8 years, 11 months ago.

Trying to compile audio_FFT

So I've been messing around with this for quite some time now. I'm trying to make an FFT program to work on my mbed, but even the first hurdle seems too big. Most of the currently online programs seem to use FFTCM3.s, but it seems that the online compiler just does not understand some of the assembly commands. Is it possible to fix this or do I need to change to GCC gnu compiling? If so, which assembler would I need?

It sounds like https://developer.mbed.org/users/igorsk/code/FFT/file/90ade34a3b71/FFTCM3.s wrote the assembly code for "ARM7 and ARM assembler syntax"; I would take this comment to mean that he wrote it to compile with, at least, the online compiler and the corresponding offline compiler.


GCC version (Code Sourcery G++ Lite 2007q3-53), requires C preprocessor

posted by Elijah P 10 Jun 2015

So that is what I thought too.

I tried to install this Code Sourcery thing, but the website wont let me even download it. Some BS about not having a "business" email.

The online compiler just does not work. It gives errors on LOADCF, MYRBIT (which can be solved by replacing it with RBIT) and MULCC1. I can not get the GCC gnu embedded ARM assembler to work either.

posted by Wouter Vrielink 10 Jun 2015
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