5 years, 10 months ago.

blinky build failure with online compiler

Looking at the Analog Devices EV COG AD3029 blinky example found here


After selecting the link, the code imports to the online compiler with no problems.

1. Click on this link to import the mbed blinky project into the online compiler.

The program fails to build however with the following message - as the error links to something in the mbed libs, i'm at a loss

Error: Symbol user_perthread_libspace multiply defined (by /build/mbed-os.lib/rtos/TARGET_CORTEX/rtx5/RTX/Source/rtx_lib.EV_COG_AD3029LZ.o and /build/mbed-os.lib/rtos/TARGET_CORTEX/mbed_boot.EV_COG_AD3029LZ.o).

Hello_World_cog3029.bin - worked fine when copied to the arm-usb drive

Any ideas?

Question relating to:

EV-COG-AD3029LZ is an IoT Development Platform based on ADuCM3029 MCU for Ultra Low Power Applications.

1 Answer

5 years, 10 months ago.

Hello Sean,

There is a github issue that has been raised:


It seems like Jerome has a found a solution that may work for you (seems to be a missing -D_RTE_ macro). If you are using the online compiler:

Under the Compile button, navigate to Compile Macros and add _RTE_ in the text box. Then try recompiling.

I was able to successfully compile the program through these steps. Hope this helps!

-Karen, team Mbed

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