8 years, 4 months ago.

Does libmdot handle lease time?

Default configuration on the conduit indicates a lease time of 1440 minutes. If I've selected "AUTO_OTA", does the mDot keep track of this lease time and know when to renew the lease automatically? Each pass through the main loop attempts a join, but I know in the short term AUTO_OTA will simply skip out if it has already joined.

side question: is "dot->saveConfig()" safe to call if I don't think I've changed anything (mainly - it won't actually write flash if nothing changed)? Just curious because the example code always sets the parameters I care about so I'm trying to figure out how much saveConfig really matters.

Question relating to:

Library for LoRa communication using MultiTech MDOT. Lora, mdot, multitech

Your question suggests the default gateway Lease Time is 1440 minutes... from where did you get that spec? The document http://www.multitech.net/developer/software/lora/conduit-aep-lora-communication/conduit-aep-advanced-lora-network-server-configuration/ indicates 60 days is the default.

posted by Mike G 01 Aug 2016

1 Answer

8 years, 4 months ago.


Main question: The mDot does not keep track of lease time. But the lease is "renewed" each time the mDot communicates with the gateway. So, for the lease to expire, the mDot would have to not communicate with the gateway for the duration of the lease. E.g. no successful communication with the gateway for 1440 minutes.

Side question: Every time saveConfig() is called, the library writes the current config (in RAM) to flash.

