8 years, 8 months ago.

Problem: Read and output data


I have written a program that reads out from a text file and then outputs CAN messages on the CAN bus. This works but unfortunately only to about 500 messages. If I want to read 800 messages the mbed starts not. When you press the reset button, the blue LED will turn off short but nothing happens.

The funny thing is that I could still read and spend 5000 messages 2 weeks ago. Does anyone have an explanation for this or can help me? It amazes me that the mbed does not start. What does that mean?

Thank you for the help.


I can explain exactly why it doesn't work: There is either a hardware fault or a bug in the software.

If you want a more specific answer it would help to have a bit more information like the mbed you are using, the code, the file format etc...

posted by Andy A 25 Aug 2015
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