9 years, 9 months ago.

running webserver on mbed

Hi I am using raspberry pi to run a web server, when i put the ip of the raspberry pi on my browser it gives me the php page with textboxes and buttons, ( I made the web page using simple html and php forms). Can any one tell me, that can i do the same thing on mbed as well,

1 Answer

9 years, 9 months ago.

Hi zain, php is going to be the challenge - I do not think php is small enough to run on an mbed. However, there are a few different web servers that have been created for mbed - they support static web pages, naturally, and they support programmatic interfaces, so you could replicate web forms, handlers, and dynamic content generation. If you search for "web server", you'll find that I've spent some time creating one, but keep searching, as there are others that are at least as good if not better.

Accepted Answer

so you are saying that In a separate computer i should make php forms and link them with the mbed using the websockets. which means if i want to turn the led on/off i will login to the webpage(running on my computer) and when i send the command to turn off the led. web page will send the command using the websocket to mbed micro controller.

posted by zain aftab 19 Aug 2014

You could do what you describe, so long as two computers always on is no problem. Or the only Web server could run on the mbed, and you point your browser at the mbed ip.

posted by David Smart 19 Aug 2014