7 years, 6 months ago.

When is the "Initializing" hang of the online compiler going to be fixed?

I'm having the problem of the mbed compiler hanging on "Initializing" during compilation. If there are no errors, the binary will be generated and downloaded, but if there are errors they are never reported. A reload is required to recover. This is most apparent in the evenings, presumably at periods of high loading, but it does not seem to be a resource issue as the compilations do succeed. I've found reports of this going back to 2012, and at least for me it is making the compiler practically unusable.

1 Answer

7 years, 5 months ago.

Hi Thomas,

Thanks very much for posting this issue and sorry for the problems

This is a common issue at the moment, the build system is under heavy load and we are investigating believe me :). Let me know if this occurs again, please.

If you have any more similar to this please direct them to support@mbed.org :)