7 years, 8 months ago.

exporting rtos basic example compile error


I exported the rtos_basic example for lpc1768 to uvision5 and there exist many compile errors as below

mbed\FunctionPointer.h(57): error: #1209: invalid argument to attribute "deprecated"

the part of program that has error is

template <typename R> class FunctionPointerArg1<R, void> : public Callback<R()> { public: MBED_DEPRECATED_SINCE("mbed-os-5.1", "FunctionPointer has been replaced by Callback<void()>") FunctionPointerArg1(R (*function)() = 0) : Callback<R()>(function) {}

template<typename T> MBED_DEPRECATED_SINCE("mbed-os-5.1", "FunctionPointer has been replaced by Callback<void()>") FunctionPointerArg1(T *object, R (T::*member)()) : Callback<R()>(object, member) {}

R (*get_function())() { return *reinterpret_cast<R ()()>(this); } };

there are 22 errors as above in different part of several header files. Does any body knows what is the reason for these errors?

Thank you

1 Answer

7 years, 7 months ago.

It seems this has been fixed by now.

Check this https://developer.mbed.org/blog/entry/Fixed-exporters-in-the-mbed-Online-Compi/