9 years, 9 months ago.

Seeed TFT Touch Shield v2 with ST Nucleo F401RE

Hi, I like to use the Seeed TFT Touch Shield v2 with the ST Nucleo F401RE, and found this example program 'Seeed_TFT_Touch_Shield'. In main.cpp the IO pens are declared as:

  1. define PIN_XP A3
  2. define PIN_XM A1
  3. define PIN_YP A2
  4. define PIN_YM A0
  5. define PIN_MOSI D11
  6. define PIN_MISO D12
  7. define PIN_SCLK D13
  8. define PIN_CS_TFT D10
  9. define PIN_DC_TFT D9
  10. define PIN_BL_TFT D7
  11. define PIN_CS_SD D4 I think that is correct. However, either the shield is broken or the code is broken. The display shows a white screen (backlight on). Is there anybody who got this TFT shield working on the Nucleo F401RE? Regards, Jack.

Question relating to:

Affordable and flexible platform to ease prototyping using a STM32F401RET6 microcontroller.

1 Answer

9 years, 9 months ago.

Hi Jack,

The TFT shield is working just fine with ST Nucleo F401. See the photo I took earlier today:


Can you update the mbed library in your program to the latest revision and recompile? If that doesn't help then the shield might be defective.


Accepted Answer

Hi Mihail, thanks, very nice you customized for my name :-) I did update it, but I figured the problem the other day. I had to close 3 jumpers, J1, J2, J3. The demo runs well except for a minor issue, which I couldn't solve, yet, I think it has to do with the high speed of the F401RE. If I set background different than Black or White, say Blue, not all printed characters do have that background color, some, at random places, have a different background color, see photo. http://www.jjmb.nl/mbed/Mbed001.jpg I tried slower SPI and adding delays in SPI_TFT_ILI9341.cpp, in function void SPI_TFT_ILI9341::character(int x, int y, int c), but that could not solve the issue.

Hi Mihail, I can't add comments to this thread anymore. So here it goes: I removed the TFT shield to check the jumpers, they are fine, after reseating it, the problem disappeared. It now works reliable...

Update, it needs a good USB cable to work reliable. The USB cable quality is very important and differs a lot between the several I have.

posted by Jack Berkhout 27 Jul 2014

Hi, Jack.

I haven't changed any jumpers and haven't modified neither the shield nor the board. It runs well out of the box without the strange issue you mentioned. Do you by chance have other mbed-enabled board in shield form factor?

posted by -deleted- 27 Jul 2014

Hi, Mihail

Could you tell me the steps to do? Please tell me or give advice. Because I had just start using.

posted by may wichuda 28 Oct 2014