7 years, 4 months ago.

MBED online compiler is stuck with a status of 'Initializing'

I have just modified an application I wrote back in Jun. I hit the compile button and overlay screen pops up as normal, but the progress indication just keeps going and the status doesn't change from 'Initializing'.

I have no idea how to go through and debug this, reading on previous instances of this being reported it was the site rather then the client end. Hopefully someone can help shine some light on how to resolve the problem.


2 Answers

6 years, 1 month ago.


I am not able to compile online at all. The compiler keeps initializing forever no matter which program I choose (a simple mbed-blinky included) and wchich target I select. What shall I do to fix this? Is it possible to receive some advice or support from mbed-team in this regard?

Thank you in advance.

As of 3/16/18 and a couple of days prior, I have exactly the same problem. I've emailed support@mbed.com

posted by Alfred Hume 16 Mar 2018

Thank you Alfred for the tip. Luckily I found a simple wok around. I moved from MS Internet Explorer to Google Chrome and suddenly everything works as before :)

posted by Zoltan Hudak 16 Mar 2018
7 years, 4 months ago.

Hi Bruce,

Sorry for the issues you are having, this happens intermittently, it should fix it self, we are in the process of heavily investigating some current issues we are having with server loading.

Could you let me know if you are finally able to compile?


Andrea, team mbed

How "intermittently" does this occur, and have you looked into why it "should fix it self"?

posted by Travis Teague 21 Dec 2016

This depends on if the build system is under heavy load, Normal service resumes after. We are looking into it all :)

posted by Andrea Corrado 21 Dec 2016

This is occurring for me on every build at the moment. Fully reloading the page allows another build but discards any changes not saved with Save before Compile. The Save button is disabled on clicking Compile. Actually, making further edits allows saving before reloading, so that's not so bad.

posted by David Eisner 10 Jan 2017

David thanks for the update on this, always grateful for feedback. Can you test this within another hour and report back to me at support@mbed.org should you have any further issues.


Andrea, team mbed

posted by Andrea Corrado 10 Jan 2017

I am having the same issue as the original poster. Our build was compiling this morning, but we now get the "Compiling status: initializing" pop-up screen not changing. Can this issue be resolved?

posted by Christopher Wong 17 Jan 2018