6 years, 8 months ago.

How to use application code of MBED OS in MDK-5/Keil-5?


I am executing UART sample code of MBED OS on Nucleo-F411RE. There are 2 ways to do this task which is as follow.

1) Compile source code using online compiler and download .bin file. After completion of downloading copy and pest this file into Nucleo-F411RE board.

2) Export this source for Keil-5/MDK-5. Open this project into Keil-5/MDK-5 compile it and program into Nucleo-F411RE board using ST-Link debugger.

So out off this two way, I am not able to get output through 2nd way.

Issue :

I am using 9600 Baud rate for UART sample code. So, I got proper output through 1st way but if I am going use 2nd way then I received NULL value on console.

Can some please help me. Is there any configuration required.

Thanks, Harsh

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