11 years, 2 months ago.

mbed Target-dependent libraries for Arduino Due?

Hi all,

I'm a 3D printer user, and having just got an Arduino Due, I'd like to run an mbed-based firmware (Smoothieware) on it. Obviously there isn't support for it officially, but since the mbed library is now open-source, I think it should be possible to port it. I've taken a look at asf, the Atmel Software Framework, which has all the info for the SAM3X8E that runs the Due, and it looks like Atmel's code is just different enough that I don't know how everything translates from one to the other. Is there more detailed documentation on how the target-specific CAPI and CMSIS code works? I've read the "mbed library internals" in the Handbook, but it doesn't really dig that deep. Or, (fingers crossed), is someone else looking at doing this?

Thanks! Chris

3 Answers

11 years, 2 months ago.

In this forum thread "mbed for other platforms?" bob cousins asked whether there are any plans for a port to support Arduino Due or whether it is worth him starting to port it himself.

There are no plans for an official port to Arduino Due, perhaps you could work with bob cousins to create a port.

11 years, 2 months ago.

I would like it if you bring up your question here: http://www.avrfreaks.net Possibly it is not too hard for some of the people there. There is a significant "push" there that Atmel should do more in ARM's at the hobbyist level. Especially because the Arduino is AVR/Atmel territory and all other manufacturers are now copying the shield idea with modern ARM's it may be the last chance for Atmel to keep the fans if they embrace mbed.

Chris G
11 years, 2 months ago.

Thanks Stephen. Bob and I actually were discussing this over on the Reprap forums a few days ago. Guess we decided to head to the same place for answers.

Geert, I'll check that out. Maybe I can find a kind, knowledgeable soul over there who is willing to lend their expertise/hold my hand with the process.