7 years, 10 months ago.

Hangs when the baud rate is given in bear protocol library (communication.cpp file)

Hello, I would like to use the bear protocol for communication.cpp file but when i give serialCom->baud(baudRate); in the file it hanges up and never come out . so when i delete it program run fine but i am unable to see the data from serial.putc(packet). and serial.getc(packet) throws an error as error time out. Could you please suggest me any soultion for this error. In the below code i quotedit. Thank you.

COMMUNICATION::COMMUNICATION(PinName tx, PinName rx, uint32_t baudRate, uint16_t tx_buff, uint16_t rx_buff )

#ifdef _DEBUG
    pc = new Serial(USBTX, USBRX);

    serialCom = new iSerial(tx, rx,NULL,tx_buff,rx_buff);





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