7 years, 7 months ago.

Exporter broken

I am not able to export my program. The exporter just waits in the dialog box. And after timeout, says error.

Question relating to:

Which board are you using? Which toolchain do you want to export to? Is it an mbed 2 or mbed 5 program?

posted by Jan Jongboom 17 Sep 2016

It is mbed 2 (classic) via online IDE. My board is FRDM-KL25Z. Want to export any (ZipArchieve, Emblocks, GCC etc) export available. It was working until night IST. Suddenly stopped. Just tried and still not working. "Exporting program .." dialog box comes and it just waits there. Note that folders within the program, can still be exported. But not the program.

posted by Hemant Joshi 17 Sep 2016

1 Answer

7 years, 7 months ago.

Hi Hemant,

Thanks for flagging this issue i'm going to look into this and then update this question once i have more news.


Andrea, team mbed

Some more information on the issue. I generally use "GCC ARM Embed" or "Zip Archive (with repositories)" options. Now only "Zip Archive .." option is NOT working.

Thanks, Hemant

posted by Hemant Joshi 19 Sep 2016