STM32 IDE from our Command Line Interface (CLI). Please see the following links for more information:

We suggest taking your project to the command line and then exporting it with:

mbed export -i sw4stm32 -m UBLOX_C030_N211

If you select the C030-N211 for your target in the Online Compiler you won't get the SW4STM32 export option. If you pick a native STM32 device for your target in the Online Compiler you will get the SW4STM32 option, but there isn't a NUCLEO or DISCO board based on the native device (STM32F437VG) so we think there is some risk if you go this route and are new to Mbed.


Ralph, Team Mbed

Accepted Answer