10 years, 7 months ago.

Light Sensors

How can you attach light sensors to LPC1768?

3 Answers

10 years, 7 months ago.


A simple idea would be to put a CDS photocell on one of the Analog-In pins. The CDS cell connected to 3.3V and the Analog-In pin together with a 10k resistor connected to ground and the same Analog-In pin. You may have to play around with the 10k value, depending on the CDS part you use.


10 years, 7 months ago.

That's a wide open question... Much depends on what kind of sensor you want to use and what you want to measure about the light.

Sensor options include: photo transistor or diode, CDS cell, PIN photo diode, any number of TAOS light-to-something sensors.

Do you need to differentiate bright from dark? Or do you need to measure a continuous range of light values? Do you only need relative but finely graded light values or do you need to know absolute values (like for exposing film/sensors for photography)?

What connections with the ARM board do we use to differentiate between light and dark using a CdS photocell? We are looking for HIGH (when bright) and LOW (when dark) inputs only.

posted by Gareeyasee Saha 06 May 2014
10 years ago.

What connections with the ARM board do we use to differentiate between light and dark using a CdS photocell? We are looking for HIGH (when bright) and LOW (when dark) inputs only.