9 years, 9 months ago.

Problem with compiling

I'm using Safari and OSX 10.9.4 and the compiler has been working OK until about 7pm today (28/08/2014). Now fails with the following message :

Description Error Number Unable to connect to the build system -255 unable to download. Fix the reported errors....

I've reset both the computer and Safari still the same.

Any thoughts


Question relating to:

mbed Development team

1 Answer

9 years, 9 months ago.

Hello Clive,

Thanks for reporting the issue. There was a problem with the beta mode of the website for approximately 30 minutes which is fixed already. Are you still experiencing problems with compiling?


Accepted Answer

Thanks for the prompt reply. I am using the Beta version. Just tried compiling again 19:45 29/08/2014 and everything is compiling correctly with no error messages. Clive

posted by Clive Wishart 29 Aug 2014