11 years, 3 months ago.

COnnecting mBed to Internet(access from Website)

I was reading here >> https://mbed.org/cookbook/Interfacing-with-JavaScript This approach tells very straight forwardingly what is needed to access the mBed over your network BUT I needed to access the mBed from anywhere in the world! I wanted to have a webpage served on my website with some buttons there and access send commands to my mBed from anywhere, How to go about this?

any one ?please

posted by Nishant Sood 08 Mar 2013

2 Answers

11 years, 3 months ago.

Here is an idea.

  1. Write a nodejs server with a websocket that the mbed connects to.
  2. Have the javascript page connect to the websocket too
  3. Write some interface code for the buttons


Accepted Answer

Thanks I will start working on this basis BUT what about TCP/IP socket opening and connection to it? Is this TCP socket also a possibility so that a chat session sort of thing gets defined?

posted by Nishant Sood 08 Mar 2013

Take a look at the following in order to work with websockets:


posted by Ashley Mills 08 Mar 2013
11 years, 2 months ago.

Hi Ashley,

I checked out the Websocket-and-Mbed pages ,fruitful resources but the thing is that I'm not able to define my own server as tornado loads on Linux anything I can do to remove this limitation?