7 years, 1 month ago.

Problems with include paths in KDS


I have problems with the include PATHS from the mbed-os in Kinetis Design Studio. I want to export the HEXI_BLE program to the KDS. The KDS can't find the header files. How can i fix that? Is it a wrong export or a wrong import?

I'm using KDS 3.2.0 SDK 1,3,0 Hexiwear /media/uploads/BobGobel/kds_screen.jpg

Question relating to:

Hi Bob,

Thanks for getting in touch, Indeed we have recognised this problem and it is being sorted :), can't give you an ETA on this yet.

Sorry for the inconvenience.

Regards, Andrea, team mbed

posted by Andrea Corrado 02 Mar 2017

Thank you for your response

posted by Bob Göbel 02 Mar 2017

Hi everyone! Does someone have found a workaround as I have the same problem? For example would it be possible to compile mbed using mbed-CLI as a static library and then just link it and include the headers in KDS. I am not good with compilers so I would not know how to do it.

posted by Fabien Pierre-Nicolas 23 Jul 2017

I can't believe it is still an issue, but apparently it seems to be. Or am I doing something wrong? I expect export from mbed, import to KDS should work smoothly without additional magic.

posted by Szilárd Greszler 14 Jan 2018
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