9 years, 4 months ago.

New GATT Profile

I'm planning to create a custom GATT Profile with a Custom Service and Characteristics. How can I do that? Any pointers or help is much appreciated.

Question relating to:

Bluetooth Low Energy (a.k.a Bluetooth LE, BTLE, Bluetooth Smart)

1 Answer

9 years, 4 months ago.

I'm not sure what constitutes a New GATT Profile, but I did implement an mbed project with custom Service and Characteristics for Read, Notify, and Write. It is still under development but some of it may help you. See:

  • http://developer.mbed.org/users/prussell/code/bleIOv04_pr/
    • This was done on Nordic mkit, but if you comment out the few nRF51822 MCU Temperature lines it should work with any mbed (I'm interested to know if it does).
  • You can use this with Nordic's Android App "Master Control Panel", iPhone App LightBlue, or the included matching Android project.
  • It includes BLE Custom Read/Notify/Write (Implemented as structures, not single items).
  • All actions are output on USB Serial Debug.
  • It does include code from many of the examples I looked at, so you could simplify mbed and App by stripping out anything you don't need, such as HRM and HTM service support, and probably lots of the prolific USB Serial DEBUG and unused sample code.
  • Any feedback on this mbed project and matching app appreciated.
  • ToDo: Pairing/Bonding, FOTA, Cleanup GUI in App so service list only shown in a diagnostic tab, etc.

Accepted Answer

Thank you Paul. Let me go through it. I think this might be very useful for me. Thanks again

posted by Jayesh Sukumaran 11 Jan 2015