11 years, 4 months ago.

Cannot import a program

I get a invalid clone URL:http://mbed.org when trying to import a program from some links on this site. Help!! :) Bo

I clicked on another "import program" link under this post and it opened normally. I gather its a bug in the web interface, with the "import program" tab that doesn't work. I'm OK now

posted by bo barry 07 Jan 2013

Do you know which program or library you were trying to import when you encountered the error?

posted by Stephen Paulger 07 Jan 2013

2 Answers

bo barry
11 years, 4 months ago.

The program is LedShow. If you click on the first "import this program" link you get an error after you enter the filename to save. Further down on his pages the link works fine. I got this error previously. When you import a program and it does not provide a suggested save filename, the error comes. When I find the correct link, it provides the filename and loads/saves fine.

No problem, I'm having a blast! Learning C @72 is tougher than I thought it would be. Should have learned it in the 70's when my buddies were. :) Thanks for the response, Bo Barry

11 years, 4 months ago.

I have identified the problem as an issue in the website. It looks like it affects other programs too, the button is broken on the wiki tab, so while we're in the process of fixing it you can use the button on the main page for a program or library and that should work.

Good luck with learning C, if it's any consolation I don't think it is a simple task whatever your age.